TH Meridian Flashcards
TH Meridian
- 23 points
- Yang
- Forelimb to head
- Lateral
- External/superficial conditions
- TH-3
- TH-5
- TH-10
- TH-14
- TH-17
- TH-21
- TH-23
- TH-1
- TH-5
- TH-14
- TH-15
- TH-16
- TH-23
TH-1 Eq
Eq: On the thoracic limb, lateral to the insertion of the common digital extensor tendon, proximal to the coronary band
fx: Jing-well (metal) pt, sore feet, laminitis, sore or cracked front heels, shoulder pain, colic, sore throat, deafness, rey eyes
CA: On the dorsum of the forelimb between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones, in the depression just proximal to the metacarpophalangeal joint
*Wiggle toes up and down and go as far up until they don’t move
fx: Shu-stream pt (wood), head-shaking, ear problmes, febrile disease, local pain
CA: 3 cun above the carpus, on the craniolateral aspect of the forelimb in the interosseous space between the radius and ulna
Opposite to PC-6 on the medial aspect
Finding TH-5 first is the best way to find PC-6
fx: Luo-connecting point, confluent point to yang-wei, paralysis of forelimbs, headache, febrile disease, red eye, ear problems, neck pain, Wei Qi deficiency
TH-5 Eq
Eq: 3 cun proximal to the radiocarpal joint, caudal to the common digital extensor m. (Lateral)
*Opposite to PC-6
**1/4 way up, right behing radius in the interosteal space
Fx: Shoulder pain and forelimb
TH-10 CA
CA: On the lateral side of the elbow, in a depression just proximal to the olecranon tuber (big depression)
fx: He-sea pt (earth), son, paralysis of thoracic limb, sore throat, deafness, toothache
TH-14 CA
CA: Caudal and distal to the acromion on the caudal margin of the acromion head of the deltoideus m.
*TH trails
Fx: pain in shoulder and thoracic limb
TH-14 Eq
Eq: Caudal margin of the scapulohumeral joint, between the insertion of the infraspinatus and the deltoideus m.
*Point of shoulder, slide back to big hole; 1st depression is TH-14 and the second is SI-9
Fx: Pain in shoulder and thoracic limb
TH-15 Eq
Eq: in the depression on the craniodorsal border of scapula, at the ventral edge of the rhomboideus m.
*Cranial and dorsal to GV-14 (at the scapula/nuchal ligament junction)
*Slide dorsal to scapua and stop in big depression
Fx: Pain in shoulder and front limb, sore foot, cervical stifness, suprascapular nerve, paralysis, suspensory ligament problems
TH-16 Eq
Eq: Dorsal border of the brachiocephalicus m. at the level of C1-2, cranial and dorsal to SI-16
*SI-16 located at C2-3
fx: Cervical stiffness, head-shaking, deafness, pain in TMJ, wobbler, dx point for fetlock
TH-17 CA
CA: Caudoventral to the base of the ear, in the depression between the mandible and the mastoid process of the temporal bone
* Caudal to SI-19
** In front of an-shen
Fx: Ostitis, cervical stiffness, facial paralysis, sweeling in face
TH-21 CA
CA: In a depression just rostral to the supratragic noch of the ear, dorsal to the condyloid process of the mandibule
*Directly dorsal to SI-19
Fx: Ear problem, dental disease
TH-23 CA
CA: in the depression on the rim of the orbit at the end of the eyebrow, if it where to extend to the lateral canthus
Fx: Eye problems, facial paralysis, dental disease, encephalitis, epilepsy
TH-23 Eq
Eq: Dorsal to the lateral canthus of the eye, caudal to the orbit, over the zygomatic process of the frontal bone
*Lateral end of the eye brow, above orbite
Fx: Eye problems, facial paralysis, dental disease, encephalitis, epilepsy