Excessive Steam Demand EOP Flashcards
What are the SDC entry requirements in ESD?
A. All safety function status checks are satisfied, and:
1. Pressurizer level is > 30% [38%]
2. RCS is > 24F [44F] subcooled
3. Pressurizer pressure is < 385 psia
4. Th is < 335F
State the HPSI throttle criteria in ESD
- RCS > 24F [44F] subcooled
- PZR level >10% [15%] and not lowering
- Good SG level 45-60% NR, or being restored to
- Upper Head level is >16%
When is SA 117 performed during an ESD?
SA 117, Align the H2 analyzers to containment is performed only if the ESD is inside containment
Important concepts about shutdown margin verification during an ESD
If pressurizer level is high a cooldown to lower level takes precedence over SDM verification
RCP seal integrity is has a priority over establishing SDM (don’t turn off your last charging pump, even if level is high)
ESD Inventory Control
Condition 1
A. PZR level > 10% [15%]
B. RCS > 24F [44F] Subcooled
C. Upper Head > 16%
D. SI is not needed to maintain level after throttle criteria is met
Condition 2
A. SI flow is adequate per APP 2
B. Outlet plenum level is >21%
ESD Core Heat Removal
A. Th < 650F
B. Max quadrant CET < 650F
C. RCS >24F [44F] subcooled
ESD Containment Temperature and Pressure Control
Condition 1
A. Cont. temperature < 235F
B. Cont. pressure < 8.5 psig
C. H2 concentration < 1.1%
Condition 2
A. 1 or more Cont. Spray flow > 4350 gpm
B. Cont. pressure < 55 psig
C. H2 concentrations < 4.9%
ESD: If the wrong steam generator was isolated, what are your actions?
Contingency Step 12.1
Restore feeding and steaming to the good SG, then isolate the bad SG (back to step 11)
ESD: What are your actions if the P/T limits were exceeded while you were depressurizing the good SG to stabilize the plant after rebound?
14.e If NO RCPs are running, maintain current temperature and pressure for at least 2 hours
ESD: What requirements are needed to be met in order to stop the Containment Spray Pumps?
- The CS pumps are operating
- Containment pressure is < 5 psig and stable or lowering
- The CS pumps are not required for long term cooling
- Stop one train at a time to ensure pressure doesn’t go up, then reset CSAS
ESD: What requirements need to be met before you can restore letdown?
Letdown is needed/desired
SI throttle criteria are met
ESD: List the conditions of Natural Circulation
- Loop delta T is < 65F
- Hot and Cold leg temperatures steady or lowering
- RCS is > 24F [44F] subcooled (from CETs)
- < 30F delta T between Th RTDs and the max quadrant CET
ESD: What are your options to lower pressurizer level if it is > 65% and Letdown is not aligned?
- If NC is aligned to the RCPs
A. As long as charging pumps aren’t being used to borate, stop all charging pumps
B. If Seal 2 outlet temperature approaches 250F on any standby RCP - isolate that pumps Seal Bleedoff - If NC is not aligned, or you are borating with a charging pump
A. Your only option is to cooldown the RCS to lower pressurizer level
ESD: What are your options to lower pressurizer level if it is > 65% and Letdown is not aligned?
- If NC is aligned to the RCPs
A. As long as charging pumps aren’t being used to borate, stop all charging pumps
B. If Seal 2 outlet temperature approaches 250F on any standby RCP - isolate that pumps Seal Bleedoff - If NC is not aligned, or you are borating with a charging pump
ESD: At what plant condition do you depressurize the SITs
When pressurizer pressure is between 1000 and 750 psia, depressurize the SITs to between 300 and 330 psig.
Perform APP 25, SIT Isolation Valve Power Alignment
When pressurizer presser is < 400 psia, close the SIT isolation valves