Test 1: lecture 5 complement Flashcards
___is an immune defense system that recognizes pathogens and altered cells and facilitates their elimination
complement system is involved in ___ immunity
innate (first line of defense)
complement system are a set of soluble proteins excreted by the ___ as ___
zymogens (inactive/proenzymes)
C3 is a central component of complement found in ___ and activated by ___
protein cleavage
C3 when cleaved turns into ___
C3a and C3b
C3a acts as a ____
anaphylatoxin (recruits other immune cells)
C3b will form a covalent bond to pathogen via ___
how does C3b bind to surface
thioester reaction (S-C=O)
cyst attached to a Gln and form a bond that is highly reactive to nucleophile (has electrons it wants to share)= amino group of a protein (NH2), hydroxyl group (OH), water
attacked by R-OH or R-NH2 will bind to surface of pathogen
if attacked by H20 will be inactivated/soluable
what happens to C3b thioester bond when attacked by ROH or RNH2?
C3b will bind to pathogen surface
what happens to thioester bond of C3b when it binds with H20
will be inactivated/soulable
___ converts C3 → C3b
mannose binding lectin
what are the two zymogen proteases on the MBL?
mannose binding lectin
2 serine protease zymogens= MASP-1 and MASP-2
lectin- a protein or domain binds to ___
carbohydrates (carbohydrate recognition domains CRD)
mannose binding lectin (MBL
lectin pathway will activate ___
binds to carbs,
MASP-1 will activate itself and then activate MASP-2
MASP2 will convert C4 → C4a and C4b
C4b will bind to pathogen
lectin will convert C2 → C2b and C2a
C2a binds to C4b → convertase for C3
these two will convert C3 → C3a and C3b
C3b will bind to pathogen
what convertase is used for C3
lectin pathway generates the C3 convertase ___
lectin pathway simple
MASP-2 activated
C4 → C4b binds
C2 → C2a binds
C4bC2a converts C3→ C3a and C3b
C3b binds
alternative pathway
C3 binds with H20 but doesnt break apart → iC3
inactive factor B binds to iC3
activated Factor D will bind and activate factor B → Bb and Ba creating iC3Bb
iC3Bb is a convertase (free floating) for C3
will convert C3 into C3a and C3b
in the alternative pathway, ___ is a free floating convertase for C3
how is alternative pathway activated?
thioester bond inside C3 will be hydrolyzed by water forming iC3
key between lectin and alternative pathway
lectin needs to bind to carb on pathogen surface to start process
where alternative just happens and it creates C3b that may or may not bind to near by pathogens (does not need to know pathogen is there, just constantly testing the plasma)
___ is a system to constantly probe for pathogens
alternative pathway
doesn’t need to bind to pathogen to start pathway- just happens
attack first, regulate later
amplification step of complement system
- Surface-bound C3b binds factors B then to factor D
- Forms C3 convertase C3bBb
•Amplification loop – each newly bound C3b can make another convertase by binding to its own B and D
•Fixes C3b on the pathogen surface which will eventually trigger complement effector mechanisms
what binds to C3b in the amplification step
inactive B will bind to create C3bB
then active D binds and actives B → Ba and Bb
creates C3bBb which is a convertase for C3
•Both the classical and lectin pathways also activate the alternative pathway convertase through ___
•alternative pathway components, like ___, will be activated by the classical and lectin pathways.
Factor B or Factor D
three types of C3 convertases
C4bC2a → classical and lectin in first step
C3bBb → used by alternative, classical and lectin during the amplification step
iC3Bb→ used by alternative pathway in first step
what C3 convertases are used by the lectin and classical pathway
- C4bC2a (pathogen surface) activates the cascade
- C3bBb (pathogen surface) amplifies the response
what C3 convertases are used to the alternative pathway
- iC3Bb (soluble) activates the cascade
- C3bBb (pathogen surface) amplifies the response
effector function of phagocytosis of the complement system
C3b binds to bacteria
C3b is recongnized by CR1 receptors on phagocytic cells
CR1 binds to C3b and eats cell
then forms vesicle and breaks down pathogen
•Pathogens opsonized by C3b are bound by phagocytic cells expressing ___
Complement Receptor 1 (CR1)
C3b bond pathogen attached to CR1 on phagocytic cells will be endocytosed and killed when ___ fuse with phagosomes
C___ does not have thioester domain
how to activate C5 in the alternative pathway
step 1 of forming Membrane Attack Complex
C3bBb will cleave C3→ C3b and C3a
C3b will bind to C3bBb instead of pathogen surface creating C3b2Bb
C3b2Bb will convert C5 → C5a and C5a
how to activate C5 in the classical/lectin pathway
C4bC2a binds with a molecule of C3b
C4bC2aC3b will convert C5→ C5a and C5b
how to form MAC
1st step = C5 activation
C3b2Bb(alternative pathway) or C4bC2aC3b (classical/lectin) will convert C5→ C5a and C5b
C5b binds with C6 and C7
C5bC6C7 binds to membrane and then binds to C8
this will cause binding and polymerization of C9 which will form a pore (MAC → membrane attack complex)
how does C5b form a pore?
C5b binds with C6 and C7
C5bC6C7 binds to membrane and then binds to C8
this will cause binding and polymerization of C9 which will form a pore (MAC → membrane attack complex)
MAC form ___ in the membrane
how does a prevent MAC on self
CD59 stops C9 from binding to C5b678
what does CD59 do?
prevents C9 from binding to MAC and creating a pore
what does C3b2Bb do?
C5 → C5b and C5a (MAC → making pore)
alternative convertase
what does C4bC2aC3b do?
converts C5 → C5b and C5a (MAC → making pore)
classical and lectin pathway
what does C3a and C5a do?
increase the CR1 on phagoctyic cells (will bind to more C3 on pathogens)
cytokine release
MAST cells release histamine → increase vascular permeability
what are anaphylotoxins?
C3a and C5a that go off and stimulate phagocytic cells to increase there function
___ is a much more potent chemoattractant but: ___ levels usually are much higher
how does complement pathway work?