RASHES Flashcards
- Epidermal vesicles/pustules forming a honey color crust
- Usually starts under nose and child can autoinnoculate it to other areas
- S. pyogenes, S. aureus ß use oral meds to cover staph (Mupirocin)
- Lichenified dry pruritic skin, hyper pigmented plaques seen in 10-20% of skin
- Almost all kids that have it present with it 90% by age 5
- Associated with asthma (same disease in different body parts)
- Locations
o Infants = cheeks and forehead NOT nose
o Toddler = extensor surfaces
o School age/Teens = behind neck - Treatment
o Break the “itch-scratch cycle”. Use a cream/emollients for dryness
o No harsh soaps
o Non-sedating anti-histamines during school
o Small area could use OTC 1% hydrocortisone
o Short oral steroid burst if severe
o Calcineurin inhibitors
Atopic Dematitis (Eczema)
- Circumscribed sharp patch, scaly border
- Treat – OTC like imidazole and treat for 1 week even after symptoms subside and you cant see it
Tinea Corporis (Ringworm)
- More in males and African Americans
- Black dot, broken shaft tinea capitis
- Treat – oral griseofolvan w/ a fatty meal for better absorption, ketoconazole shampoo 2x per week
Tinea Capitis
- Hypersensitive reaction to long standing tinea capitis
- Treat – oral griseofolvan w/ a fatty meal for better absorption
Tinea Capitis Kerion
- Adolescent males in the inner groin
- Treat – topical antifungal
Tinea Cruris
- Very RARE before puberty
Tinea Pedis
- Patient uses hydrocortisone cream and that lightens the rash but does not get rid of it. Tinea infection
will still be there because it was just treated with steroids
Tinea Incognito
- Yeast infection seen in late summer, pigment is high or low
- Scaling papules coalesce
- Treat - Selenium sulfide, Ketoconazole cream
Pityriasis Versicolor
- Mimics tinea corporis but no scaling, seen on dorsum of hands and feet
Granuloma Annulare
- Pearly papules that are umbilicated caused by the Pox virus
- Child can autoinoculate themselves à axilla, trunk, face
- Treat – leave alone or curettage if lots of them
Molluscum Contagiosum
- Single oval patch precedes eruption of oval papules/plaques oriented along skin lines w/ a collarette
scale. It is a viral infection of HHV-7
o “my childs ring worm is spreading” – classic story - Prevalent of school age kids
- Treat – moisturizers, oatmeal bath, anti-histamines, consider secondary syphilis testing cause rash may
look like it
Pityriasis Rosea
- Papules/vesicles with intense pruitis, can do a skin scraping to check
- Spread by direct contact
- Treat – must treat everyone in the house, Permethrin 5% cream over all skin
- Target lesions that coalesce
o Be aware of SJS but its rare
Urticaria Multiforme
- Wheels (raised and spongy areas) that moves all around and intensifies and fades throughout
- Exquisitely tender erythematous plaques on anterior tibia
- Strep is the #1 cause (coccidiodomcosis in western USA)
Erythema Nodosum
- Lyme Disease and patients usually present 8-9 days after tick bite
- Fever, arthralgias, myalgias
- Testing in the first 1-4 weeks is negative usually
- Treat – 14-21 days of amoxicillin or doxycycline (treat for 28 days if arthritis is present)
o Check EKG cause it may lead to a heart block
Erythema Migrans
- Caused by staph toxins
- (+) Nikolsky sign – skin comes off when you touch it
- Usual site is nasopharynx
- Treat – oral mupiricin or IV antibiotics if later on
Staph Scalded Skin
- M>F and most common in under 5 yrs of age. Highest in Asians
- Fever for 5 days, conjunctival infection, stomatitis (mouth inflammation), exanthema, cervical nodes
- Erythema of palms/sole of feet
- Labs = elevated ESR, CRP, white cells in urine
- Need to admit patient and check ECG
- Treat – IV immunoglobulin and aspirin 80-100 mg/kg/day
Kawasakis Disease
- Fine sandpaper rash, antecubital inguinal erythema, strep pharyngitis
Scarlet Fever
- Fever for 3-5 days, fever will go away in morning then couple hrs later pink fine lacy rash appears.
Periorbital edema
Roseola Infantum
- Parvovirus B-19
- Intense erythema of cheeks (slapped cheeks disease) w/ some lacy eruption on arm
Erythema Infectiosum (fifths disease)
- Anterior vesicular eruption = HSV herpes stomatitis
o Can autoinoculate themselves à herpatic whitlow on finger - Symptoms 7-10 days
- Treat – cool foods and fluids, magic mouthwash, viscous lidocaine
Perioral Problems
- Can cause Herpangina – vesicle on uvula
Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease Coxsackie A
- Vaccine now used
- Most Common exanthema in kids – basically the rash you’re seeing is just due to the virus and it will go away on its own
Viral Exanthems
- Rash on buttocks inferiorly also arm extensor
- Beware of GI bleed and nephritis
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura