Firearms Flashcards
a) To defend himself or third person from what he reasonably believes to be the use or imminent use of deadly physical force;
b) To effect an arrest or to prevent the escape from custody of a person who he reasonably believes is attempting to escape by means of a deadly weapon, or who by his conduct or any other means indicates that he presents an imminent threat of death or serious physical injury to others unless apprehended without delay or;
c) To prevent the escape of a person from custody imposed upon him as a result of conviction for a felony.
What are the 2 types of handguns?
1) Semi-automatic
2) Revolvers
The Revolver Principle:
A cylinder with separately loaded chambers (usually 6) revolves as the weapon is cocked or the action is pulled through, thereby aligning each chamber with the barrel, and firing pin in succession.
Revolver Nomenclature (16)
1) Rear Sight
2) Front Sight
3) Barrel
4) Trigger
5) Trigger Guard
6) Hammer
7) Hammer spur
8) Top Strap
9) Cylinder
10) Extractor/ejector rod
11) Back-strap
12) Front-strap
13) Grips
14) Thumb latch
15) Cylinder star
16) Extrator rod
Double-action revolvers can be fired by:
Either cocking the hammer and then pressing the trigger or squeezing the trigger only.
Which direction do Smith and Wesson revolvers rotate?
Which direction do Colt revolvers rotate?
Semi-automatic Nomenclature
(1) Rear sight
(2) Front sight
(3) Ejection Port
(4) Grip
(5) Trigger
(6) Trigger guard
(7) Magazine
(8) Slide
(9) Slide stop notch
(10) Receiver/frame
(11) Magazine release or catch
(12) Barrel with locking ribs
(13) Ejector
(14) Extractor
(15) Front-strap
(16) Back-strap
(17) Magazine well
(18) Slide stop/release lever
(19) Recoil spring and guide rod
(20) Takedown lever (some models)
(21) Safety (some models)
(22) Hammer (some models)
(23) Decocking lever (some models)
Name the cycles of operations:
(1) Feeding
(2) Chambering
(3) Locking
(4) Firing
(5) Unlocking
(6) Extracting
(7) Ejecting
(8) Cocking
What are the 5 components of a separated semi-automatic:
(1) Frame
(2) Slide
(3) Barrel
(4) Recoil spring and guide rod
(5) Magazine
What type of firearm is smoothbore? (Smooth barrel)
What types of firearms have longitudinal grooves cut in a spiral pattern?
Handguns and rifles.
The ridges (or raised portions) between groves are called _______.
What is the main benefit from longitudinal grooves firearms?
Stability and accuracy.
Ammunition components
(1) The Case
(2) Primer
(3) Powder charge
(4) Projectile(s)
When the primer fails to ignite the powder charge.
Temporary failure of the primer.
Squib load:
Cartridge is loaded but has little to no powder.
Caliber refers to:
The diameter of the bullet.
The Cardinal Rules to gun safety:
(2) Point the muzzle in a safe direction at all times.
(3) Be sure of your target and what is around and behind it.
(4) Keep your finger outside the trigger guard until you are ON TARGET and HAVE DECIDED TO FIRE.
Is it lawful for a law enforcement officer to drink alcohol and carry a concealed weapon?
Are warning shots deadly force?
Lead hazard precautions:
(1) Wash hands before eating/drinking.
(2) Don’t smoke, eat, or drink downrange.
(3) Never dry sweep a range.
(4) Never place casings in a hat.
According to N.C.G.S.14-269.2, an adult can be charged if a minor:
(1) Possesses it in violation
(2) Exhibits it in a public place in a careless, angry, or threatening manner
(3) Cause personal injury or death with it not being self-defense
(4) Uses it in the commission of a crime
The top of the front blade should be level with the top notch of the rear sight.
Drawing your weapon:
(1) Establish the master grip
(2) Clear the holster
(3) Weapon is brought to the center line of the body as two hands come together.
(4) Extend to target.
Gun Stances:
Isosceles, modified isosceles, weaver, modified weaver, and dynamic stance.
Semi-automatic malfunction drill:
Failed semi-automatic malfunction drill:
Seek cover them perform LOCK, DROP, RACK, INSERT, RACK, and READY.
Non-supported flashlight tecniques:
(1) The Traditional method/FBI technique
(2) Neck Index Technique or Puckett
Supported flashlight techniques:
(1) Harries technique
(2) Modified Harries technique
(3) Stacked (Over-Under) technique
(4) Chapman technique
(5) Ayoob technique
(6) Overhand/Keller technique
(7) Cigar, Syringe, or Rodgers technique
(8) Neck Index technique
(9) FBI technique
Cover vs. concealment:
Concealment hides and cover stops bullets.
Physical reactions to stress:
115 BPM
Loss of fine motor skills.
Physical reactions to stress:
145 BPM
Loss of complex motor skills.
Physical reactions to stress: 145-175 BPM
Gross motor skills are enhanced.
Physical reactions to stress:
175+ BPM
Auditory exclusion, loss of cognitive reasoning, tunnel vision, binocular.
Mental Conditioning:
Condition White
Normal, non-combative state of mind.
Mental Conditioning:
Condition Yellow
State of relaxed alertness.
Mental Conditioning:
Condition Orange
State of alarm.
Mental Conditioning:
Condition Red
Defensive combat.