Textbook System - Digestive System Flashcards
Which of the following are part of the digestive system, but are not part of the alimentary canal?
- A) duodenum, jejunum, ileum
- B) stomach, esophagus, pharynx
- C) liver, pancreas, gallbladder
- D) mouth, pharynx, rectum
C) liver, pancreas, gallbladder
connective tissue of the mucosa is called the
lamina propria
The myenteric plexus is located in which layer of the alimentary canal?
The nerve plexus that controls secretions by the GI tract is located in the
Which peritoneal modification supports the large intestine?
The space between the parietal and visceral peritoneum is the __ cavity.
Which two regions of the large intestine are retroperitoneal?
ascending colon and descending colon
digestion begins in the
Taste buds are found in elevations on the dorsal surface of the tongue called
Mumps is a viral infection, inflammation, and enlargement of the
parotid salivary glands
The duct of the parotid gland enters the mouth cavity near the
second maxillary molar
Secretion of saliva stops
when the body is dehydrated
The deciduous molars are replaced in the adult by the
premolars (bicuspids)
The branch of dentistry that is concerned with the prevention and correction of abnormally aligned teeth is
What is the function of the epiglottis?
To close off the nasopharynx during swallowing
Which part of the tooth is harder than bone?
The esophageal hiatus is in the
The wavelike, rhythmic contractions that move food through the digestive tract are called
During the act of deglutition
food moves from the mouth to the stomach
The passage of a bolus of solid food from the mouth to the stomach takes about
4-8 seconds
The pyloric sphincter is found between the
stomach and duodenum
Gastric glands increase their secretory activity in response to a hormone released from the
The intrinsic factor is produced by ___ cells of the gastric glands
What are rugae?
folds of the mucosa of the stomach
The inner lining of the stomach is made up of
simple columnar epithelium
Hydrochloric acid is produced in the stomach by the
parietal cells
What is the function of the parietal gland?
secrete HCl and intrinsic factor
The ducts of the pancreas and liver connect to the digestive tract at the
Trypsin and chymotrypsin are enzymes of the pancreatic juice that act on
The only substance in bile that aids in digestion is
bile salts
The cystic duct is attached to the
Which digestive gland produces bile?
Which of the following is NOT a function of hepatocytes?
- A) secretion of digestive enzymes
- B) secretion of bile
- C) detoxifying alcohol
- D) synthesizing cholesterol
D) synthesizing cholesterol
Gallstones are formed from the fusion of crystallized
The physical and chemical breakdown of food is completed primarily in the
small intestine
What are the names of the three sections of the small intestine?
duodenum, jejunum, ileum
The final products of protein digestion are
amino acids
Absorption of nutrients occurs primarily in the
small intestine
The crypts of Lieberkuhn (intestinal glands) are found in the
small intestine
Salivary amylase digestive activity
continues in the stomach until the stomach acids deactivate it
pepsin action ceases in the duodenum because of the presence of
bicarbonate ions from the pancreas
The finger-like projections of the small intestine that give the mucosa a velvety appearance and greatly increase the surface area are called
Most carbohydrate digestion takes place in the
small intestine
There are no lipase enzymes secreted by the gland cells of the
small intestine
All lipids are absorbed through the brush border of the small intestine by the process of:
simple diffusion
Although over 9 liters of water enter the small intestine, the amount lost in the feces is only about:
0.1 liter
Tubular glands formed by simple columnar epithelium and goblet cells that extend the full thickness of the mucosa are found in the
large intestine
The pancreas is stimulated to release its secretions by
Which hormone stimulates secretion of pancreatic juice that is rich in digestive enzymes and contraction of the wall of the gallbladder to release bile?
The thought or smell of food initiates the __ phase of stomach secretion and motility
During the intestinal phase of gastric digestion
gastric secretions and motility decrease
Secretion of gastrin and stimulation of the vagus nerve cause
increased stomach motility, contraction of the esophageal sphincter, and relaxation of the pyloric sphincter
The hormone that causes secretion of pancreatic juice rich in bicarbonate ions is
In the embryo, the inner lining of most of the digestive tract is formed form
Dentists recommend that plaque be removed from the teeth at least every
24 hours
The second leading cause of CA deaths in males, after deaths from lung CA, is
colorectal CA