Techniques of Traffic Law Enforcement Flashcards
What are the 5 phases of enforcement?
(1) Detection
(2) Apprehension
(3) Prosecution
(4) Adjudication
(5) Penalization
In the apprehension phase of enforcement, what are the 4 aspects of apprehension?
(a) Physical arrest
(b) Citation
(c) Written warning
(d) Verbal warning
What are the 7 methods of observing traffic?
(1) Line patrol
(2) Area patrol
(3) Directed patrol
(4) Stationary observation
(5) Conspicuous observation
(6) Visible observation
(7) Concealed observation
What are the 2 types of selective enforcement?
(1) Saturation patrol
(2) Checking station
Visually estimating speed:
(1) Reasonable time and distance of observation.
(2) Officer’s experience
(3) Lay witness
(1) Do NOT use catch-up speed.
(2) Reasonable time and distance.
Driver license re-examination:
Notify the commissioner of Motor Vehicles:
(1) Form
(2) Letter
Submitted by a officer OR medical doctor
What are the 3 phases of DWI enforcement?
(1) Vehicle in motion
(2) Personal contact
(3) Pre-arrest screening
What are the 3 Standardized field sobriety tests?
(1) Horizontal Gase Nystagmus
(2) Walk and turn
(3) One leg stand.
Define traffic enforcement phase:
“Identifying or detecting conditions, actions, or behaviors which are improper or illegal by statue or ordinance.
Out of the enforcement phrases, which of the 2 are officers responsibilities?
(1) Detection
(2) Apprehension
What are examples of non-standardized field sobriety tests?
(1) Reciting the alphabet, not beginning with the letter “A,” and not ending with the letter “Z.”
(2) Finger to Nose
(3) Romberg balence
Define traffic enforcement phase:
“Officer follows offender, establishes authority for stopping the offender, and initiates stop.”
Define traffic enforcement phase:
“Officer identifies and gathers evidence, makes appropriate charge, prepares a complete and accurate report to for the prosecutor.”
Who is responsible for prosecution?
The judge.
Who is responsible for adjudication and penalization?
The court.
Define traffic enforcement phase:
“Determination of responsibility of the accused by magistrate, judge, or jury.
“The sentencing or judgement required by the court if the defendant is found guilty of the charge.”
Who is the fact-finder?
Either the Judge or the Jury.
Individuals _________ be arrested for an infraction.
A verbal warning ________ ___ by given condescendingly be an officer and should be given by agency policy.
Should not.
Name the method of traffic patrol:
“Specific route done between two points.”
Line patrol
Define traffic enforcement phase:
“Done within an area or beat.”
Area patrol
Define traffic enforcement phase:
“A traffic patrol directed toward a certain traffic offense or stationary post.”
Directed patrol
Define traffic enforcement phase:
“Observation of traffic conditions at a selected place, usually one with a high crash rate or traffic flow problem, used especially to detect violations and deter possible violators.”
Stationary patrol.
Define traffic enforcement phase:
“Stationary observation in which the observer remains in full view of traffic (and possibly deters violators).”
Conspicuous observation.
Define traffic enforcement phase:
“Stationary observation in which the observer is in full view but is so located, for example, on a side street, that it requires effort on the part of drivers to discover the observer.”
Visible observation.
Define traffic enforcement phase:
“Stationary observation to which the observer is not visible to persons using ordinary powers of observation from the roadway being used.”
Concealed observation.
Define selective traffic enforcement:
(1) Commonly used.
(2) High number of officers converging into a limited area.
(3) Psychological effect
Saturation patrol
Define selective traffic enforcement:
(1) Selective enforcement
(2) Conforms to proper legal standards
(3) Public and community relations
(4) Roadblocks or check points.
Checking station
What are checkpoint the checkpoint requirements?
(1) Written policy
(2) At least one patrol car with lights on
(3) Location
(4) A lawful pattern for stopping cars
The process and technique of visually estimating the speed of a moving vehicle, sometimes WITHOUT the use of corroborating information (e.g. speed instrument).
What is speed approximation based on?
(1) Officer experience
(2) Reasonable time and distance
When pacing, an officer should use a ________ speed and have ________ distance to measure.
(1) Constant
(2) Sufficient
Should you reach into a violators vehicle?
What do you do if multiple occupants are in the cars?
Call for backup.
Does a clean check of ALL records eliminate the possibility of criminal activity?
Do officers need to stay focused on the driver and all occupants of the vehicle while writing a citation?
What is the most important aspect of known risk vehicle stop?
For known risk stops, how far back should your vehicle be?
30-40 ft.
For unknown risk stops, how far back should your vehicle be?
10-15 ft.
When can you chase a violator on foot?
After ALL occupants from the car have been cleared and vehicle checked.
What are the 9 search zones or zones of concealment?
(1) Exterior
(2) Driver zone
(3) Left-rear passenger zone
(4) Trunk zone
(5) Right-rear passenger zone
(6) Front passenger zone
(7) Engine zone
(8) Roof zone
(9) Underside zone
What does impairing substance include:
(1) Alcohol, controlled substances, or any other drug/psychoactive substance capable of impairing someone.
Name the phase of DWI detection:
“Begins when someone first draws your attention to a particular vehicle or driver. AND observes the drivers vehicle maneuvers which might indicate alcohol influence.”
Phase 1: Vehicle in motion
Is it possible for someone to blow a 0.01 and be charged with DWI?
Name the phase of DWI detection:
“Consist of face to face observation and interview of the violator while still in the vehicle?
Personal contact.
What is nystagmus?
Involuntary jerking of the eyes.
Non-standardized testing:
(1) Finger to nose
(2) Romberg balence
How many clues are for the walk and turn test?
- Can’t balance, starts too soon, stops walking, misses heel to toe, steps off the line, uses arms to balance, improper turn.
During the one leg stand test, you should ______ take your eyes off of the violator.
Field sobriety tests are _______ and divide ________.
(1) Simple
(2) Attention
With a whistle, how do you indicate someone to stop?
One long blast.
With a whistle, how do you indicate someone to go?
Two short blasts.
With a whistle, how do you get someones attention?
Several short blasts.
What are the 5 pieces of safety equipment?
(1) Traffic vest
(2) Whistle
(3) White/visible gloves
(4) Illuminated baton
(5) Flashlight
Stopping traffic with illuminated baton:
Baton waved left to right at 45 degree angle.