Perineum: Ischio-anal fossa, urogenital triangle, anal triangle Flashcards
wh is the perineum?
the perineum is a diamond-shaped region positioned inferiorly to the pelvic floor between the thighs. Its peripheral boundary is the pelvic outlet; its ceiling is the pelvic diaphragm (the leavtor ani and coccygeus muscles); and its narrow lateral walls are formed by the walls of the pelvic cavity below the attachment of the leavtor ani muscle
the perineum is divided into an anterior urogenital triangle and a posterior anal triangle by an imaginary line between the two ischial tuberosities
borders of perineum
anterior: inferior border of the pubic symphysis
posterior: tip of the coccyx
lateral: ischial tuberosity
inferior: pelvic outlet
roof: leavtor ani muscles
external anal sphincter
deep part: continuous with leavtor ani muscles
subvutaenous part: just beneath the skin
innervation: pudendal nerve
superficial perineal pouch
ceiling: perineal membrane
floor: membranous layer of the superificial fascia
content: erectile tissue of the penis and clitoris
corpora cavernosa
two cylindrical erectile structures attached to the pelvis at the crura (legs)
latin: “legs”
the end of the corpora cavernosa that attached them to the pubic arch
bulbs of vestibule
the female equivalent of the corpus spongiosum in men;
two symmetric cylindrical structures found on either side of the glans clitoris
glans clitoris
an erectile mass located anterior to the urethra in the midline
corpus spongiosum
a single large erectile mass. th eequivalent of the vestibule, glans clitoris, and interconnecting bands of erectile tissue in women
located inferiorly and medially to the corpa cavernosa
contains the urethra
root of clitoris
only the two crura
body of clitoris
formed by the unattached parts of the corpora cavernosa, embedded in the connective tissue of the perineum
root of penis
two crura + bulb of the penis
bulb of penis
proximal part of the corpus spongiosum
body of penis
the two free parts of the corpora cavernosa and the corpus spongiosum
suspensory ligament of penis
a deep ligament anchored to the pubic symphysis
fundiform ligament of penis
a superficial ligament attached to the linea alba and the anterior abdominal wal
glans penis
an expansion of the corpus spongiosum at the distal end of the penis that covers the corpora cavernosa
bartholin’s gland
female analogues of the bulborethral glands found in the superifical perineal pouch rather than deep
produce secretion during sexual arousal
ischiocavernosus muscle
two thin muscles that cover the cura of the penis and are attached to the ischial tuberosity
forces blood from the body into the crus of the relevant erectile tissue
bulbospongiosus muscle
associated with the bulbs of the vestibule in women; base of the corpus spongiosum in men
female external genitalia: clitoris, vestibular apparatus, and a number of skin and tissue folds
labia minora (minus for singular)
inner/ non-skin hood of the vulva, has a medial and lateral fold
the region enclosed on either side by the labia minora; urethra and vagina empty here
prepuce of clitoris
“hood” of the clitoris, a union of the medial folds of the clitoris
frenulum of labia minora
a small medial union between the two labia minora posterior to the clitoris
a ring-like fold of membrane that ruptures during stress or during initial intercourse
paraurethral (Skene’s) glands
open on either side of the urethra in females
posterior commisure
posteriorly the labia majora do not meet, instead they form a commisure
a midline remnant of the union of two labiscrotal swellings in the embryo
raphe of penis
a line of fushion between urethral cushions?
frenulum of the glans
a medial skin fold attaches the glans to the foreskin in this region
corona of glans
the outer ring of the glans that meet at the midline
foreskin attached at the neck of the glans with skin lying loosely attached posteriorly
Colle’s Fascia
a superficial fascia of the urogenital triangle that is continuous with the fascia of the anterior abdominal wall
attachments: anteriorly it descends from the abdominal fascia, posteriorly it is attached to the perineal membrane, laterally it is anchored to the ischiopubic rami
ischioanal fossa
inferior: perineal membrane
laterally: obdurator muscle
superiorly and medially:levator ani muscles
anterior recess of ischioanal fossa
base: deep perineal pouch
superiomedial wall: levator ani
superiolateral wal: obturator wall
urogenital triangle
anterior border: inferior aspect of pubiv symphysis
lateral border: ischiopubic rami bones
posterior: imaginary line between ischial tuberosities