T3 L4 Talking about gender Flashcards
What is sex?
Biological construct based upon biological characteristics enabling sexual reproduction. Biological sex is assigned in relation to secondary sexual characteristics, gonads or sex chromosomes
What are the 4 types of sexual categories?
What is intersexual?
Person born with both female and male sexual characteristics
What is gender?
Social construct regarding culture-bound conventions, roles and behaviours for, as well as relations between and among women/ men and boys/girls
Describe gender roles
Vary across a continuum and both gender relations and biologic expressions of gender vary within and across societies
What is sexism?
Involves inequitable gender relations. Refers to institutional and interpersonal practices whereby members of dominant gender identity groups acre privileges by subordinating other gender groups and justify these practices via ideologies of innate superiority, difference or deviance.
What is genderbread used for?
Help break down and explain various components of sex and gender
Why should doctors care about gender socialisation?
Women often get under diagnosed and misdiagnosed
Gender pay gap
What is intersex?
Complex processes of sex determination and sex differentiation are disrupted / incomplete
What is aphasia?
First 2 sections of the genitals don’t develop
Equally common in both genders
What is clitoromegaly?
Abnormal enlargement of the clitoris
This is chordee?
Head of the penis forms as if it were female while the other parts continue as male
Usually corrected in surgery
What is true hermaphroditism?
Individual has ovarian and testicular tissue present
Describe the link between transgenders and suicide risk
50% of transgender youths will attempt suicide before their 20th birthday
What is gender affirmation?
Having one’s gender identity acknowledge and accepted in social, legal and other settings
What can discrimination of trans cause?
Increased stress Anxiety Depressive symptoms Post-traumatic stress disorder Substance abuse and suicide
Being trans increases the risk of what?
Bullying Verbal harassement Sexual assault Non-sexual violence Decreased health care utilisation
What is gender identity?
One’s sense of oneself as male, female or outside these categories
What is a cisgender man?
A person assigned male sex at birth who identifies as a man
What is a cisgender woman?
A person assigned female sex at birth who identifies as a female
What is genderqueer?
Person with non binary gender identity, identifying as both a man and a woman or neither
What is a transgender man?
Person assigned female sex at birth who identifies as a man
What is a transgender female?
Person assigned male sex at birth who identifies as a female
What is the definition of transgender?
Umbrella term for people whose gender identity and/or gender expression differs from the sex assigned to them at birth
What is the definition of transsexual?
Desire to live and be accepted as a member of the opposite sex. Usually accompanied by a sense of discomfort with one’s anatomic sex and the wish to have surgery and hormonal treatment
What is transition?
Process by which a permanent change of gender roles is undertaken and the individual starts to live as the gender in which they identify
What does transition involve?
Social, physical or legal changes
Changing one’s appearance
Changing one’s name, pronoun and sex designation on legal documents
Medical interventions
What is sex reassignment surgery (SRS)?
Surgical procedure by which a person’s physical function and appearance of their existing sexual characteristics are altered to resemble that of the other sex
Why do we need to consider the importance of primary care for trans population?
GP may be the first person they tell abut their gender dissonance
Open, non-judgemental approach needed
Refer to regional gender service, even if they aren’t completely sure they are transgender
Signpost to support groups
Vulnerable to mental health problems
May be self-medicating with hormones
Still need appropriate screening