Controlled Substance Flashcards
_______ refer to the natural substances that can be extracted from opium poppy plant, such as heroin, morphine, and codeine.
_______ are synthetic or semi-synthetic drugs that are manufactured to have similarities to opiates.
Classify the following drugs: Opium, heroin, oxycodone, hydrocodone, Dilaudid, and Demerol.
Narcotics or opioids (opiates)
Narcotics or opioids act on the ______ nervous system.
“_________ also affect the CNS, but unlike narcotics, _________ create a feeling of excitement, greater energy, and alertness. They also cause HR, blood pressure, and breathing to increase.”
What is the most common stimulant?
Other stimulants include methamphetamines and amphetamines.
What form do stimulants come in?
Pills and powder.
Amphetamines are legally used to treat ____ and _________.
ADHD and depression.
What category of drugs are used to inhibit the CNS?
What the symptoms of depressants?
Drowsiness, relaxation, decrease inhibition, etc.
Ethyl alcohol, barbiturates, benzodiazepines (Valium and Xanax) are examples of what?
“___________” can alter perception and have the ability to induce intense emotional feelings and cause hallucinations.
LSD, psilocybin, mescaline or peyote, salvia, ketamine, and ecstasy are examples of what?
What type of drugs is Phencyclidine (PCP)? It is also known as angel dust.
Are inhalants easily purchased?
How are inhalants ingested?
Sniffing, inhaling, or huffing fumes or gases into their nose or mouth.
What are the 4 types of inhalants?
Solvents, aerosol sprays, gases, and nitrates.
The term marijuana _____ ______ include hemp or hemp products.
What type of drug category comes from Cannabis sativa.
Name examples of synthetic drugs:
K-2 (also known as spice), synthetic cannabinoids, and bath salts.
What type of drug category has similar effects to stimulants and hallucinations?
Synthetic drugs.
Hemp contains less than .% of delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
(1) High potential for abuse
(2) No medical use or supervision
(3) The most dangerous
Schedule 1
Opium, cocaine, methamphetamine, Ritalin, Dilaudid, Morphine, Hydrocodone, and Oxycodone are Schedule _.
Heroin, LSD, MDMA, Mephedrone, MDPV are Schedule _.
(1) High potential for abuse
(2) Medical use and supervision
Schedule 2.
(1) Potential for abuse, but less likely than 1&2.
(2) Medical use
(3) Abuse may lead to moderate dependence
Schedule 3.
Ketamine, Buprenorphine, and anabolic steriods are Schedule _.
Schedule _ and _ have no medical purposes.
1 and 6.
Diazepam (Valium), Phentermine, Alprazolam (Xanax) are Schedule _.
Schedule 4.
Cough syrup’s with codeine are Schedule _.
Schedule 5.
Marijuana and Tetrahydrocannabinol are Schedule _.
Schedule 6.
Is it illegal to sell counterfeit drugs?
Name the symptoms: rapid speech (high dose), slow speech (low dose), extreme mood, sedated appearance, dilated pupils.
Name the symptoms: Dilated pupils, sweating, talkativeness, possibly thin, paranoia, quick breathing, aggressive.
Name the symptoms: Intensified mood, sweat, nausea, increased BP and body temp, dazed, body tremors, hallucinations, warm, may be violent, blank stare.
Name the symptoms: Nausea, confusion, slurred speech, bloodshot eyes, lack of coordination, flushed face.
Name the symptoms: Redness of eyes, odor of marijuana, altered sense of time, body and eyelid tremors, increased appetite.
Name the symptoms: pin-point pupils, itching or flushed skin, decreased appetite, sleepiness, needle marks.
Name the symptoms: Slurred/thick speech, drowsiness, confusion, nystagmus.
What is the most common used drug in the US?
An unlawful delivery resulting in a death can be charged with __________ by ______________.
Death by distribution.
What are precursor ingredients for meth?
Ephedrine or Psudeoephedrine
What circumstances can you search a car?
Intelligence gathering comes from
What is located near malls and isolated residential areas?
Open-air markets.
Limited immunity for Samaritan:
If the person sought medical assistance, acted in good faith, or provided his/her name.
What can be drug paraphernalia?
Anything that has the intent to be used with drugs.
Pipes or tubes, roach clips, mini spoons, scales, chillums, cigar rolling paper, and syringes are _______.
Common paraphernalia.
“No employee, etc…, of a syringe exchange program can be charged with possession of needles or residual amounts of controlled substance.”
NCGS 90-113.27
(Syringe exchange program)
Methamphetamine cycle of abuse:
Rush, High, binge, tweaking, crash, normal, withdrawal.
__% of those in traditional treatment return to abuse meth.
____ labs account for 80% of all meth produced.
Super labs.
Small scale labs are known as
Mom and pop labs or beavis and buttland labs)
__% of all labs are small scale.
What are the 5 most prominent meth labs?
(1) Hydriodic acid/red phosphorus
(2) Iodine/red phosphorous
(3) Iodine/hypophosphorous acid
(4) Birch reuction/Nazi method
(5) One pot or shake and bake.
Are petri dishes used in meth labs?
Specialized chemical apparatus/items:
(1) Triple neck flasks
(2) Single neck flasks
(3) Reflux columns
(4) Distillation columns
(5) Heating mantles
(6) Separatory funnels
(7) Buchner funnels
Improvised lab equipment:
(1) Glass containers
(2) Plastic soda bottles
(3) Rubber tubing
(4) Dust or respiratory mask/filters
(5) Funnels
(6) Rubber gloves
(7) Large plastic storage containers or tubs
(8) Coffee filters
(9) White powder residue
Who do you contact when you discover a meth lab?
What are some sources of information?
(1) Human intelligence, also known as HUMIT.
(2) Other law enforcement personal.
(3) Other criminal agencies (prosecutors office, probation, parole agencies, court records).
(4) Private sectors (public utilities, credit agencies).
Types of informants:
(1) Occasional informant: used by officers over an extended amount of time.
(2) Regular informant: Productive informants, and usually reliable.
(3) Arrested informant: Cooperate with police
(4) Confidential informants: Does not want to be known.
Information motivators:
(a) Concerned citizens
(b) Walk-in informant
(c) Fear
(d) Revenge/jealousy
(e) Mercenary
(f) Egotistical
(g) Perverse
What is the most common informant motivator?
___________ is inducing a person to commit a crime that they otherwise would not do.
Is inviting someone to commit an illegal act entrapment?
Overt (open) surveillance:
Includes security cameras that are used to deter clients from stealing.
Close surveillance (stakeout):
Individual is continuously observed until the operation is completed.
Mobile or stationary?
“An investigation involves detectives following their subjects wether on foot or in a vehicle.
Mobile or stationary?
“An investigation remaining in one location, which could include watching the subject from a parked car.”
Mechanical or human?
“An investigation with the use of video cameras, voice recorders, and other such equipment.”
Mechanical or human?
An investigation when a member of the investigative team is a direct source of information.
Reasonable suspicion or probable cause?
An objective (impartial) and particularized (detailed) basis and are supported by articulable facts.
Reasonable suspicion.
Reasonable suspicion or probable cause?
Sufficient information to warrant a person that the defendant has committed a crime.
Probable cause
Do you need PC to stop a vehicle?
No. You only need RS.
Do you need RS to arrest a person?
You need PC. But RS can lead to PC.
Which methamphetamine production method?
“Ephedrine or pseudoephedrine, hydriodic acid, and red phosphorous.”
Hydrodic acid/red phosphorus.
Which methamphetamine production method?
“Ephedrine or pseudoephedrine, iodine, and red phosphorous.”
Iodine/red phosphorous.
Which meth production method is known as the hypo method?
Iodine/hypophosphorous acid.
Which methamphetamine production method?
“Ephedrine or pseudoephedrine, anhydrous ammonia, and sodium or lithium metal.”
Birch reduction/Nazi method.
Which meth production method uses ammonia and is the fastest method of manufacturing?
One pot or shake and bake
You need water and ________ to produce meth.
What is the threshold for the government to be able to tax marijuana?
42.5 grams or more.
Retailers who sell glass tubes or splitters must keep a ID from recipient for at least _ years, and be able to provide law enforcement with the record within __ hours.
(1) 2 years
(2) 48 hours