Sustainability Flashcards
Why is sustainability important?
Sustainability improves the quality of our lives, protects our ecosystem and preserves natural resources for future generations.
What are the government targets for reducing emissions that you mention?
Climate Change Act?
Legislation that sets out emissions reductions within the UK by 80% by 2050 which was updated in 2019 to be net zero by 2050.
Specifically, what does UK planning policy stipulate in relation to sustainability of new buildings?
Net Zero Carbon by 2050
At a very high level, the objective of sustainable
development can be summarised as meeting the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs4.
What does BREEAM stand for?
British Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method by the BRE
Do you believe that net zero carbon buildings are possible?
In london 11 million people 2050
Whether it is achievable or not, the drive towards it will assist in us achieving much needed reductions in carbon emissions and that cannot be a bad thing.
Give me some examples of how the energy performance of existing building can be improved using a recent project as an example (or your case study)?
Double glazed windows
Insulation upgrade
A* rated boiler
Give me an example of sustainable construciton technique you are familiar with
Locally sourced materials
Lower carbdon footpring to transport
Recycled materials
Increased insulation
Give me some examples of other sustainble technologies you are aware off
LED light efficiency
Plastic recylcling
Solar energy/ wind energy
Heat exchange unit
Green roofs
Biomass boilers
Explain what you under stand by the term Cold Bridging
Cold Bridging is where elements of the structure are colder than the main elements of the structure and condesnation occurs and sometimes interstitially which is inside the surface
Give me some examples of how you can avoid cold Bridging
Reducing bridging by considergin full diesng
Overlaps extending insutaltion where vulnerable
Carrying inuslation down via roofs to walls
Flat roof - carrying the insulation down past wall plate to meet wall insualtion
What is the purpose of EPC’s and when is one required?
Energy Performance Certificate – Measure of the designed energy usage of a property and will look at factors such as windows, insulation and the potential for upgrading.
Display energy certificate is similar but used on public buildings. Required on all buildings rented out
What is the purpose of DECs and when is one required?
DECs were introduced to raise public awareness of energy use and to inform visitors to public buildings about the energy use of a building. A DEC is an energy certificate that shows the operational energy rating of a public building, from A to G where A is very efficient and G is the least efficient.
What are MEES and when might they be relevant to your work?
The minimum energy efficiency standard (MEES) was introduced in March 2015 by the Energy Efficiency (Private Rented Property) (England and Wales) Regulations 2015. The MEES Regulations originate from the Energy Act 2011 which contained the previous coalition government’s package of energy efficiency policies including the Green Deal.
Which Approved Documents cover sustainability?
Part F -Ventilation
Part L (1a,1b 2a,2b) Conservation of Fuel and Power
How do you contribute to your employer’s sustainability targets?
Paperless office
Using electronic communications upon agreement first
Only driving in if feasible to do so.
Structuring all inspections together, i.e. in areas
What are the thresholds and grades of BREEAM?
Pass 30%
Good 45%
V good 55%
Excellent 70%
Outstanding 85%
What is SKA?
Skansen, RICS and Aecom project to establish the impact of office fit outs.
What is LEAD?
US Green Building Council. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. Used primarily in America but is slowly being adopted in the UK.
When would you use SKA over BREEAM?
BREEAM is more widely industry recognised and more applicable to non-commercial/Industrial buildings.
When is an EPC not required?
Listed buildings,
Places of worship
Temporary structures
What is an Environmental Impact Assessment?
Assessment of the consequences of a plan, policy, programme or project before a decision to move forward is made.
What surveys would be used?
TPO survey, ecology report, noise impact assessment, carbon emission standards, water consumption, drainage impact.
What is the Paris Agreement?
United Nations joined to create a global agreement to reduce the carbon emissions to prevent a global temperature increase of 2 degrees but aim to keep it below 1.5 degrees. It now has 191 members.
What is the Kyoto Protocol?
Implemented the objective of the UN to reduce the onset of global warming by reducing greenhouse gas concentration in the air.
Do the RICS have any sustainability goals?
To build best practice guidelines for how to be sustainable to reduce carbon emissions across the built environment.
RICS Sustainability Report 2022
- Opinions on sustainability and climate change issues in built environment from 4000 members globally
- Improvements in demand for green commercial space
- But upatake is only moderate and not significant
- Less sustainable spaces are seen to be offereing a ‘brown’ discount
- More climate risk assessments being completed, showing more attention
- Digital tools are now being used more frequently in assessments
- Barriers include lack of guidance and standards