GB Meridian Flashcards
GB Meridian
- 44 points
- Lateral, yang
- From eye to pelvic limbn
- GB-1
- GB-14
- GB-20
- GB-21
- GB-25
- GB-29
- GB-30
- GB-31
- GB-33
- GB-34
- GB-41
- GB-1
- GB-20
- GB-21
- GB-24
- GB-25
- GB-29
- GB-30
- GB-34
- GB-39
- GB-40
- GB-41
- GB-44
CA: 0.2 cun lateral to the lateral canthus in the depression at the rim of the orbit
Fx: Eye problems, anhydrosis, colds, headaches
Eq: 1 cun lateral to the lateral canthus of the eye, over the transverse facial vein
Fx: eye problems, anhidrossi, colds
GB-14 CA
CA: In a depression on the frontal bone, 1 cun dorsal to the extended midpoint of the eye brow (at the end of the visible eye brow)
** Mid-eye at the level of the eye brow
Fx: Keratitis, conjunctivitis, uveitis
GB-20 CA
CA: On the dorsum of the neck, in a depression just caudal and lateral to the occipital protuberance medial to the cranial edge of the wings of the atlas
*Just medial is an-shen
Fx: External wind, internal wind, cervical stiffness, headache, nose-bleeding, nasal discharge/congestion, epilepsy
GB-20 Eq
Eq: Just cranial to the atlas, 2 cun lateral to dorsal midline
*Between the occiput and C1
**Big depression
Fx: External wind, internal wind, cervical stiffness, headache, nose-bleeding, nasal discharge/congestion, epilepsy
GB-21 CA
CA: In the muscle just cranial to the edge of the scapula, midway between CV-14 (dorsal midline C7-T1) and the acromion
Fx: shoulder pain, paralysis of thoracic limb, mastitis, difficult labor
GB-21 Eq
Eq: In a bid depression at the midpoint of the scapula, caudal to the subclavius m.
Fx: shoulder pain, paralysis of thoracic limb, mastitis, difficult labor. Permission point
GB-24 Eq
Eq: 14th intercostal space at the level of the elbow
(caudal to LIV14)
fx: Alarm pt for GB, hepatic disorders, liver Qi stagnation
GB-25 CA
CA: On the lateral side of the abdomen, on the lower border of the free end og the 13th rib
* Floating rib
Fx: Front mu (alarm) point for KID, Infertility, ovary disorder, lumbar pain, colic, impaction, KID deficiency
GB-25 Eq
Eq:In a depression halfway between the caudal border of the costrochondral junction of the 18th rib and the lumbar m.
*Midpoint in the paralumbar fossa (between last rib and tuber coxae)
Fx: Front mu (alarm) point for KID, Infertility, ovary disorder, lumbar pain, colic, impaction, KID deficiency
GB-29 CA
CA: In a depression just cranial to the greater trochanter (bowling ball pt)
Fx: Gluteal muscle soreness, pelvic limb paralysis, arthritis of the coxofemoral joint, paralysis of the pelvic limb
GB-29 Eq
Eq: In a depression midway between the tuber coxae and the greater trochanter of the femur
Fx: poor performance, gluteal muscle soreness, hindlimb pain, coxofemoral joint arthritis, hindlimb paralysis
GB-30 CA
CA: In a depression midway between the greater trochanter and the tuber ischii (bowling ball pt)
Fx: Gluteal muscle soreness, pelvic limb pain, arthritis of the coxofemoral joint, paralysis of the pelvic limb
GB-30 Eq
Eq: in a depression, on the caudoventral border of the greater trochanter
* windshield off the greater trochanter
fx: IDem at GB-29
GB-31 CA
CA: in the groove between the femur and the biceps femoris, 7 cun proximal to the lateral femoral condyle
*Behind the femur
Fx: Skin itching, paralysis of the pelvic limb, reat foot problems
GB-33 CA
CA: Between the insertion of the biceps femoris tendon and the femur, in a depression proximal to the lateral condyle of the femur
*Start at the lateral condyle of the femur and go proximal
Fx: Stiffle pain
GB-34 CA
CA: In the depression, just cranial and distal to the head of the fibula, on the lateral side of the pelvic limb
Fx: He-sea pt (earth), influential point for ligament and tendons, vomiting, bilary disorders, pelvic limb weakness, weakness of ligaments/tendons
GB-34 Eq
Eq: Craniodistal to the head of the fibutla, in the interosseous space between tibia and fibula, between the long and lateral digital extensor
Fx: He-sea pt (earth), influential point foe tendon/ligament, weakness of tendon/ligament, rear weakness
GB-39 Eq
Eq; 3 cun proximal to the tip of the lateral malleolus, on the caudal aspect of the tibia, between the lateral digital extensor m. and the DDF m.
*small depression
fx: Influential point for marrow, cervical stiffness/paresis or paralysis, anus problems, chest pain, sore throat
GB-40 Eq
Eq: Cranial to Bl-62. At the distal border of the lateral malleolus of the tibia
fx: Yuan primary point, pain in hock, chest pain
GB-41 Eq
Eq: Distal and lateral to the base of the lateral splint bone, between the splint and canon bone
*In front of splint bone
Fx: Shu-steam point (wood), confluent point with dai channel, pain in metatarsal region, flexor tendinitis, urinary incontinence, abdominal cycling, eye problems, mastitis
GB-44 Eq
Eq: Dorsolateral aspect of the coronary band of the pelvic limb
*oppostie GB-44
fx: Jing-well pt (metal), hock pain, hip problems, coxo problems, abnormal cycling, lamintis