Construction tech Flashcards
Esmond Road Feasibility
What were the alternatives you considered?
Due to the size of the plot available and the requirements of the nationally described space standards for new dwellings, which required 79m2 for a new dwelling, the only viable method for introdcing a new dwelling was to use a basement excavation. The unit was self contained and included a light well.
Esmond Road Feasibility
What were the national space standards you described?
The national space standards set minimum gross internal areas for new dwellings. Due to the size and layout of the site, I knew any orientation of the two bedroom dwelling would be over two storeys. Abiding by the national space standards meant the dwelling needed to have a gross internal area of 79m2.
Warley Hill, office refurb
Before reocmmending cavity wall insualation what British Standard did you consult?
I refered to PAS 2035, which is the publically availbel specification for retrofit of UK buildings. I consulted with a PAS 2035 retrofit assessor to determinet the most suitable method for improving the thermal perofrmance of the property.
Warley Hill, office refurb
What inspection did you recommend before cavity wall insulation was adopted as the design solution?
I recommended that we complete an inspeciton of the cavity to understand the existing levels of insulaiton within the cavity and also to determine the cavity width. This would also allow for us to determine the peformance requirment of the newly installed caivty wall insulation.
Warley Hill, office refurb
What were the grants and under what scheme?
The scheme was Eco3, which is a government scheme for energy suppliers to fund the installatino of energy improvement measures to households. The grant that was available was for the payment of cavity wall insulation to dwellings that had an energy performance E or lower.
Warley Hill, office refurb
How were the grants applied for?
During the project I applied for the grant through EDF. This involved meeting a surveyor on site, they completed a survey of all of the dwellings at the property and requested EPC surveys. Once the energy perofrmance of the dwellings had been confirmed, polysterene insulation was installed and for the dwellings that met requirements the cost was removed.
What are the characteristics of JCT MTC?
Used for regular programme of works with single contractor
Generally used for maintenace or minor works
Defined timer period and buildings
Agreed schedule of rates
Client issue orders for works to be done
What are the functions of trickle vents?
Allows fresh air to brought in property
Takes polluted air out
Without loosing excessive heat
How did you complete snagging inspections to ensure the quality of works to the windows?
I used a 6 point checking system to check for:
1- Frame damage, 2- Function of windows
3 - Prescense of trickle vents 4- Damage of panes
5- Locks and keys 6 - Seals and junctions
Do you know of any BRE guidance on repairs?
The BRE good reapir guide provides infromation on good building works and apprpriate repairs for different elemetns undergoing different damage.
How did you advise that the windows not having trickle vents meant they would not meet building regulations?
Building regulation part F gives minimum ventilation
3 bedroom flat of the size required 50000m2
Background ventilation
Only one window to the rear had trickle vents
Inadequate ventilation
How did you overcome the issue of windows not having trickle vents?
Asked the contractor to provide a detail for bottom rail trickle vents
Reviewed detail and presented to planners
Once approved instructed contractor to fit retrposectively
Emma House
How did you determine the constrction?
Requested as built drawings from the client
Intrusive inspections have been complted by FFT
Completed a site inspection of balconies and penthouse
Emma House
What was the wall construction
Cavity masonry substrate
Timber battens and cladding on top
What is Euroclass?
Euroclass is a classification system that groups materials based on how much it contributes to the development of a fire in its early stages.
What does Euroclass A2 mean?
Non-combustible material and no noticeable contribution to fire.
On Emma House, why did you use A2 materials?
ntrusive investigations were carried out to the property prior to my involvement to allow a fire engineer to complete the EWS form. He concluded that in order for the property to be classified as option A Euroclass A2 materials were requried.
What is an external wall system?
External/Outside wall of a residential building inc:
Fire break systems
What is an EWS1 process and form?
Process and resulting form to confirm status of EWS
Assessed by a suitable expert
Confirmed as safe or unsafe
In line with government guidance
Provides assurance to lenders/insurers/buyers
On Emma House, how did you ensure your proposed materials could be used with the existing substrate?
I contacted all of the manufacturers for the replacement cladding materials to understand the fixing systems and whether they could be used in conjunction with blockwork. For the timber strips, I attended site, took measurements and created detail drawings that I could send to manufacturers to ensure they would fit the existing steel frame.
On Emma Hosue, you mentioned you tried to reduce costs for the project by using existin substrate, how else did you try to value engineer the project?
Contacted a range of manufacturers
Requested costs for each of the materials
Presented the costs for each of the materials to the client
Emma House
How did choosing a materials that resembled the existing cladding maximise the chances of planning being accepted?
By choosing materials that resembled the existing cladding timber strips it would minimise the impact of the works and increase chances of approval.
What were the materials that you chose for Emma House?
I chose a cement fibre board product for the cladding from Rockpanel woods. This presented a Eurolcass A2 material that would resemble existing, and also had a propreitary fixing system that could be used in line with the substrate of the building.
For the balcony shading, I contacted various solar shading manufacturers for product that could be fixed to the existing steel frame. The product i chose was an aluminium box section as it had the correct classification and any RAL colour could be applied.
What should be included in a feasibility study?
Determine whether project is viable
Identify numerous feasible options
Identify any potential barriers and legislation to the project
What are the nationally described space standards?
Standard that deals with internal space of new dwellings
Defined at level of occupancy
Floor areas of key parts of rooms i.e. bedoroom and storage
How did you use the nationally described space standards at Esmond Road?
The report required the reconfiguration of the property to include a new 2 bedroom apartments.
2 bedroom apartments a minimum of 79m2 gross internal floor areas including storage.
In order to meet these regulations a basement excavation was required.
How did you advise the client on the potential budget costings of the feasibility options you provided?
Budget costings were developed through records of other simiar projects and the use of BCIS.
On Warley Hill what was the polypearl cavity insulation product used?
Insulation bead that is filled into the cavity
Beads are uniform in size and coated with glue to prevent settlement
Forms a matrix to allow for any penetrating water to drain down in the cavity as intended.
What was the benefit of using the Polypearl system as opposed to dry lining each flat?
Allowed for a government grant to supplement cost
Works would not be required in every flat
Removed the requirement for additional internal insualtion
Were there any negatives with the use of the polypearl cavity wall insulation?
In order for the government grant to be given each flat required an up to date EPC and for a survey to be completed for energy efficiency. This did present a risk of the project running past the completion date.
What was the relevant building regulation and how was it applied to the specfication and instruction of the polypearl product?
The relevant building regulation is Part L. It required the improvement in thermal performance of the existing elements to have an improved U-value of 0.55 W/m2.k. The polypearl system improved the U value to 0.23.
What was the government grant applied for int his project?
The Energy Company Obligation Scheme
Eliglble properties to save enery through subsidised Improvements.
What was the process of acquiring the grant?
Make contact with EON
Put in contact with relevant third party installer
EPC’s were required to all dwellings within the flat
Installation was completed
Flats with poor enough energy performance were removed from cost
Tell me about the impact of different design solutions and construction processes on cost and programme.
Typically more comprehensive and complicated method of construct may cause for increases in cost, for example the repair of timber window rather than its replacement. However, where a client finds value in a project should be determined, as a good quick fix may be of value to a client who is intending to address a more comprehensive repair in the near future.
Tell me about your advice on the selection and application of particular processes within your area of experience.
I have recently advised a client on the specification of fire door repair and replacement programme. I completed an inspection with prospective contractors to get an understanding on repairs to be specified. I advised the client that if they wanted to have better cost certaintity they should complete a survey sepeartely before tendering, which could delay the process, or they could procure the survey within the spec and use a shcedule of rates afteward
How have you liased with specialists and consultants to develop project specific design and constructino solutions,
I have consulted with specalist to develop design solutions outside of my expertise. In particular structural engineers and M&E consultants. Recently I consulted with a structural engineer to develop a working platform within a riser that spanned over 3 storeys.
Talk me throgh how you have reported on the impact of different design solutions on cost of a constrcution project.
Recently I was asked to provide cost alternatives to the replacement of a slate roof covering to a mansard roof construction. Due to the building being listed we I could not change materials. I advised that as the external slopes were not in bad condition we could reduce cost by only replacing the internal slopes, which would also help to reudce the cost of the scaffold.
talk me through how you have reported on the impact of different design solutions and construction processes on programme.
Recently I advised on repairs to timber cills to windows that were accessed via scaffold. I advised the client that the timebr cills could be repaired and would not have an affect on the programme but would likely need attention on the next mainteance programme. Or a more comprehensive repair would be to over cap them with aluminium cills, but would likely affect the programme.
Are you aware of the RIBA Plan of Work?
The RIBA plans of works was initiated in 1963
Provides a framework for architects with their clients
Greater clarity to stages of a project
Has evolved over the years to reflect changes
Inductrustry wide tool
What stages of the RIBA plan of works have you been involved in?
Various different stages throughout my career
I was usually involved 2 - 4 in my early career
Now involved 1 - 6 usually
On polygon 1-6 of 2013 version
What foundation types are you aware of?
Raft - Spread the load of superstructure over large base. Reduces the lead per M2
Pad - Provide base for reinforced concrete or steel columns (RC)
Piled - Seried of columns inserted into the ground to transmit loads to lower load bearing strata
Strip- Suitable for most sub-soils (RC)
Trench- RC trench fill .
When might piled foundations be used?
Screw,continuous flight auger, driven, cast in situ, secant, bore
Pilefoundationsaremainly used where the soil is weak at the surface and there is a need to bypass this soil to reach a stronger lower base such as rock, or where a very heavy structure such as a high rise building is being constructed.
What are the advantages of a concrete framed structure over a steel framed structure?
Safety advantages mainly. Concrete can withstand higher temperatures for longer periods.
Excellent protection over explosions
Fast and time means money.
Mean radient heat - expelling heat into the building at night
What building elements are classed as the super structure?
Everything above ground
Windows and doors
What are the components of a timber pitched roof structure?
Ridge Board
Wall plates
How might an internal partition be altered to provide better acoustic performance? (Wall Type 4)
Part E - Resistance of the passage of sound
Independant timber or steel frames
Mineral wool
Double skin plaster board each side
Junctions well jointed and caulked
Give me some examples of the different heating systems present in the properties you maintain.
Combi gas boiler and radiator space heating
What form of floor construction would you expect to find in a 1970’s purpose-built block of flats (to ensure sufficient fire protection?
Reinforced Concrete slab
Explain the principles of compartmentation in relation to purpose-built blocks of flats
Designed to contain fire within origin
Dampers within ventilation systems
Inturnmicent closers within vertical ventilated cavities
Fire stopping around windows and dooors externally
Intermicent collars and closers around service penetrations
30 min protecction walls, ceilings, floors and fire doors
What are British Standards?
Publications issued by the British Standards Institution- BS
Recommended minimum standards for materials, components, design and construction projects.
Are flat roofs ever flat?
No, roofs less than 10◦are considered ‘flat’
firrings or cut insulation aids fall and drainage
What is the difference between a FCU and an AHU?
Fan Coil Unit is a standalone system that circulates air in a small space whereas
an Air Handling Unit circulates the air through a ducting system and is part of an HVAC system
Can you talk me through some changes to the building regulations recently?
The introduction of Part O - overheating - to reduce the solar heat gain from properties with large amounts of glazing.
The introduction of part S - infrastrcuture for electric car heating - to future proof homes for the use of electric cars.
What is BIM?
Building information modelling is software used to allow different professional groups of a project to plan, design and construct buildings.
What are the advantages of BIM?
It is effective at minimising variations required as the design can be agreed between all professionals to ensure that they align.
What information do you need for a planning application?
Site details, SLP, client details, the size of the development, materials to be used, changes required to highways, if the area is in a conservation area, If there are parking arrangements that need to change.
Give me some advantages and disadvantages of steel.
It is very strong and can span large distances but this comes at a cost of size. It can be awkward to install if it is very large particularly on residential jobs. It is susceptible to corrosion and can weaken if directly exposed in a fire.
What are O&Ms and who approves them?
Operations and maintenance manuals. The contractor must prepare this and provide it to the client and PD for inclusion in the H&S file.
What is a hot topic in construction at the moment?
Sustainability is a hot topic throughout the industry at the moment and recently the UK’s first cement free mortar has been launced. Portland cement is responsible for 8% of the worlds emissions and cement free mortart could help to reduce that figure by 70%.
What are the three types of water protection systems for basements?
Type A - Barrier
Type B - Integral
Type C - Drained
What is the relevant building standard for water protection systems for basements?
What is a type A water protection system?
Barrier system.
Incorporates a waterproof/impermeable layer into the construction of the building. It can be laid on the outside, within the structure or internally.
A double layer can be used to help ensure no water ingress.
What is a type B water protection system?
Integral system.
The water protection system is built into the structure of the building, either using waterproof cement or structural steel.
What is type C water protection system?
Drainage system.
Water is allowed to penetrate into the property and then is drained through the cavity.
A pump or drainage sytem will then take it out of the property.
Warley Hill
How did you apply the building regulations to the circulation areas and the door widths?
All doors had a clear opening of 900mm
Clear width of hall or landing 900mm
Localised obstructions (radiators) not in front of door ways
SBHG Window Replacement programme
What was the purpose of the window replacement programme?
Our client wanted to replace windows to their stock that had reached the end of life and also where they had been referred by residents.
Timber: 60 Years (with mainteance)
UPVC: 35 Years
This also had the added benefit of improving the thermal performance of the properties.
SBHG Window Replacement programme
What type of windwos were used for the programme?
Primiarly timber double glazed windows were used to the front of the property. They utlised slimlite glazing to allow for their apperance to close resemble the existing.
We then used, where applicable, heritage UPVC windows with double glazing to the rear.
SBHG Window Replacement programme
What type of contract was used for the programme?
JCT MTC Contract
This was applied to allow for other works to be procured and for workst to be raised in different areas.
SBHG Window Replacement programme
What was the approximate cost of the project?
Approximately 2million over 2 years.
SBHG Window Replacement programme
What snagging inspections were carried out?
I completed weekly inspections of properties as they were completed.
I carried out a six part inspection checklist of all windows:
1) Check for trickle vents
2) Check the frame for damage
3) Check glazing for damage
4) Check all ironmongery and locks were present
5) Check if windows were sealed
6) Check if the operation of the windows were complete
SBHG Window Replacement programme
What issue did your snagging inspections pick up?
I noticed that some timber windows did not have trickle vents installed.
SBHG Window Replacement programme
How was the issue relevant to building regulations?
The lack of trickle vents would affect building regulations part F (ventilation).
Due to the size of the flat (3 bed over 2 floors) there was a requirement for 8000mm2 of background ventliation.
Without any additional trickle ventilation the windows would not meet building regulations.
SBHG Window Replacement programme
What action did you take to make sure the windows met regulations?
I instructed the contractor that the windows needed to have trickle ventilation installed.
They advised they ahd nto been installed due to the arched apetures.
I instructed them to install the trickle vents to the bottom rails of the property.
SBHG Window Replacement programme
What building regulations does FENSA certification cover?
Part A - Structure; being strong enough to support lintel
Part C - Resistance to moisture, making sure vertical damp proof course is not penetrated
Part K - Ensuring any glass below 800mm of floor level has toughened glass
Part L - All windows must have U value of 1.6
Emma House Cladding Refurbishment
WHas the scope of your role as Employers Agent?
I was appointed to develop the employers requirements for the project and then issue them out to tender.
Once tenders were recived I analysed them and recommended the one that I thought was most appropriate.
The contract is still in the process of beginning.
But I have also completed the statutory regulation reguirements i.e. planning.
Emma House Cladding Refurbishment
What materials did you present to your client?
For the cladding I presented a variety of cement fibre products, but I reocmmended that the rock panel woods was used due to costs and how close it was to the existing product.
For the balcony strips, this was more difficult as the product was more niche. I presented a single product but from a range of manufacturers to show value.
Emma House Cladding Refurbishment
How did you ensure the works would gain planning permission?
I selected materials that were sympathetic to the original construction.
For the cladding I picked a rockwood panel that could mimic the existing timber cladding.
For the timber strips I picked a aluminimum strip that could mimic the existing colours.
Emma House Cladding Refurbishment
WHat criteria did you use to sleect the materials for the replacement of the timber cladding and balcony strips?
- Primarily, Euroclass A2
- Likleyhood of material getting through planning, resemblence to existing
- Cost
- Whether it could be used on existing structure
Emma House Cladding Refurbishment
What steps did you take to reduce the cost of the project?
Before selecting materials I contacted various manufacters to understand the costs of the supply of the materials in comparison to each other.
I also selected mateirals that would fit the existing substrate to minimise facilitation works.
Emma House Cladding Refurbishment
How did you ensure the selected mateirals were compatible with the existing substrate of the cladding and timber strip framework?
Intrusive investigations were completed before the start of the project. This determined the substrate of the cladding.
I also completed a site inspection and developed detail drawings of the fixing structure for the timber strips.
I provided this information to manufacturers to ensure the materials could be used with existing substrate.
Esmond Road Feasibility
What challenges did you face when developing this feasibility report?
The main challenge I faced was understanding how I could implement a flat with sevre space restrictions.
This meant that I needed to develop an understanding of how basement excavations are carried out i.e. hoarding, excavations, tanking, underpinning.
I then also needed to understand what legal constraints were associated with that i.e.
Planning, building control, party wall.
Esmond Road Feasibility
Could you explain the process that you used to developed a range of sulitions that would meet building regulations and the nationally described space standards?
I completed a measured survey while on site. This allowed me to develop existing drawings.
I was then able to sketch out different configurations of the new dwelling while enusring that they met the nationally prescribed space standards.
This also allowed me to conisder how much work would be invovled in each of the options. Whiel also outlining the positives and negatives of each.
Esmond Road Feasibility
How did you ensure that the potential budget costs related to the solutions were accurate?
I used BCIS to develop a cost for each of the individual tasks.
Warley Hill Office Convervsin & Refurb
What type of contract was used for the project and why?
The JCT IM with CDP was used for the project.
Due to the expense of the project being approximately £400, and that specilaist sub contractors for the roof and windows were going to be used.
The CDP allowed for the design responsibility for all mechanical and electrical services to be placed on the contractor.
Warley Hill Office Conversion & Refurb
What solution did you suggest to increase the thermal performance of the flats?
I advised that we could increase the thermal insulation of the walls to improve thermal performance. Which could have been achieved with cavity wall insulation, external wall insulation, or internal wall insulation.
Warley Hill Office Conversion & Refurb
What was the potential benefit of the solution you suggested?
By using CWI it allowed for minimal disturbance of the residents and access was only needed for surveys rather than installation.
It also meant that there would be no requirement for planning as it would not be changing the appearnace of the property.
Warley Hill Office Conversion & Refurb
What was the total cost of the insulation?
The total cost of the insulation was approximately £30k, with the use of the grant this reduced by approximately 50%.
Warley Hill Office Conversion & Refurb
Was there any governemnt grant available to fund the installation?
Yes, there was ECO3 grant/ energy company obligation grant. This was a grant to help improve the energy performance of your homes by the government funding them.
Warley Hill Office Conversion & Refurb
How would you liase with specialists and consultants to develop project-specific design and construction solutions?
Where area of projects extend outside of my knowledge or expertise I would use a consultant or specialist from my organisations approved sub consultant list. These are consultants that all have technical service agreements.
Recently I have instructed an asbestos surveyor to give a method statement for removing door frames that were in close proximity to a chrysotile floor tile.