name this accessory bone:
AKA accessory navicular, pre hallux, navicular secondum
accessory navicular
how many types of Os tibiale externum?
which one is never symptomatic and found inside the PT tendon
most common and symptomatic
fused cornuate navicular
3 types
mueller weiss mimics?
bipartite navicular
situated adjacent to the postero lateral margin of the talus
appears as 2nd degree ossification center at 8 yrs, F (8-10) and M 11-18 yrs
Os Trigonum
accessory center located in space between os calcis/calcaneous, talus, cuboid and navicular, bilateral
may bridge calcaneus and navicular, C-N coalition
variants may appear to articulate
Ddx from anterior beak fracture of os calcis (Rowe 1C)
Os Calcaneus Secondarium
case reports of symptomatic os sustentaculum causing medial ankle pain 14 y/o male indicate case reports, T/F on exam; question reads:
there are no case reports of symptomatic os sustentaculum, T/F?
clinically, double ankle; some resistance to STJ inversion and orthotic therapy indication for?
os sustentaculum
one of the rarer accessory ossicles?
located where?
os cuboid secondarium
located plantar, not dorsal (plantar medial surface of cuboid)
os intermetatarseum is located where?
dorsal base
major characteristics of os vesalianum?
accessory epiphysis base of 5th metatarsal
lies parallel or oblique to met shaft
persistent apophysis follows contour of base
styloid process avulsion fx vs accessory bone
located at insertion of peroneus brevis tendon and not peroneus longus