BL Meridian Flashcards
BL Meridian
- 67 points
- Runs from the head to caudolateral hindlimb digit
- Yang (hollow)
- BL channel splint into 2 at BL-10 and joins back up at BL-40
To know the number on the outter line you add 29 to the inner line number
Reminders: Dogs have 13 ribs, anticlinal vertebrae is T10-11
BL Meridian CA
- BL-1
- BL-2
- BL-10
- BL-11
- BL-12
- BL-13
- BL-14
- BL-15
- BL-16
- BL-17
- BL-18
- BL-19
- BL-20
- BL-21
- BL-22
- BL-23
- BL-24
- BL-26
- BL-39
- BL-40
- BL-54
- BL-60
- BL-62
- BL-67
BL Meridian EQ
- BL-1
- BL-2
- BL-10
- BL-11
- BL-12
- BL-13
- BL-14
- BL-15
- BL-16
- BL-17
- BL-18
- BL-19
- BL-20
- BL-21
- BL-22
- BL-23
- BL-24
- BL-25
- BL-26
- BL-27
- BL-28
- BL-35
- BL-36
- BL-37
- BL-38
- BL-39
- BL-40
- BL-53
- BL-54
- BL-60
- BL-62
- BL-67
- CA: 0.1 cun dorsal to the medial canthus of the eye
- FX: crossing point amound BL, SI, Yin-qiao and ST-Channels, eye problems, neadache
BL-1 Eq
- Eq: Identation at the medical cathus of the eye
- FX: eye problems, conjunctivitis and uveitis
CA: In the supra-orbital ridge ventral to the medial end of eyebrow
Fx: Headache, eye problems, facial paralysis
BL-2 Eq
Eq: In the depression between the dorsal orbital rim and the temporal line of the frontal bone
*Coast form the frontal bone to the orbit, medial to the supra-orbital block
Fx: Headache, eye problems, facial paralysis
BL-10 CA
CA: 1.5 cun from dorsal midline of the neck at the level of the junction of C1-2 (on a line from the caudal edge of the wings of the atlas)
*Start at the caudal edge of the atlas and move cranially to find the point
Fx: Head ache, wind-cold, nasal congestion/discharge, febrile disease, cervical stiffness, epilepsy, shoulder pain
BL-10 Eq
Eq: In the depression just caudal* to the wings of the atlas, 1.5 cun from the dorsal midline
Fx: Wind-cold, nasal congestion and discharge, cervical stiffness, permission pt, confluent point for BL/KID, clear stagnation in BL channel
BL-11 CA
CA: 1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the dorsal spinous process of the 1st thoracic vertebrae
This point may be punctured by a needle inserted midway between the spinous process and the medial border of the scapula directing the needle laterally
** C7-T1 is the last mouvement space when you move the head up and down = GV-14
Fx: Influential point for bone, cough, fever, cervical stifness, shoulder pain, degenerative joint disease, intervertebral disk disease, back pain
BL-11 Eq
Eq: Cranial to the withers (at the 2nd thoracic vertebral space), 1.5 cun lateral to dorsal midline
Fx: Influencial pt for bone, cough, fever, cervical stiffness, forelimb lameness
BL-12 CA
CA: 1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the dorsal spinous process of the 2nd thoracic vertebrae
Fx: Influential point for wind* and trachea, Wind-Cold, Wind-heat, cough, fever, headache, cervical stifness, pain in thoracic region
BL-12 Eq
Eq: At the 4th thoracic intervertebral space, 1 cun lateral to dorsal midline
*Right behind T4
**BL41 is 5 cun lateral to BL-12
Fx: Influential pt for wind-trachea, wind-heat, skin itching, cervical stiffness, cough
BL-13 CA
CA: 1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the dorsal spinous process of the 3nd thoracic vertebrae
Fx: Back-shu point LU, cough, asthma, lower tidal fever, yin deficiency, nasal congestion
BL-13 Eq
Eq: In the 8th intercostal space, 3 cun lateral tot he dorsal midline in the groove between the longissimus and the iliocostalis m.
*BL-42 is 3 cun lateral to BL-13
Windshield wipper down from the scapula
Fx: Back-shu LU, coush, asthma, tidal fever, sweat, nasal congestion
BL-14 CA
CA: 1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the dorsal spinous process of the 4th thoracic vertebrae
Fx: Back shu pour PC, cough, chest pain, vomiting, anxiety
BL-14 Eq
Eq: At the 9th intercostal space, 3 cun lateral to dorsal midline, int he groove between the longissimus anf the iliocostalis m.
*BL-43 is 3 cun lateral to BL-14
Fx: Back-shu PC’ cough, chest pain, shen disturbance
BL-15 CA
CA: 1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the dorsal spinous process of the 5th thoracic vertebrae
Fx: Back shu point for HT, anxiety, shen disturbance, insomnia, epilepsy, poor memory, chest pain, congestive heart failure
BL-15 Eq
Eq: Eq: At the 10th intercostal space, 3 cun lateral to dorsal midline, int he groove between the longissimus anf the iliocostalis m.
*BL-44 is 3 cun lateral to BL-15
Fx: Back-shu for HT, chest pain, palpitation, insomnia, heart failure, sweat, seizure
BL-16 CA
CA: 1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the dorsal spinous process of the 6th thoracic vertebrae
Fx: Back shu point for GV, intervertebral disk disease, chest pain, cough, dyspnea, abdominal pain
BL-16 Eq
Eq: Eq: At the 11th intercostal space, 3 cun lateral to dorsal midline, int he groove between the longissimus anf the iliocostalis m.
*BL-45 is 3 cun lateral to BL-16
Fx: Back-shu association for GV, chest pain, colique, fever, shao-yang pattern, heaves
BL-17 CA
CA: 1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the dorsal spinous process of the 7th thoracic vertebrae
Fx: Back shu point for diaphragm, influential point for blood, blood deficiency, yin deficiency, vomiting, regurgitation, cough, dyspnea
**When blood moves, wind commits suicide
BL-17 Eq
Eq: Eq: At the 12th intercostal space, 3 cun lateral to dorsal midline, int he groove between the longissimus anf the iliocostalis m.
*BL-46 is 3 cun lateral to BL-17
Fx: Influencial point for bone, back shu for diaphragm, vomiting, nausea, heaves, cough, tidal fever, sweat
BL-18 CA
CA: 1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the dorsal spinous process of the 10th thoracic vertebrae
**Skip 2 spaces from BL-17
Fx: Back-shu for LIV’ jaundice, hepatic diseases, eye problems, hypertension, back pain, epilepsy, irritability
BL-18 Eq
Eq: Eq: At the 13th and 14th intercostal space, 3 cun lateral to dorsal midline, int he groove between the longissimus anf the iliocostalis m.
*BL-47 is 3 cun lateral to BL-18
Fx: Back shu for LIV, jaundice, eye problems, seizure, back pain
BL-19 CA
CA: 1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the dorsal spinous process of the 11th thoracic vertebrae
Fx: Back-shu for GB, jaundice, hepatic disease, lower tidal fever, liver Qi stagnation
BL-19 Eq
Eq: Eq: At the 15th intercostal space, 3 cun lateral to dorsal midline, int he groove between the longissimus anf the iliocostalis m.
*BL-48 is 3 cun lateral to BL-19
Fx: Back-shu association for GB, jaundice, liver yang rising, tidal fever
BL-20 CA
CA: 1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the dorsal spinous process of the 12th thoracic vertebrae
Fx: Back-shu for SP, SP deficiency, damp, abdominal fullness, vomiting, watery or bloody diarrhea, edema, jaundice, back pain
BL-20 Eq
Eq: Eq: At the 17th intercostal space, 3 cun lateral to dorsal midline, int he groove between the longissimus anf the iliocostalis m.
*Skip 1 from BL-19 because Chi-high-su is at the 16th intercostal space
*BL-49 is 3 cun lateral to BL-20
fx: Backs hu for SP, vomiting, diarrhea, edema
BL-21 CA
CA: 1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the dorsal spinous process of the 13th thoracic vertebrae
* Follow the curb of the last rib all the way up to get to T13
Fx: Back-shu for ST, abdominal pain, constipation, vomiting, gastric ulcers, diarrhea, abdominal fullness
BL-21 Eq
Eq: Caudal to the last rib, 3 cun lateral to dorsal midline, int he groove between the longissimus anf the iliocostalis m.
*BL-50 is 3 cun lateral to BL-21
Fx: Back shu association point ST, promote GI motility and relieve colic pain. diarrhea. colic, constipation, vomiting
BL-22 CA
CA: 1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the 1st lumbar vertebrae
FX: Back shu TH
BL-22 Eq
Eq: 1st lumbar intervertebral space (L1-2), 3 cun from dorsal midline
*BL-51 is 3 cun lateral to BL-22
fx: Back shu association for TH, vomiting, diarrhea, edema, back pain, abdominal pain
BL-23 CA
CA: 1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the dorsal spinous process of the 2nd lombar vertebrae
*L2-3 is straight up from caudal last rib
Fx: Back-shu for KID, KId yin/qi deficience, urinary incontinence, impotence, deafness, sore and weak back
BL-23 Eq
EQ: 2nd lumbar intervertebral space L2-3, 3 cun from the dorsal midline
*BL-52 cun lateral to BL-23
**Last rib straight up you get to L2-L3
Fx: Back shu for KID, urinary incontinence, lack of libido, edema, ear problems, back pain
BL-24 CA
CA: 1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the dorsal spinous process of the 4th lumbar vertebrae
*Skip one dorsal process from BL-23
Fx: Sea of Qi***, Qi deficiency, back pain, abdominal pain, uterine disease
BL-24 Eq
EQ: 4th lumbar intervertebral space L4-5, 3 cun from the dorsal midline
*Skip one space from BL-23
Fx: Sea of Qi**, back bain, abdominal fullness, perianal problems
BL-25 Eq
Eq: 5th lumbar intervertebral space (L4-5 cranial edge-wing of ilium), 3 cun from the dorsal midline
*BL-52 cun lateral to BL-23
Back shu association LI, diarrhea, constipation, back pain, abdominal pain
BL-26 CA
CA: 1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the dorsal spinous process of the 6th lumbar vertebrae (L6-7)
*Skip one dorsal process from BL-24
Fx: Gates of original/source Qi, KId yang/qi deficiency, urinary incontinence* or dribbling, impotence, back pain, diarrhea
BL-26 Eq
Eq: Lumbosacral space (L6-S1), 3 cun lateral to dorsal midline
*Lateral to bai-hui
Fx: Gates of yuan-source Qi, Lack of libido, urinary incontinence, diarrhea, abdominal pain
BL-27 Eq
Eq: 1st sacral intervertevral space (S1-2), 3 cun lateral to the dorsal midline
fx: Back shu association for SI. colic, diarrhea, urinary incontinence, urinary hemorrhage, back pain
BL-28 Eq
Eq: 2nd intervertebral space (S2-3), 3 cun lateral to dorsal midline
fx: Back shu association for BL, Urinary incontinence or difficulty, diarrhea, constipation, back pain
BL-35 Eq
Eq: in the muscle between the biceps femoris and the semi-tendinosis m. at the level of the root of the tail
*45 degree angle above the base of the tail
Fx: diagnosis point for hock, diarrhea, bloody diarrhea, perianal problems
BL-36 Eq
Eq: in the groove between the biceps femoris and the semitendinosis at the level of the center of the anus
Fx: Lubar-sacral pain, perianal problems
BL-37 Eq
Eq: In the groove between the biceps femoris and the semitendinosis m., at the level of the tuber ischium
Fx: Arthritis of hip, stifle and hock. Lameness of the hip, stiffle and hock, muscle atrophy, pelvic limb paralysis
BL-38 Eq
Eq: In the groove between the biceps femoris and the semitendinosis m., just distal to the central aspect of the tuber ischium (2 1/3 cun distal to BL-37)
*Big depression when you run down from BL-37
Fx: Arthritis of hip, stifle and hock. Lameness of the hip, stifle and hock, muscle atrophy, pelvic limb paralysis
BL-39 CA
CA: On the latereal end of the popliteal crase, medial to biceps tendon. Just lateral to BL-40
Fx: Lower He-Sea for TH, urinary dribbling, muscle spams of rear end
BL-39 Eq
Eq: At the ventral extent of the groove between the biceps femoris and the semitendinosis m. at the level of the distal aspect of the femorotibial joint
*As far down in the groove as possible, there are 2 BL-39
Fx: Lower He-Sea point for TH, diagnostic point for hock, edema, dysuria, hock pain
BL-40 CA
CA: In the center of the popliteal crease.
Direct the needle cranial towards patella
*1 muscle belly inside id KID-10
**1 muscle belly lateral is BL-39
Fx: He-sea point, Masterpoint caudal back/hip. dysuria, urinary incontinence, hip joint, back problems, autoimmune disease, vomiting and diarrhea
BL-40 Eq
Eq: In the popliteal fossa, between the medial and lateral head of the gastrocnemius m.
Fx: Master point caudal back and hips, He-sea point (earth), Dysuria, urinary incontinence, hip joint, back pain
BL-53 Eq
Eq: Caudal to the tuber coxa, in the depression 1/3 of the way along the line from the tuber coxae to the tail base, in the belly of the gluteus superficial m.
**1/2 hay between BL-54 and tuber coxae
Fx: Hip performance diagnosis and treatment point
BL-54 CA
CA: In the depression just dorsal to the greater trochanter of the femur
One of the tree bowling ball points of the hip. Cranial GB-29, dorsal BL-54, caudal GB-30
Fx: Master point for pelvic limbs, paralysis of pelvic limbs, hip problems, perianal problems, lumbar problems
BL-54 Eq
Eq: Midway on a line connecting the tuber coxae and the tail base, at the junction of the gluteus superficial and gluteus medius m.
* Make an X between greater trochanter and bai-hui and base of tail and tuber coxae
Fx: Master hip, hip pain, arthritis, hindlimb lameness and muscle atrophy
BL-60 CA
CA: In the thin flesh tissue between the lateral malleolus and the calcaneous, level with the tip of the malleolus
*Opposite but slightly proximal to KID-3
**Can go through to get both points
Fx: Jing-river point, nose-bleeding, difficult labor, back pain, headache, cervical stiffness, hypertension, epilepsy
BL-60 Eq
Eq: Between the lateral malleolus of the tibia and the calcaneal tuber.
* Outside hock grasping point (in front of the synovial liquide)
**Opposite KID-3
Fx: Jing river, aspirin point**, cervical stifness, nose bleeding, promotion of parturition. Contra-indicated durant pregancy
BL-62 CA
CA: With the hock flexed, the point is located in the depression directly plantodistal to the lateral malleolus
*Opposite KID-6
Fx: Confluent point to yang-qioa, ataxia, wobbler, back pain, pelvic limb disease
BL-62 Eq
Eq: In the depression plantarodistal to the lateral malleolus
* From BL-60 slid down the lateral malleolus into BL-62
**Opposite KID-6
***GB-20 is at the same level
Fx: Confluent point with yang-qiao, ataxia, EPM, wobbler, insomnia
BL-67 CA
CA: On the lateral aspect of the nail bed of the 5th digit of the rear foot
Fx: jing well pt (metal), mother point, nasal congestion/discharge, headache, difficult labout
BL-67 Eq
Eq: Plantarolateral aspect of the pelvic limb, proximal to the coronary band
* In front of lateral cartilage
Fx: jing well pt (metal), mother pt, nasal congestion/discharge, nose bleeding, eye problem, promotion of parturition, laminitis. Contra-indicated in pregnancy