Class 3 Flashcards
Concrete operational
Logical thinking and number manipulation. Still grounded in concrete experiences and concepts. Able to reason logically about concrete events, understand analogies, and perform mathematical transformations
Concrete operational can understand
Conservation, reversibility, and cause and effect, mathematics (+-x/), categorize and order things
Nature of identily
Concrete operational stage. A girl doesn’t become a boy wearing a boys hat
Formal operational
Think and understand abstract reasoning ( peace and justice), hypothetical thinking about choices and consequences
Current views on congitive development
Revisions to piaget
Cognitive abilities are
Continous overlapping waves rather than stanges
Infants now
Reveal cognitive abilities much earlier than piaget thought possible, they understand basic physical principles
Preschoolers misconceptions
They are not as egocentric as thought. Have a developing theory of mind.
Theory of mind
a system of beliefs about how one’s own mind and the minds of others work and how individuals are affected by their beliefs and feelings
Cognitive development is influenced by
A child’s culture and education. Emphasized by vygotsky.
Infants are intuitive physicists
Using the eye gaze test they found that they look longer at impossible scenes and physical impossibilities and unexpected number of toys (understand numbers)
Bottom line of infants
They look longer at the objects that violate the laws they know. Surprise indicates that their
expectations were violated
Can infants understand speech?
Yes at about 5 months
False belief test procedure
An object is placed in location A and then person 1 leaves, the object is moved to location B and person 1 returns.
False belief test results
Egocentric kids believe person 1 will look in B, and non egocentric believe they’ll look in A
Egocentrism ends at
Ages 3.5-4.5, 4-5 kids predict false beliefs of friends
Reading mind eye test
Looking at the eyes to determine the emotion of a person. Less common in western culture
Lived at the same time as Piaget and proposed a social development theory that heavily focus’ on social cultural influences
Sociocultural influences
The child’s mind grows through interactions with the social environment
Moral development
Morals and ethics give guidelines for behaviors of what is appropriate
Piaget and morals
Children understand right from wrong and it develops as a their cognitive ability grows
Kids as young as 3 can differentiate
Morals, conventional, personal
Applies to certain groups, changeable, based on agreed upon norms
Morals applies to everyone, can’t be changed, based on their values