Life Calling: Chapter 9 Flashcards
important or useful knowledge or facts obtained insome manner as input from some source
the act of or need for making up one’s mind
feel more comfortable with, select, give priority to, orhold above other choices or things in estimation
a continuous, systematic series of actions taking place in adefinite manner directed to some end
higher nature in human beings that enables them to reasoncritically and make moral judgments
as the capacity in our lives that enables us to exercise our will in deciding on courses of action
Psychological Strengths Domain
are behavioral scientists who study this dimension of the Strengths Matrix trying to figure out how the dimension works.
_____ ______, outlined a simplified theory.
He proposed that this psychological process, as we have narrowly defined it, functions primarily with two activities:
Carl Jung
- we take in information
- we evaluate the information and come to conclusions
The first of the two scales measures our preferences in how we take in information in the process of deciding on courses of action;intake of information
a perceiving preference that relies primarily on the process of observing facts or events through one or more of the five senses.
a perceiving preference that relies primarily on the less obvious process of observing meanings, relationships, and possibilities in an instinctive manner that operates beyond the normal mechanics of the conscious mind.