In-Custody Transportation Flashcards
Division of Criminal Information Network
Define Inmate Transportation
The controlled movement of a person(s) in custody from one point to another.
What is a AOC-CR-200 docuemt?
The document used to track inmates through the system.
Are feelings of the officer or inmate an important factor regarding in-custody transportation?
Who gets copies of the AOC-CR-200 document?
(a) Clerk
(b) Defendant
(c) Arresting officer
What are the 5 different ways an inmate can be released?
(a) Cash bond
(b) Property bond
(c) Written promise
(d) Custody release
(e) Unsecured bond
Who should you give paper work to?
The Record Clerk.
Security and safety precautions before in-custody transportation:
(a) Mental attitude: Officer must be aware of their surroundings, emotions, and inmates attitude.
(b) Identify the inmate and destination:
- Previous escapes? Gang member?
- Institutional discipline? Assault history?
- Obtain recent photograph
- Determine where you’re going
(c) Obtain all necessary restraints
- Weapon? Handcuff key? Soft body armor? Aerosol/defensive spray? Baton?
(d) Travel items
- ID, inmate meds, travel forms, cell phone.
(e) Maintain inventory
During transportation, inmates SHOULD NOT:
(a) Talk to anyone other than officers
(b) Be permitted to select stops
(c) Be unnecessarily exposed to public
(d) Have restraints removed
(e) Permitted to use a cell phone
When searching inmates:
(a) Always search top to bottom
(b) Be thorough
(c) Be systematic
(d) Take your time and concentrate
(e) Be objective
Court-house transportation:
- Two officers (Officer in charge and the driver)
- Search the inmate
- Search the vehicle
- Identify inmate
- Take different routes to courthouse
- Be aware of objects or persons who could interfere
- Make sure all paper work is signed.
- Secure your firearm before placing inmate in the lockup. Also search the local lockup.
- Once inmate sits with defense attorney, decide where you will sit.
Hospital transportation/elevator:
- Have inmates med records
- Always accompany the inmate
- In an elevator, always have your hand on gun, opposite to the inmate. Have the inmate face the back of the elevator.
Positional asphyixation:
Occurs when the body position of an individual interferes with their respiratory resulting in asphyxia, unconsciousness, or death.
Involuntary Commitment forms:
(a) AOC-SP-300
(b) AOC-SP-302
Should you place complete faith in restraint devices?
True or false:
Inmates are permitted to talk with anyone, including officers and prisoners.
False, inmates can only talk with officers and prisoners.
True or false:
Inmates are not permitted to chose where they want to stop, including eating places, rest stops, etc.
True or false:
Inmates should not be unnecessarily be exposed to the public/
True or false:
Inmates should remove restraints to be more comfortable.
False, inmates should not remove restraints regardless of comfort.
True or false:
Inmates are allowed to make phone calls.
False, inmates should never make phones calls during transportation.
If an officer is riding in the rear passenger area, should the officer be armed?
The officer must NEVER be armed.
What should you do with ALL paperwork?
Make sure it is signed by the proper authority.
Are respondents allowed to be held at a detention facility or other detention centers?
They may NOT be held at any detention center.
What are the rules for body searches?
(1) Work from top to bottom
(2) Be thorough
(3) Be systematic
(4) Take your time and concentrate
(5) Be objective