T2Q1 Leg: Muscle/ Origin/ Insertion Flashcards
medial- distal femur, superior to medial condyle
lateral-distal femur, upper posterolateral of lateral femoral condyle
insertion: calcaneal tendon to posterior surface of calcaneus
- plantar flexes the foot
- flexes knee
tibia: soleal line and medial border
fibular: head and adjacent surfaces
insertion: calcaneal tendon
f(x) plantarflexes the foot
femur- inferior part of lateral supracondylar line
oblique politeal ligament of knee
insertion: calcaneal tendon
- plantar flexes the foot
- flexes knee
origin: lateral femoral codyle
insertion: posterior surface of proximal tibia
- stabilizes knee joint (resists lateral rotation of tibia on femur)
- unlocks knee joint (laterally rotates femur on fixed tibia)
flexor hallucis longus
origin: posterior surface of fibula and adjacent interosseous membrane
insertion: plantar surfaces of bases of distal phalanges of the lateral four toes
f(x): flexes great toe
flexor digitorum longus
origin: tibia, medial side of posterior surface
insertion: lantar surfaces of bases of distal phalanges of lateral four toes
f(x): flexes lateral four toes
tibialis posterior
origin: interosseus membrane, posterior surface
tuberosity of navicular and adjacent regions
- inversion
- plantarflexion
- support of medial arch (during walking)
fibularis longus
origin: fibula, upper lateral surface
insertion: medial cuneiform/ metatarsal I, lateral side, inferior surface
- eversion
- supports arches of foot
fibularis brevis
origin: fibula, shaft, lower two-thirds
insertion: metatarsal, lateral tubercle
f(x); eversion of foot
tibialis anterior
origin: tibia, lateral surface, anterior compartment
insertion: medial cuneiform/ adjacent surface
- dorsiflexion of foot at ankle
- inversion of foot
- dynamic support of medial arch of foot
extensor hallucis longus
origin: fibula, meiddle one half of medial surface
insertion: distal phalanx, great toe, dorsal surface
f(x): extension of great toe
extensor digitorum longus
origin: fibula, proximal one half of medial surface
insertion: middle phalanges of lateral four toes (viai digital expansions)
- extension of lateral four toes
- dorsiflexion of foot
fibularis tertius
origin: fibula, medial surface
insertion: metatarsal V, dorsomedial surface of base
f(x): dorsiflexion and eversion of foot
quadratus plantae
1. calcaneus, medial surface
2. calcaneus, calcaneal tuberosity, lateral surface
flexor digitorum longus tendon, lateral side, sole of foot
f(x): assists flexor digitorum tendon in flexes toes II to V
flexor digitorum tendons, medial side
insertion: free margins of extensor hoods
f(x); flexion of metatarsophalangeal joint and extension of interphalangeal joints
flexor hallucis brevis
origin: cuboid and lateral cuneiform, plantar surface
insertion: phalanx of great toe, lateral and medial sides
f(x): flexes great toe at metatarosphalangeal joint
adductor hallucis
origin: calcaneal tuberosity, medial process
insertion: great toe, proximal phalanx, lateral side
f(x): adducts great toe at metatarsophalangeal joint
flexor digit minimi brevis
origin: base of metatarsal V, and related sheath of fibularis longus tendon
insertion: little toe, proximal phalanx, lateral side of base
f(x): flexes little toe at metatarsophalangeal joint
dorsal interossei
origin: adjacent metatarsal, sides
insertion: extensor hoods, bases of proximal phalanges of toes II to IV
- abduction of toes II to IV
- resist extension of metatarsophalangeal joints and flexion of interphalangeal joints
plantar interossei
origin: metatarsals of toes III to V, medial sides
insertion: proximal phalanges of toes III to V, extensor hoods
f(x): adduction of toes III to V at metatarsophalangeal joints, resist extension of the metatarsophlangeal joints and flexion of the interphalangeal joints
abducor hallucis
origin: calcaneal tuberosity, medial process
insertion: great toe, proximal phalanx, medial side
f(x): abducts and flexes great toe at metatarsophalangeal joint
flexor digitorum brevis
1. calcaneal tuberosity
2. plantar aponeurosis
insertion: middle phalanges of lateral four toes, sides of plantar surface
f(x): flexes latearl four toes at proximal interphalangeal joint
abductor digiti minimi
- calcaneal tuberosity, lateral and medial processes
- band of connective tissue connecting calcaneus with base of metatarsal V
insertion: little toe, proximal phalanx, lateral side
f(x): abducts little toe at the metatarsophalangeal joint