GV Meridian Flashcards
GV Meridian
- 28 points
- yang
- Anus - dorslal midline - lip
- GV-1
- GV-3
- GV-4
- GV-14
- GV-17
- GV-20
- GV-21
- GV-26
- GV-1
- GV-3
- GV-4
- GV-14
- GV-24
- GV-26
- GV-28
CA: In the depression on the dorsal midline halfway between the anus and base of tail
FX: Luo-connecting poin for CV, diarrhea, constipation, perianal problems epilepsy
GV-1 Eq
EQ: On the midline, in the depression between the anus and the ventral aspect of the tail
Fx: FX: Luo-connecting poin for CV, diarrhea, constipation, perianal problems epilepsy
CA: 3 possible location. On the dorsal midline, in the largest depression between the dorsal spinal processes of L4-5, L5-6 or L6-7
* Start at bui-hui and move up towards head, next big depression
Fx: Yang deficiency, impotence, infertility, paralysis of pelvic limbs
GV-3 Eq
Eq: In a depression on the dorsal midline, between the dorsal process of L4-5
*Start at L6-S1 (bai-hui) and forward 2 spaces
Fx: Coldness and pain in the back, lack of libido, hindlimb paralysis, kid yang/Qi defieincy
CA: on the midline between the dorsal spinous processes of L2-3
***Strait up from last rib
fx: Importence, infertility, diarrhea, abnormal estrous cycle, back pain, yang deficiency
GV-4 Eq
Eq: In the depression on the dorsal midline between L2-3
*Last rib straight up (2 spaces cranial from GV-3)
Fx: Yang defiency, lack of libido, abnormal cycling, diarrhea, back pain
CA: in the depression on the dorsal midline between C7-T1
*Where the processes stop moving when we move the head
Fx: High fever, cough, asthma, false heat, cervical stifness, hives, epilepsy
GV-14 Eq
Eq: In the depression on the dorsal midline at the level of C7-T1 (change of angle in the main)
fx: Fever, cough, heaves, sweat, cervical stiffness, skin rashes, seizures
GV-17 CA
CA: In the depression on the dorsal midline at the level of the caudal rim of base of ear
*Just cranial to the occipital protruberance
fx: Cervical stiffness, epilepsy, aphonia
GV-20 CA
CA: in the depression on the dorsal midline, on a line drawn from the tip of the ears level with center of ear canal
*Cranial to the occipital protuberance
fx: Calming, permission pt, shen disturbance, headache, epilepsy, prolase of anus
GV-21 CA
CA: in the depression on the dorsal midline at the level of the cranial rim of base of ear
*Just rostral to GV-20
= Da-fen-men
Fx: Heachache, hypertension, nasal discharge/congestion, epilepsy
GV-24 Eq
- EQ: on the dorsal midline at the rostral end of forelock
fx: Nasal congestion, seizure
GV-26 CA
CA: in the philtrum (the vertical line on the upper lip and between the nostrils) at the level of the ventral limit od the nostrils in the non haires skin
fx: Coma, facial paralysis, mania, back pain, IVDD’ recessitation
GV-26 Eq
Eq: On the dorsal midline, between the ventral limits of the nostrils
fx: Facial paralysis, coma, back pain
GV-28 Eq
Eq: On the midline of the inner sufrace od the lip, on the maxillary labial vein.
*Where the gingival meets the gums
fx: Facial paralysis, tetanus, behavior problems