Tech Specs Flashcards
Direct 3.0.3 Entry (13)
3.1.5 B - Loss of PNC and PND for CEA indications
3.3.1/2 - loss of 3 or more instruments for the same channel
3.3.5 - Loss of 3 or more instruments for the same channel
3.4.9 - Both heater banks inoperable
*3.4.16 - Loss of RU-1 and sump monitor (inadv. CIAS)
3.5.1 - 2 or more SITs inop due to boron
*3.5.2 - 2 or more SITS inop for any reason
3.5.3 - Both ECCS trains inoperable
*3.6.6 - Both CS trains inoperable
*3.7.11 - Both CREFS trains inoperable
*3.7.12 - Both CREATCS trains inoperable
Both PREACS trains inoperable
3.8.1 - Both load sequencers inoperable
Shutdown LCOs (14)
3.1.4 A Moderator Temperature Coefficient not within COLR limits
3.1.5 C FSCEA not trippable
3.1.5 D 2 or more CEAs mis-aligned > 9.9”
3.3.4 E More than one RPS manual trip, matrix, or initiation logic
Below minimum temp for criticality
RCS loops inop in M1/M2
PZR level not within limits
More than 2 PZR safeties inop
> 150 GPD tube leakage
> 60 uCI/gm RCS I-131
5 or more SG safeties inop on the same SG
Ultimate Heat Sink inop
> 0.1 uCI/gm SG activity
LCO 3.0.3 Definition
When an LCO is not met and:
1. The associated actions are not met
2. An action is not provided
3. If directed by the actions
Within 1 hour, place the unit in:
1. Mode 3 within 7 hours,
2. Mode 5 within 37 hours
LCO 3.0.3 Exceptions
3.7.5, AFW System
When all three AFW trains are inoperable in mode 1
3.7.14, Fuel Storage Pool Water Level
When water level is not within limit
3.7.15, Fuel Storage Pool Boron Concentration
When Boron concentration is not within limit
3.7.17, SFP Assembly Storage