Sustainability Flashcards
Level 1 - Sustainability
What is sustainability?
To meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations
Level 1 - Sustainability
Explain your understanding of COP26.
- The 2021 Conference of Parties was the 26th meeting attended by countries that signed up to the united nations framework conventions on climate change.
- Announced $130trillion of private capital to accelerate the transition to a net-zero economy by 2050.
Level 1 - Sustainability
What are the triple bottom line principles?
- Social - Building healthy communities
- Economical - Building strong responsive economies
- Environmental - Contributing towards protection and enhancement of our natural, built envrionment
Level 1 - Sustainability
What are the most recent UK targets for climate change?
- Climate Change Act 2008 commits to reduce Greenhouse Gases to Net Zero by 2050
- Reduce Greenhouse Gases emissions by 55% by 2030
Level 1 - Sustainability
Can you give me an example of a sustainable design feature?
- Solar photovoltaics
- Timber Frames
- Green roofs
- Ground source heat pumps
- Air source heat pumps
- LEDs
- Natural ventiliation
Level 1 - Sustainability
Practices to measures sustainability
Level 1 - Sustainability
Example of how you use sustainability in your line of work across all three perspectives?
* Energy efficient lighting
* Recycling
* Collaborative spaces in offices
* Playgrounds
* Supporting the local economy, including providing jobs
Level 1 - Sustainability
What are Modern Methods of Construction?
- Refers to a non-traditional method of building, for example manufacturing off-site and assembling on-site
Level 1 - Sustainability
What are the key building legislatio that relate to sustainability in construction?
- Climate change Act 2008
- Human rights Act 1998
- Equality Act 2010
- Building Regs Part L
- Modern slavery Act 2015
- Energy Act 2011
Level 1 - Sustainability
How does Air Source Heat Pump contribute to sustainability?
The condenser unit takes the energy from the air to heat water