TB 144, tsunami response plan Flashcards
travel time for a local generated tsunami is?
5-30 minutes
time frame for a distant tsunami is?
5 1/2 to 18 hours
west coast/ Alaska tsunami warning center is responsible for what areas?
Aleutian islands south through baja california
a strong earthquake lasting longer than ? should be a warning sign of a potential near source tsunami
20 seconds
when a tsunami is issued what is the chain of command?
california governors office of emerg. management
california law enforcement telecomms system
local response areas
how many types of tsunami alerts are there?
how often are updates issued by the WC/ATWC for tsunamis?
every 30 minutes
what are the seven tsunamis warnings?
warning watch advisory info bulletin cancellation communication test
Why is the time frame for tsunami warnings to be issued?
three hour travel time
tsunami watch issued?
3-6 hour travel time zone
tsunami advisory issued?
posses no imminent threat
tsunami information bulletin issued?
investigation is underway
tsunami information message issued?
there is no tsunami danger
tsunami cancellation issued?
will be sent when all danger of a tsunami event has passed
tsunami waves are normally smaller with the first wave, when is this not true?
local source tsunami the first wave is the largest