3.8 Flashcards
3.8.1 AC Sources - Operating
M1 - 4
Condition A: One off-site circuit inoperable
1 hour then every 8 hours: verify the other off-site circuit is available
24 hours: declare required supported features inop when its redundant feature is inop
3.8.1 AC Sources - Operating
M1 - 4
Condition B: One DG inoperable
1 hour then every 8 hours: verify the other off-site circuit is available
4 hours: declare required supported features inop when its redundant feature is inop
24 hours: common cause evaluation, or run the good DG
10 days: restore the DG. Extended DG outages (> 72 hours) require comp actions
3.8.1 AC Sources - Operating
M1 - 4
Condition C: Two off-site circuits inop
12 hours: declare required supported features inop when its redundant feature is inop
Restore one within 24 hours
3.8.1 AC Sources - Operating
M1 - 4
Condition D: One off-site and one DG
12 hours: restore one
Enter 3.8.9 if power is lost to a bus (use 3.0.6)
3.8.1 AC Sources - Operating
M1 - 4
Condition E: Two DGs
2 hours: restore one
3.8.1 AC Sources - Operating
M1 - 4
Condition F: One load sequencer
24 hours: restore it
4 hours: declare required supported features inop when its redundant feature is inop
3.8.1 AC Sources - Operating
M1 - 4
Condition G: 3 or more AC sources
1 hour: Restore one
3.8.2 AC Sources - Shutdown
M5 - 6
Moving fuel
One off-site and one DG
- suspend core alts
- stop moving fuel
- stop Rx additions
- initiate actions to restore
3.8.3 DG fuel oil, lube oil, starting air
Whenever a DG is required to be operable
A. < 7 days but > 6 of fuel: 48 hours to restore
B. < 7 days but > 6 of lube oil: 48 hours to restore
E. < 230# but > 185 air pressure: 48 hours to restore
Only one air receiver needed, > 250#. Enough for 5 starts
If you don’t meet the times, or < 185#, declare the associated DG inop (3.8.1 B)
3.8.4 DC Sources - Operating
M1 - 4
2 Trains of Buses, Batteries and Chargers
One charger inop: 2 hours to restore voltage (130 VDC), 72 hours to restore the charger
If a train is inop for other reasons: 2 hours to restore
2 Trains inop: 1 hour to restore one
3.8.6 Battery Parameters
When DC power is required
Float current
Cell voltage
Electrolyte level
Pilot cell temp
Battery capacity
Declare the battery inop and enter 3.8.4 B
3.8.7 Inverters
M1 - 4
2 trains required
Operable = a PN bus is powered via its inverter with good voltage and frequency, and the inverter is powered by its charger.
1 inverter inop: 7 days to restore.
2 or more inop: 1 hour to restore all but 1
If an inverter is inop:
- no maintenance allowed on associated DG or PPS/ESFAS train
3.8.9 Distribution Systems - Operating
M1 - 4
2 trains, each train:
One PB bus
Three PG buses
Four PH MCCs
One AC train inop (PB/PG/PH): 8 hours to restore
One PK or PN bus inop: 2 hours to restore
Two or more buses inop: 1 hour to restore