Test: Romans 10-16/ Authority Lesson/ Daniel, esther, and joseph Flashcards
Why does Paul state in Romans 13:11 that “now is the time to wake up from your slumber “?
Once you accept truth, there is no reason to remain in darkness
What is the “continuing debt” that we owe one another?
To love
Why is the conclusion in Romans 13:11 that “our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed” an absolute truth?
Because each day, is one day closer to the time we die and go to heaven
Why are orgies, drunkenness, sexual immorality, debauchery, dissension, and jealousy examples of choosing the “deeds of darkness” over the armor of light?
These are deeds we try to keep hidden
Why does Paul advise in Romans 14 not to pass judgement on one another in disputable matters?
Because we are NOT called to argue with others over little details, rather we are to try to love
Why does Paul add to that advice by stating “therefore let us stop passing judgement on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother’s way”?
Because we are to focus on what lifts people up, rather than what may trip them up.
Why does Paul repeat the warning against passing judgement!
Because when you pass judgement, there’s an underlying assumption that you’re better than or higher than another (which is a lie).
When Paul states that “ the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking” what does he mean?
The kingdom of God is about loving people, not judging the worthiness of their behaviors
Paul concludes by stating that the kingdom of God is of ____________, _______, and ______ in the Holy Spirit
When we have a mindset of bringing people to an understanding of the kingdom of God, we are called to make every effort to do what leads to what two goals?
Peace and Mutual edification
Paul states in Romans 14:23 that “the man who has doubts is condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith”:
- What I he doubting?
- What is he eating?
- His faith in God and his call, to love God and love others
- The self-centered philosophy of the world
What action does Romans 15 describe as making us weak?
Pleasing ourselves
What action does Romans 15 describe as making us strong?
Serving others
In Romans 15, what two actions are the strong in faith called to do in regards to those who are weak?
Bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves.
When we don’t listen to that advice in regards to our own weakness, what emotional state are we in danger of falling into?
Manic depression
In Romans 15:4 it states “for everything that was written in the past was written to” do what?
To teach us
Romans 15 teaches that the purpose of the church is what?
Being unity
What two manners are we to accomplish the goal of the purpose of the church?
Endurance and encouragement
In Romans 15:7 we are advised to “ accept one another, just as Christ accepted you” - how did Christ accept us?
As sinners
Romans 15:13 is Paul’s prayer for the God of hope to bring us all ____ and ______.
What is the “priestly duty” that is described in Romans 15:16?
Proclaiming the gospel of God
In Romans 15:18 Paul testifies that he wink not venture to speak of anything except what?
That which is a testimony to what Christ has taught him and done through him
In Romans 16 Paul urges us to watch out for people who promote acting contrary to that teaching you have learned- what two manners do people promote this?
Cause divisions and put obstacles in your way
What two facts regarding a critic’s criticism make it seem like their criticism is valid?
There’s clearly a problem at hand and their suggestion seem like a solution but have the safety of not being tested
What two methods do people use when deceiving the minds of the naive?
- Smooth talk
2. Flattery
When Jesus entered into Jerusalem before driving out the buyers and sellers at the Temple, why were the people spreading their cloaks and freshly cut branches on the road?
It was a testimony that the people believed that Jesus was the Messiah
When Jesus overturned the tables and cleared the Temple of the money-changers, buyers and sellers, why didn’t the money-changers, buyers, and sellers challenge Him or try to stop Him?
True authority doesn’t need to declare itself. The buyers and sellers knew they were wrong.
After Jesus cleared the Temple, why were the chief priests indignant over the children shouting in the Temple area “Hosanna to the Son of David”?
Because even little children were declaring Jesus’ authority over theirs
What decision did the chief priests make in order to deal with the amount of people following Jesus?
Decided to kill Jesus
What other decision did the chief priests make that further showed the depths they would go to in order to have the people stop following Jesus?
Decided to kill Lazarus
What was the name of the king of Babylon who made Daniel the third highest ruler in the land?
What decree did the administrators and satraps make to the king to lessen Daniel’s power?
Worship only the king for the next 30 days or be thrown into the lion’s den