TERMS Flashcards
posterior 1/3 of the talar body is segmented off
talus bipartitus
aka astralgus secundarius
os supratalare
triangular shaped ossicle at the posterolateral margin of talus
aka talus accessorius/intermedium
frequency-14-25% of adults
os trigonum syndrome, called this if painful
os trigonum
aka tuberis calcanei
os subcalcis
usually symptomatic in young athletes
looks like the os trigonum
os supracalcaneum
located in between calcaneus, talus, cuboid, and navicular
best seen on MO
usually b/l and can actually bridge the calcaneus and navicular
Ddx: beak fracture of calcaneus
Os calcaneus secundarium
located at posterior end of sustentaculum tali
double ankle
limited STJ inversion
palpable submalleolar swelling
C sign on lateral radiograph
*medial ankle pain
Os sustentaculum
can only be seen on MO view and never causes problems or symptoms
accessory calcaneal foramen
comma shaped on AP, inclined cleft w/ dorsal triangular portion on LAT
frequently bilateral
painful in adults
rule out Kohlers, Mueller-Weiss, nonunion
bipartite navicular
accessory bone only seen on LAT film , posterior superior navicular
os supranaviculare
aka prehallux, accessory navicular, navicular secondarily
os tibiale externum
located in or around the peroneus longus tendon
dislocated os peroneum can cause a PL rupture
POPS-painful os peroneum syndrome
os peroneum
very rare, spherical accessory bone between cuboid and navicular
found on the plantar surface of cuboid
appears age 12 yrs
DDX: calcaneus secondarily
associated with a CN coalition
os cuboides secondarium
at the intersection of the navicular, intermediate and lateral cuneiform
another physiologic variant is more common?
processes uncinatus
Os intercuneiform
between the dorsal aspect of metatarsal bases 1 and 2
usually b/l, but there are lots of variations in size and shape
asymptomatic and common many theories: -sesamoids -vestigeal 6th digit -developmental variant -can be associated w/ met Primus varus or HAV in siblings
seen in AP view
os intermetatarseum
accessory ossification center of the metatarsal
sclerotic looking bands at the lesser metatarsal base and 1st metatarsal bead
not pathologic, just might cause a long ray
pseudo epiphyses doesnt do longitudinal growth
pseudo epiphysis
accessory epiphysis of 5th met base that is parallel or oblique to met shaft
located at PB tendon insertion
5th met apophysis and fractured styloid process are part of the DDx
os vesalianum