Test 2 part 2 Flashcards
Medical model of health
An old way that did include an acknowledgement that some symptoms could be psychosomatic in nature
Physical symptoms caused by mental situations
Most common deaths in the 1900’s
Infulenza, pneumonia, tuberculosis, measles,
Current common causes of death
Heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes linked to unhealthy behaviors such as inactivity and smoking
Factors that contribute to health
Biological, psychological, and socio-cultural
Health psychology
The branch of psychology concerned with the promotion of health and the prevention of illness
Placebo effect
The perception that one has received an intervention improves one syptoms
Nocebo effect
An intervention that is expected to cause harm or side effects causes those effects
Nocebo study procedure
Post op patients were given a saline shot. Half were told nothing would happen and half were told they may have nausia
Nocebo study outcomes
The people reported what they were told
Nocebo effects and pills
When you take participants off pills they think are addictive (but aren’t) some will experience withdrawal like symptoms
Double blind nocebo study
Neither the researcher or participant is aware of what drug is real and which is fake
Placebo example
Personality traits and health
People who are conscientious are more likely to avoid risky behaviors, eat well, maintain regular checkups
Anger is a predictor of
Heart disease
A psychological reaction that occurs when perceived demands exceed existing resources to meet those demands
An event, item, or experience that causes a stress response.
Mental to physical relation was discovered when
After the Boer war and WWI doctores noticed that some soldiers had shell shock
Shell shock
No physical injury but they their nerves were shattered
Hans Selye
First applied the term stress in psychology.
How Selye discovered stress
As a medical student he observed patients just looked sick from different diseases with the same symptoms
Hans Selye discovery
Stress hormones and was the first to describe HPA axis and general adaptation syndrome
HPA axis
Hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal glands
Discrimination and health
In a lab situation being the target of prejudice and discrimination was linked to increased blood pressure, heart rate, and secretions of stress hormones