SP Meridian Flashcards
SP Meridian
- 21 points
- Yin
- Runs medially from the plantar hind limb to the chest
SP Meridian CA
SP CA: 5 points
- SP-3
- SP-4
- SP-6
- SP-9
- SP-10
SP Eq: 12 points
- SP-1
- SP-2
- SP-3
- SP-4
- SP-6
- SP-8
- SP-9
- SP-10
- SP-12
- SP-13
- SP-20
- SP-21
SP-1 Eq
Eq: Plantaro-medial aspect of the pelvic limb at the medial collateral ligament of the dital interphalangeal joint, 0.5 cun proximal to the coronary band
*Equivalent to LU-11 on hindlimb
Fx: Jing-well point (wood), laminitis, bloody urination, bloody defecation, abdominal pain or fullness
SP-2 Eq
Eq: Distal to the medial sesamoïd bone, caudal to the interosseous m.
*Behind the branche of the suspensory
Fx: Ying spring point (fire-mother), diarrhea constipation, fever
CA: On the medial side of the pelvic limb, just proximal to the metatarsaphalangeal joint on the plantomedial side of the 2nd metatarsal bone
Fx: Shu-stream point (earth), yuan (source) point, Horary point abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, obesity, stifle and thigh pain
SP-3 Eq
Eq: On the dorsal-medial aspect of the pelvic limb, just distal to the distal end of the medial splint bone, caudal to the suspensory ligament
* Find the medial splint bone, move back between the suspensory and the DDFT at the level of the terminal button
Fx: Shu-stream point (earth), yuan primary point, colic, diarrhea, constipation, obesiry, joint pain, perianal conditions, laminitis
CA: On the plantomedial side of the pelvic limb in the depression distal to the base (proximal end) of the 2nd metatarsal bone
* More plantar than we think
** Move up the metatarsal bone and stop at the bony bump
Fx: Luo-connecting point to stomach, confluent point to chong channel, watery diarrhea, vomiting
SP-4 Eq
Eq: In the depression on the pelvic limb, plantarodistal to the base of medial splint bone, dorsal to the flexor or digitorum profundus tendon, plantar to LIV-3
* At the level of LIV-3 but more caudal between the SDFT and the DDFT
Fx: Luo-connecting point for ST meridian, confluent point with cong extraordinary channel, gastric pain, colic, diarrhea, vomiting.
Stimulation at SP-4 decreases GI motility and inhibits gastric secretion
SP-6 = 3-yin-crossing**
CA: 3 cun proximal to the tip of the medial malleolus in the depression on the caudal border of tibia
Fx: Master point for caudal abdomen and urogenital system, Yin/bllod deficiency, damp, watery diarrhea, uterine problems
SP-6 Eq
Eq: 3 cun proximal to the medial malleolus, caudal to the tibia
*In the middle of the muscle belly
**Opposite de GB-39
Fx: Master point for caudal abdomen and urogenital tract*, tonify Qi and blood, do not use during pregnancy. Diarrhea, genital discharge, promotion of parturition, infertility, paralysis of hindlimb, lack of libido, abdominal cycling, hernia, urinary incontinence, insomnia
SP-8 Eq
Eq: On the caudal border of the tibia, 3 cun distal to SP-9, cranial to the flexor digitorum longus
*SP-9 on the panty line, cranial to saphenus v.
Fx: Xi-cleft point (acute andominal pain, diarrhea), colic, diarrhea, edema, abnormal cycling, difficulty in urination
CA: On the lower border of the medial condyle of tibia, in the depression between the caudal border of the tibia and the gastrocnemius m.
This point is found by following the back of the tibia proximally until it bends caudally just below the medial tibial condyle
**Palpate the bone and stop where the medial tibial grove strops curving cranially
** Sometimes there is a vertical band that must be jumped
Fx: He-sea pt (water), yin deficiency, damp, watery diarrhea, skin itching, wei syndrome
SP-9 Eq
Eq: In the depression at the level of the tibial tuberosity, 0.5 cun cranial to the saphenous vein, on the ventral border of the gracillis muscle
*On the panty line. Cranial to the saphenus veine
Fx: He-Sea point (water), edema, diarrhea, jaundice, urinary difficulty or incontinence, stiffle pain or arthritis
SP-10 CA
CA: When the stifle is flexed, the point 2 cun proximal and medial to the patella (on a diagonal from the patella) in a depression just cranial to the second belly of the sartorius m.
This point is approximately 1 patellar length proximal to the top of the patella and then 1 patellar length caudal
Fx: Blood deficiency, blood heat, blood stagnation, skin itching, pelvic limb paresis or paralysis, sea of blood**
SP-10 Eq
Eq: 2 cun proximal to the proximo-medial border of the patella, in the belly of the vas medialis m.
Flexing the stifle helps in locating the point
*Medial grasping point of patella at 45 degree angle proximal
**Often aqua
Fx: Sea of blood**, cools blood, nourishes blood and invigorates blood. Bloos heat toxin, fever, exzema, abnormal cycling
SP-12 Eq
Eq: In a de pression ventral to the curve of the cranial aspect of the tuber coxae, ventral to the tendon of the obliquus internus abdominus m.
* Follow intherna oblique, where it attached to the tuber coxae. Dorsal is SP-13
Fx: Stiffle performance, colic, hernia
SP-13 Eq
Eq: 0.5 cun cranio-ventral to the craniodorsal aspect of the tuber coxae, dorsal to the tendon of the obliquus abdominal m.
Fx: Hock and stiffle performance point, colic, hernia
SP-20 Eq
Eq: At the 4th intercostal space at the level of the elbow
*1 space in front of PC-1
Fx: Cough, dyspnea
SP-21 Eq
Eq: At the 10th intercostal space at the same level as the point of the shoulder*
*total of 18 ribs in horse
**Moxa or aqua
Fx: SP major luo, heaves*, pain in entire body, wei syndrome