joes fireline problems

This class was created by Brainscape user Joe Magana. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (136)

What is needed if incident scope ...,
Determine appropriate tactics,
Assisting cooperating agencies co...
9  cards
TB 156, Hillside Homes
Initial size up,
Fire behavior
32  cards
DB 15-03, ESB Reorganization
Designed to improve,
24  cards
BOOK 98. Earthquake Manual
Damage assessment,
Evis scale
2  cards
TB 82, infectious disease
Cleaning supplies for infectious ...,
Exposure level 1 for infectious d...,
Level 2 exposure to infectious di...
23  cards
TB 127 inspection guides for apparatus, PPE, SCBA
Prohibited cleaning for undercarr...,
Lubrication of undercarrage,
Who can use steam cleaners to cle...
50  cards
TB 106, LCES Watch outs
Who is responsible for maintainin...,
Operational retreat us indicated ...,
How many structure watch situatio...
10  cards
BOOK 30, command procedures
Situations that require immediate...,
Company officer assumes ic what o...,
Assumption of ic is descretionary...
49  cards
BOOK 100 Hi rise IC
Primary responsibility of the ini...,
When an actual fire is located th...,
A hi rise fire attack team takes ...
148  cards
DB 14-04, NFPA 704 placards
Number of hazard classification r...,
How are multiple hazards deisplay...,
What does lw mean in the white se...
13  cards
DB 13-04, dangers of vacant/abandoned buildings
What notifications are required w...,
When a vacant abandoned building ...,
Where would hazard id symbols be ...
24  cards
BOOK 70, MCI comand system
The start system allows for triag...,
The hear radio is activated through,
What are the three physical asses...
23  cards
BOOK 92/TB135 tactical incidents
When are rescuers allowed to oper...,
What is defined as the area outsi...,
If during a barricaded suspect in...
52  cards
Core values that guide our behavior,
The departments service statement...,
The grievence shall be considered...
38  cards
DB 10-05, maintaining drivers license
A member whose driver license is ...,
Court rulings have held ff to a h...,
The approving authority for out o...
3  cards
DB 11-03 Injury Prevention
When a member is injured on duty ...,
The individual responsible for in...,
Upon completing all necessary doc...
12  cards
DB 11-10 second 800 radio for company commander
Two radios will be assigned to th...,
All officers shall carry two radios
2  cards
DB 11-12 apparatus avilablilty
In n out repair is defined as com...,
In the event that the assigned co...,
Apparatus my be used for a maximu...
9  cards
DB 13-05, cell phone policy
Cell phone policy permits the use...
1  cards
DB 09-10, EMS eye protection
Protectiove eyewear is required t...
1  cards
FF bill of rights
The one year statute of limitatio...,
If after an investigation is comp...,
Punitive action is defined as any...
4  cards
TB 149 residential sprinklers systems
Home sprinkler systems use sprink...,
Residential sprinklers are requir...,
Residential sprinklers piping bey...
11  cards
TB 145 combustible metals
Working with what distance of a b...,
The only extinguishing product pr...,
All known business that utilize c...
16  cards
DB 15-01, metro fire communications
Under what of the following circu...
1  cards
TB 152, butine honey oil recognition and hazards
The high potential for ignition o...,
Upon discovery of a butane honey ...
2  cards
RA availability and MDC documentation at hospitals
An ra spent the last 90 minutes a...
1  cards
DB 14-01, social media
Department loops uniforms or depa...
1  cards
DB 15-02, LAFD disability or access and functional needs DAFN
The dafn would report to the plan...
1  cards
DB 14-03 controlled narcotics on RA
Narcotic inventories how often do...,
Station commanders shall review a...,
Narcotic inventories shall be che...
4  cards
TB 84, 116, Metrolink/metro rail red line
The maximum crush load capacity o...,
The mezzanine level is the first ...,
The red line subway system are em...
47  cards
TB 97, keys to effective communication
Wearing mirrored sunglasses carry...,
When you emphasis on cetain words...,
Belittling makin a fool of embarr...
6  cards
MOPS, routine operations/hydrants/public affairs/recall
A still alarm received while out ...,
Move ups shall be,
Parking on one side of a street i...
82  cards
TB 62, 2 inch hi rise hose
When connecting to a standpipe ou...,
Hi rise hose packs consist of,
Lightweight blue hose has the abi...
19  cards
TB 63, supplementing hi rise fire pumps
In the event of fire pump failure...,
The member responsible for suppll...,
The engineer supplying the water ...
8  cards
TB 5, auto fires
What are considrations to include...,
Mechanical energy absorbing bumpe...,
When heated to a point of decompo...
10  cards
TB 55, 4" supply hose
All 4 nitrile hose bypasses and s...,
Driving over 4 supply hose,
Maximum hydorstatic acceptance te...
8  cards
TB83 africanized honeybee
European hb will follow upt to 40...,
What is the exclusion zone of ahb,
What is used to secure turnout eq...
20  cards
TB 98, medical services report writing
Since all members whose signature...,
If transporting when should the e...,
If a mistake is made on paper doc...
7  cards
TB 144, tsunami response plan
Travel time for a local generated...,
Time frame for a distant tsunami is,
West coast alaska tsunami warning...
32  cards
TB 73, tactical operational considerations for personnel safety
Prior to commiting yourself consi...,
When ther is a large hostile crow...,
An incident with the potential fo...
5  cards
TB 90, fire burns
What construction features presen...,
The most deadly fo the fier pheno...,
Most dangerous and threatening pr...
18  cards
TB 77, live fire training
The training officer shall ensure...,
The simulation of a victim inside...,
During live fire training handlin...
4  cards
TB 139, air management policy
Exiting an idlh enviroment should...,
An immediate action item for a fi...,
Scba air bottle pressure buddy br...
5  cards
TB 69, maxi force air bag
The maximum lifting height of the...,
Never inflate aair bags against s...,
The auxiliary air source adapter ...
7  cards
TB 140, elevator Operations
Elevator emerg service increases ...,
Emerg service in elevators is div...,
To prevent the emerg system from ...
24  cards
BOOK 101, rapid intervention company
You hear the following message ov...,
The use of emerg traffic is used ...,
In order to provide a more effici...
27  cards
TB 101, standardized emerg. management system
Sems and the incident manaement s...,
Ics forms begind with form 201 an...,
Sems provides for what level emer...
88  cards
TB 47, aircraft fire/rescue procedures
The most hi impact crashes fier c...,
Should a helicopter crash land wi...,
What are the principal points of ...
9  cards
TB 47/136 aircraft fire/rescue/SOG
Historical data shows that when a...,
What should be a primary consider...,
The quantity and type of resource...
12  cards
TB 138, plug buggy with lift gate apparatus
Where were specialized apparatus ...
1  cards
DB 14-16, rescue ambulance availabililty and MDC documentation
Would would have been the appropr...
1  cards
MOPS, volume 1
A still alarm received while out ...,
Under which of the following cond...,
Which of the following answer is ...
41  cards
BOOK 99, brush manual
What things contribute to extreme...,
The headings of t cards are color...,
Which of the following statements...
183  cards
Misc. questions
Tb 75 dont use radio within how m...,
Tb63 when second engine is needed...,
Tb149 when are residential sprink...
91  cards
Whos responsibility to ensure har...,
What is the definition of pranks ...,
Increase liability if failure to ...
26  cards
Where is the sound powered phone ...,
Which is not a fs occupancy,
How much class 1a liquid is kept ...
19  cards
TB 113, alameda corridor
How many sections is the alameda ...,
Track one is also called the east...,
How many green botz dots are used...
16  cards
TB 70, metro blue line
The gold line connects,
The blue line connects,
The green line connects
44  cards
BOOK 29, Truck company ops
What are the advantages of positi...,
If a gasoline blowe is being util...,
Areas or locations that do not ha...
39  cards
Under what circumstances may memb...,
When tso or more ff subordiante i...,
A company fire prevention is an a...
69  cards
TB 99, river rescue
On an annual basis in the united ...,
List of the swift water rescue op...,
The ideal inflation pressure of t...
16  cards
TB 44, rotary saw
Care must be taken that the area ...,
Abrasive blades metal and masonry...
2  cards
BOOK 1, fire prevention
Double acting doors shall not be ...,
A standard door should be what di...,
If an occupant load of 10 or less...
25  cards
MOPS, volume 6, fire prevention
Deluge water shower shall not be ...,
Flammable aerosols may stored up ...,
What is the caliber of ammunition
117  cards
TB 9, organic phosphate
Organic phosphates can be absorbe...,
What is the antidote for organic ...,
When flushing eyes for organic ph...
10  cards
TB 8, electrical hazards
When hose streams must be used wi...,
Firefighters applying water in th...,
Lafd policy states that aerial la...
15  cards
BOOK 37, haz mat operational plan
An initial consideration for firs...,
The dept overall responsibility a...,
The overall strategy in a haz mat...
63  cards
TB 71, management of spontaneous volunteers and city volunteer program
History has demonstrated taht eme...,
A community emergency responsce t...
2  cards
brush clearence
Grass and weeds shall be cut to h...,
Native brush shall be cut up from...,
Native brush shall be kept how fa...
13  cards
A w with a slash through it as re...,
Federal law requires all spills o...,
The erg is primarily designed for...
39  cards
ERG emergency response guide
What document provides vital info...,
If chemical agents are suspected ...,
Shipping documents for haz mat tr...
3  cards
TB 57, evacuation guidelines
The primary responsiblilty for co...,
A company commander who has an av...,
The department utlimate goal in t...
10  cards
TB 75, bomb scene incidents
Whenever fire department personne...,
Every situation differs but the a...,
The most serious of all dicisions...
7  cards
TB 35, overhaul
If conditions warrant overhaul pi...,
Larger fires require special plan...,
The following are the main object...
4  cards
TB 36, ID of phencyclidine and clandestine laboratories
The following are common indicato...,
A variety of chemicals are used i...
2  cards
TB 94, asbestos
A permit for asbestos abatement i...,
The dept implemented a program wh...,
In hi rise building that have had...
8  cards
TB 30, organic peroxides
When a fire occurs in the vicinit...,
During the firefighting phase of ...,
Organic peroxides can be found in...
8  cards
TB 123, radiation frequency
Safe working conditions are impro...,
The minimum radio frequency ratia...
2  cards
TB 60, methanol vehicles
There are several methods of exti...,
The vapor density of methanol is ...,
Each bus will be equipped with an...
6  cards
TB 78, oleo resin capsicum
The effects of oc are almost imme...,
All of the following are immediat...
2  cards
TB 164, transitional attack with handlines
The transisitional attack option ...,
Prior to executing a transitional...,
To effectively utilize the transi...
8  cards
TB 4, gasoline tank truck/ trailer incidents
Most gasoline tank trucks trailer...,
Truck transportataion of fuels is...,
The responsibility for ordering v...
16  cards
TB 56, basic radiation protection principles
Every shipment of radioactive mat...,
A roentgen dose is the amount of ...,
Which type of ionizing radiation ...
13  cards
TB 81, body armor vests
Body armor vest have been found t...,
A body armor vest may be worn any...
2  cards
TB 49, polychlorinated biphenyls
Dwp and power capacitors transfor...,
During fire preventuion inspectio...,
Positive id of locations where pc...
6  cards
TB 93, thermal gel
The normal compliment of thermo g...,
The product can be applied to all...,
When applying thermo gel to a str...
15  cards
TB 85, large diameter 4 way valve
Maintenance of the 4 way valve in...
1  cards
TB 96, wildland firefighting protective clothing
Which of the following statements...,
One field pack is assigned to each,
The field pack is worn at teh dis...
3  cards
TB 155, wildland urban interface structure protection
Contingency planning during the t...,
The tactical action for structure...,
The follow up tactical action for...
6  cards
WOP, wildland operational plans
The written narratives contained ...,
The wop book is laid out
2  cards
TB 151, progressive hose lay and smokey pack
Lafd plicy indicates that when us...,
All of ther following are conside...,
A company given the task of estab...
6  cards
TB 161, electricity dependent resident locations
Under what conditions or situatio...,
The dept of water and power has a...,
On scene ic unable to access lsdp...
4  cards
DB 15-07, anit fireworks campaign
Fireworks either turned in by the...,
The partnership of the dept anit ...
2  cards
Paramedic ambulances shall be sta...,
Paramedic resources shall be staf...,
Except for extended leaves no req...
45  cards
BOOK 20, community relations guide
The purpose of the guide is to pr...,
Approximately of our calls are fo...,
All requests for fire dept involv...
23  cards
DB 09-03, high visibility vest
The high visibility vest shall be...,
High visibility vest shall worn a...,
If damaged defaced faded torn or ...
4  cards
Once a supervisor believes that a...,
If a member suspected of being un...,
Members will be considered impair...
9  cards
DB 05-14, accepting newborn safely surrendered baby law
If additional newborn safe surren...,
The law allows a person to surren...,
The transportation of a safe surr...
5  cards
DB 13-05 distracted driving-revision to cellular telephone
The cell phone policy permits the...,
California law specifically addre...
2  cards
DB 09-10 EMS eye protection policy
Protective eyewear is required to...
1  cards
DB 08-04, Tattoo policy
Members will be prohibited from g...,
Sworn uniformed members shall cov...
2  cards
MOPS personnel procedures
An annual performance evaluation ...,
A performance evaluation shall be...,
A performance evaluation shall be...
27  cards
MOPs organization/admin/written comm's
The core values that guid our beh...,
The dept service statements are d...,
Which of the following answers be...
13  cards
DB 10-05 valid drivers license
A member whose driver license is ...,
Court rulings have held that fire...,
Members whose primary residence i...
3  cards
MOPS VOLUME 4 supplies
When s and m office are closed fi...,
The repair of dept issued office ...,
The individual responsible for en...
29  cards
DB 09-15 work palce violence
All threats of violence will be t...,
Employees who act in a threatenin...,
Violent employees normally provide
8  cards
DB 10-12 traffic accident investigation
An accident in which fire dept pe...,
An accident in which fire dept pe...,
An accident which occurred becaus...
17  cards
BOOK 88, duty related death
Members participating in a funera...,
The approving authority for weari...,
The individual who normally seves...
8  cards
MOPS apparatus
If it becomes necessary to use of...,
Any apparatus in the shops for re...,
Apparatus damaged in an accident ...
7  cards
MOPS, equipment
A daily inventory of all portable...,
Unless otherwise assigned personn...,
All rubber lined double jacketed ...
6  cards
MOPS, volume 5, reports and records
The overall responsibility for th...,
A permanent dept form with a pref...,
The fire code states that all fir...
27  cards
TB 140, elevator ops at hi rise
The fire service or phase ii swit...,
Open elevator lobbies which are s...,
What an elevator is automatically...
5  cards
MOPS, Operations, Fire Investigation
A fire set willfully and maliciou...,
Th ic is responsible for entering...,
Caused investigation of a fire ha...
8  cards
DB 12-03, Field Incident Coe Book
The ic can determine the total am...,
For loss estimate on a while fir ...,
Non combustible construction cons...
14  cards
BOOK 83, Fire Investigation
The primary responsibility to det...,
The responsibility for determinin...,
The follow up investigation respo...
53  cards
DB 07-06 Inter Facility Transfers
An inter facility transport will ...,
The responsibility to determine i...,
If a pt condition changes en rout...
5  cards
DB 11-15, Intrafacing With Prvate Ambulance Providers
If a pt meets als criteria and in...,
If a medical incident is encounte...
2  cards
DB 12-02, Gurney Safety Procedures
An investigation of a gurney acci...,
Members assigned to rescue ambula...
2  cards
DB 12-01, Health Insurance HIPAA
Any unauthorized access use or di...,
Which of the following results in...,
Proof right along participants sh...
6  cards
DB 14-07, EPCR Procedures
Epc are that are unable to be fix...,
The nontransport epc yard should ...,
The la county ems agency requires...
8  cards
DB 14-15, Metro Express Lanes
Any citations received for violat...,
Department bulletin identifies in...,
The express lanes traffic inciden...
4  cards
TB 133, Traffic Signal Preemption System
Transponders of the fire preempti...,
The maintenance of the transponde...,
The fire preemptive system is bas...
5  cards
TB 76, Company Operations
When transferring command to a ch...,
What s the chief officer arrives ...,
In a hurry rice incident a minimu...
16  cards
TB 162, Metrorail Construction
A 46 inch water supply systemprov...,
The greatest risk in tunnel const...,
The fire department will respond ...
33  cards
TB 163, Metro Crenshaw/LAX Construction Phase
The activation of air monitoring ...,
The responsibility to verify the ...,
Tell division will ensure that al...
7  cards
MOPS, VOLUME 6, Building Inventory Program
If multiple hazards exist in an o...,
The fourth space at the bottom of...,
No cylinder or tank of liquefied ...
6  cards
BOOK 11, Communication Manual
Leading cause for premature of ba...,
He charge indicator of flashing r...,
Eastsound approach for members to...
3  cards
DB 15-13, SAVE CARD, Supply Aid To Victims
A benchmark of 25 property loss w...,
Hey monthly accounting report of ...
2  cards
TB 86, Structural Fumigation An Pesticide
Chloropicrin is a teargas with an...
1  cards
TB 50, Enhancing Or Servies To The Disability
Prior to performing a task on the...,
If an ill or injured individual n...,
When the need arises to evacuate ...
7  cards
BOOK 35, LAFD EMS Field Maual
When a member discovers and repor...
1  cards
DB 15-09, Coded Assign Hire Process Update
Which of the following is a true ...
1  cards
TB 53, Air Ambulance
Under normal conditions the air a...,
The approach and departure angel ...,
At the scene of an emergency inci...
3  cards
TB 7, Fighting Fiers With Large Spay Streams
In comparing spray streams with s...
1  cards
TB 45, Railroad Training Bulletin
Your engine company has responded...,
With respect to firefighting stra...,
Your engine company is dispatched...
7  cards
DB 14-11, Public Assemblage Overcrowding
Each member that assists in a cou...,
It is the responsibility of the i...,
Typical indications of an overcro...
9  cards

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joes fireline problems

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