taxonomy (part 2) Flashcards
what did Hans Eysenck propose?
that personality taxonomy should be rooted in biology
what was his 3 major traits of interest(PEN)
Psychoticism(releted to testosterone level)
- agressivness ,cold, egocentric
Extraversion (related to psychological arousal)
- sociable,active,lively
Neuroticism(related tp functions in autonomic nervous system)
- anxious,depressed,tense
what are some critisim towards psychoticism?
*it was a later addition to the model
- label accuracy (should it be called antisocial personality instead?)
-relevance to sub-traits( creativity is a sub trait of psychoticism
what are some critisim towards psychoticism?
*it was a later addition to the model
- label accuracy (should it be called antisocial personality instead?)
-relevance to sub-traits( creativity is a sub trait of psychoticism
what is the circumplex taxonomies (important)
is a diagram of how the big two relate to one another
your level on one factor does not have to have any relation to your level on another factor(
melancholic: high in N and Low in E
phlegmatic : low in N and Low in E
sanguine : Low in N and High in E
choleric:High in N and High in E
ex:Squidward: he is melancholic (high N,Low E)
what are some problems with PEN?
Not all-inclusive (other studies show more then 3 factors)
Other traits show heritability not just PEN (conscienciouss)
Other taxonomies develop to address issues (the five factor model)
what is the Five-factor Model (FFM) or Big 5 ? (o.c.e.a.n)
Openness: curious and unconventional
Conscientious: orderly and disciplined
Extraversion:exuberant and sociable
Agreebleness:caring and considerate
Neuroticism:emotional and anxious
what is the FFM
combination of lexical and statiscal approches
-started with a bunch of trait terms then meaningful clusters ere identified from this long list of items through factor analysis to create the model
what is factor analysis?
empirical way of identifying groups of items that tend to go together, but tend not to go together with other groups of items
ex: openness:artistic,curious,cultured,imaginative
what are some strong empirical support for the FFM ?
it has been repeatedly found
-across cultures
-cross species (dogs,monkeys,hyenas)
Openness to experience
- fantasy, aesthetics,feelings,ideas
- actions(adventures),values (are more open-minded)
-competence,order,dutifulness,achievement striving
-usually sucessful in school and work
-gregariousness,activity level,assertion,warmth
-excitement seeking,positive emotions
-well liked
-self-countiousness,angry hostility
-what you dont want to be
what is the big 5 missing?
-positive evaluation and negative evaluation
-honety and humility(HEXACO model)
what is Plaster Hypothasis ?
personality traits become stable by age 30
what is the contextualist perspective?
personality emerges from multiple sources;person-environment interactions
what are/is the two metrics for stability/change ?
mean level stability: in a population people’s average level of a trait at different ages
their trandes change from when they are 5 to 30.the question is how much do they change
what was Soto,John,Gosling and potter lifespan personality study?
sample (1.267.218) were recruted online
cross-sectional study
measured associations between age and personality, gender difference in personality change were also measured
what did they find in their study?
- Extraversion - starts high in childhood, but gradually decreases(in middle adulthood) and stabilizes over time
-Agreeableness-Declines in adolecencese but rapidly increases from young adult(they pass through university) onwards becomes especially adaptive past age 30 (when people usually have long-term jobs)
-Conscientiouness- increase in adolescence,change by gender
-Neuroticism- decreases from young adulthood, gender differences early on are pretty big but along time they become smaller
-Openess to Expirences- modest increase overtime from adolence,flatlines in middle adulthood becomes stable
-other research say they decrease from 30 onwards
what was Robins,Fraley,Roberts and Trzesniewski study?
Personality change in college
they compered personality scores at the being and end of university among students
two assements(biggning of year 1 and end of 4 year )
what was found in the study?
extraversion didn’t change
agreebleness incresed
conscientiousness increased
openness increased
neuroticism decresed
what is the maturity principle?
people tend to increse traits that are found as good in adulthood (promotes good behaviour) and decreases the ones that don’t
stability vs plasticity
based on mean-level shift(how level of traits chanege across a person life spam)
personality change generally seems to align adaptively with key changes in life
-new job
-starting a femily
what are the two types of change ?
-mean level change (people’s level of traits change with time)
-Rank-order stability (consistencies of individual differences on traits )
-ex: will the high level of extraversion will be an adult with high level of extraversion?
what is meta-analysis in stability at different ages *
-compiled results from all studies ever done on personality change and development
-compared personality consistencies across age