TERMS II Flashcards
what is this epiphysis?
can be normal in Central America or Japan or a pathologic maker
conical epiphysis
what is this epiphysis?
common clefts seen in great toe
can be accessory pseudoepiphysis w/o longitudinal growth
product of multiple ossification centers
bifed epiphysis
irregularity of medial or lateral border
cleft epiphysis
oblique cortical defect primarily in proximal phalanx of hallux
seen on MO
rule out fx or lytic lesion
nutrient foramina
bones appear early, or boy bones appear at same time as girls
general cause: maternal hyperthyroidism, obesity, hypergonadism
local cause: RA, salter Harris injury, AV fistula
accelerated maturation
bones appear late
dwarfism and cretinism, juvenile diabetes
local causes: infections, TB
retarded maturation
idiopathic osteochondrosis of the femoral head
legg calve perthes disease
delayed, irregular ossification of femoral head epiphysis
Meyer epiphyseal dysplasia
avulsion injury of anterior tibial tubercle not an osteochondrosis
fragmentation of tubercle
st swelling
long term residual enlargement
osgood-schlatters disease
osteochondrosis deformans tibiae progressive proximal tibial bowing
infantile tibia vara
adolescent tibia vara
blounts disease
osteochondrosis of the navicular (aka silver dollar navicular)
kohlers disease
developmental dysplasia that improves over 2-3 yrs
looks like kohlers but not progressive and radiographs improve
no symptoms, no need to follow up
karp navicular dysplasia
osteochondrosis of cuneiform
bushkes disease
osteochondrosis of the lesser metatarsal, infraction noted
freibergs disease
osteochondrosis of the 5th met base
iselins disease
osteochondrosis of hallucal sesamoids
treves disease
osteochondrosis of the phalanges
theimann disease
absent ossification center, common
symphalangism present
absent phalangeal physis
what is this epiphyseal disturbance
common causes: normal or pathologic
normal variation
trauma, infection, achondroplasia
uncommon causes: infarction, sickle cell
rare causes: trichorhinphalangeus
conical epiphysis
what is this epiphyseal disturbance
result of growth disturbances
legg calve perthes as most common cause
aseptic necrosis as a common cause, hypothyroidism as an uncommon cause, rare cause morquio, trichorhinophalangeus
fragmented epiphysis