Test for Module 8 Flashcards
According to Darwin’s theory of natural selection, certain individuals will leave more offspring on average than do other individuals. What is their survival due to?
possession of inherited adaptations that are well-suited to the environment
the theory that natural selection can, over time, take an organism and transform it into a more specialized species of that organism
the study of similar structures in different species
structural homology
The species of finches that Charles Darwin found on the Galapagos Islands displayed different structural adaptations. What was one of the adaptations that Darwin noted?
birds’ different-shaped beaks
How does the immutability of species relate to evolution?
Microevolution shows that a species can change in as little as one generation due to selective breeding or other causes of change to its existing genetic code
Why is the Cambrian explosion a problem for evolution?
there is not nearly enough time in the Cambrian era to produce so much evolution, and there are no transitional forms linking on species to another
What is the immutability of species
It is the idea that each individual species on the planet was specially created by God. The idea goes one step further by saying that, due to its divine creation, the species could never fundamentally change.
Why was the hypothesis of punctuated equilibrium proposed?
punctuated equilibrium attempts to explain why there are no intermediate links in the fossil record
preserved remains of once-living organisms
What is the Cambrian explosion?
It refers to the fact that representatives from every major animal phylum can be found in Cambrian rock, some of the lowest, sedimentary rock in the geological column.
Bacteria can sometimes become immune to the effects of an antibiotic. What are some ways this can happen?
mutation, conjugation, transformation, and transduction
the theory that more specialized species can, over time and through adaption and natural selection , descend from a common ancestor
distinct layers of rock
the hypothesis that new and different organisms can, over eons of time and through natural selection, descend from a common ancestor
Name two ideas from other scientists that influenced Darwin in his work.
the concept of a struggle for survival as proposed by Malthus; the present is the key to the past as proposed by Lyell
What theory in Darwin’s book, On the Origin of Species, is a well-documented theory today/
the theory of microevolution
What three data sets provide conclusive evidence against macroevolution?
the fossil record, molecular biology, and structural homology
How does the neo-Darwinist hypothesis differ from the hypothesis of Darwin?
Neo-Darwinist propose that mutations add information to the genetic code
birds’What is the process called when farmers breed only their best livestock
artificial selection
the idea that each individual species on the planet was specially created by God and could never fundamentally change
the immutability of the speces
the hypothesis that processes similar to those at work in microevolution can, over eons of time, transform an organism into a completely different kind of organism