Case study Flashcards
Key Issue 1
How did you ensure the access trap would meet the requirements of building regulations part B?
There was no requirement of the loft trap to possess any fire resistance qualities as the compartment line was not at the ceiling level. If there was a requirement of, I would have specified a loft hatch with test date to support the required resistance of the compartment line.
Key Issue 1
What certification for the trap would you be looking for?
The product would require to have third party test data and certification of its perforamnce of 60 minutes. The installation is not required to be certified, but I requested the works to be compelted third party certified contractor.
Key Issue 1
Did the contractor say that the 3rd party certification could be obtained?
I requested the information of the product before works begun and also confirmation of the installers third party accrediation.
Key Issue 1
Did you check the competence of the supplier of the fire curtain?
I gave a descriptive performance specification for the curtain works. The contractor recommended a product from Fire Halt, the 60:30 product. I reviewed the data sheet and installation guidance to check the sutiability of the product.
Key Issue 1
What was the risk of working in the loft space and how did the contractor address this?
The risk of working in the loft space included working within confined spaces and the potenail to whilst working at height as the loft space wasn’t boarded. To minimise the risk of this, a temporar working platform was constructed within the loft space to allow for the curtain to be installed.
Key Issue 1
Were there any party wall implications with installing a blockwork wall in the loft space?
I enquired whether there were any leasehold interest in the property before commencement. The entire freehold interest was with my client.
Key Issue 1
Why was the loss adjuster involved in the choice between option 1 and option 2?
Part of my brief from the client was to liase with the loss adjusters to ensure that the works would meet the terms of their insurance policy. The loss adjuster was not involved with the choice, but I the quotations to them to ensure that the costs for the works would be claimable under the insurance policy.
Key Issue 1
How was CDM applied to this project?
CDM duties were carried out by all relevant parties. The client appointed our internal Principle designer team to assist with completing their duties. FFT’s internal principal designer team completed the PCIP and the contractor completed the CPP and issued the H&S file.
Key Issue 1
What was your role under CDM?
My role under CDM was to act as Principle Designer. Though our internal PD team managed the development of PCIP, I would need to monitor the contractor on site. I did this by addressing any health and safety concerns, checking site records, reviewing site management and reporting back to the PD team.
Key Issue 1
If the fire separation was missing in the roof void of this flat, what advice did you give to your client about; Checking the fire risk assessment of the building?
I reviewed the FRA of the property to check whether all top floor flat roof voids had been inspected for appropriate fire stopping and compartmentation measures. The FRA’s were not comprehensive and some flats had not been inspected.
Key Issue 1
If the fire separation was missing in the roof void of this flat, what advice did you give to your client about; Any immediate measures to be taken to reduce any risk or liability?
Once the lack of compartmentation was identified, I had recommended we address the issue immediately. Temporary measures were not necessary as there was minimal risk of fire currently within the flat due to complete strip and capping of services.
Key Issue 1
If the fire separation was missing in the roof void of this flat, what advice did you give to your client about; Other properties within the estate?
From a review of the FRA, it included a disclaimer that not all loft spaces had been inspected. I recommend that an inspection of all top floor loft spaces should be inspected to determine whether all compartment lines met regulations.
Key Issue 1
If the fire separation was missing in the roof void of this flat, what advice did you give to your client about; Was the missing compartmentation mentioned in the FRA, if not what was mentioned about the roof void?
The separation was not mentioned in the FRA. In the FRA it was disclaimed that not all of the loft spaces were entered.
Key Issue 1
If the fire separation was missing in the roof void of this flat, what advice did you give to your client about; Did you give your client any advice regarding the FRA?
Once I found the missing compartmentation and reviewed the FRA it included a disclaimer that not all loft spaces had been inspected. I recommended that a comprehensive inspection was completed to all loft spaces to determine if compartmentation measures installed. If any other area did not have the appropriate measures then they should immediate affect to avoid potential liability.
Key Issue 1
What minimum thickness of joist did the manufacturer require at the base of the fire curtain?
The fixing detail for the curtain at both the base and the top required a minimum joist thickness of 50mm. If the joists were under that thickness, I checked the suitable fixing with their technical team. It was required to be double wrapped.
Key Issue 1
How did you satisfy yourself that the fire curtain had been installed correctly?
When the fire curtain was being installed, I completed a site inspection with the installation guidance to set standards and ensure they were following i.e.:
- 250mm fixing centres
- 100mm fold back and angle brackets
- rafter penetration wrapped entirely, or doubled up
- joint of rolls 50mm joint folded back, 25mm folded lap and fixings at 250mm
- penetrations filled with brusheals, and 600mm overlap
Key Issue 1
Who provided the specification for the fire curtain?
I provided a descriptive specification for the fire curtain and included the product selection as a contractors design portion under the contract?
Key Issue 1
If the supplier. Contractor, how did you address design liability?
I instructed as a contractors design portion.
Key Issue 1
Did you need to get building regulation approval?
Yes, the project was subject to a building notice application. Application was as follows:
Part A: Amendments to the roof structure, designs provided by SE
Part B: Introduction of the fire curtain, protected exist route
Part E: Party wall acoustic Gyproc board
Part L: Improvements to the roof insulation
Part P: Electrical components
Key Issue 2
Why was there a delay in the contractor obtaining the windows?
The contractor was unable to procure the windows in time of the project due to material shortages. The windows were a sash imitation casement window - a more specialised item - which could not be manufactured as quickly as a conventional casement.
Key Issue 2
At what point did you become aware of the window delay?
The contractor issued his initial 4 week delay notice on July 21st.
Key Issue 2
What actual work was delayed by the installation of the meters?
The meters prevented the services from being finalised, installed and tested and certified.
Key Issue 2
As the installation of the meters would not be done until after PC, was the client not entitled to claim LD’s for the entire period of this work was delayed past the original completion date?
The responsibility for liaising with statutory undertakers was the clients, as included in the contract documents. The client outsourced a third to arrange the appointment who were not able to do so until 14 February.
Key Issue 2
Why was there an almost 4 moth delay from the work being completed,
excluding the work associated with the new meters, and the installation
of the new meters
The third party consultant appointed to arrange the meter installation did not provide the client with good service. I did advise the client to explore using other options in an attempt to expedite the process.
Key Issue 2
If the contractor caused this delay not completing his work by 21 October, then what Is the contractor’s position, Can he effectively claim for delay as the overrun may have been caused by his actions
As per the relevant case law, the contractor would not be able to claim any delay or loss and expense claim from when all works except from those reliant on the meters were complete.
Key Issue 2
As you did not Issue an EOT when the contractor told you of the delay
what contractual action did you take when the contractor had not
completed on or by the completion date
I issued a non-completion certificate on the contractual completion date to prevent the contract from being at large.
Key Issue 2
If you took no action at the completion date, what would have been the contractual effect?
The contract would have been at large.
Key Issue 2
If the contractor is required to give notice if and whenever it becomes reasonably apparent that the progress of the works is being delayed, then why did he not serve this notice before he did. Why were you not monitoring the situation and advising the client.
The contractor did advise that he expected the windows to be delayed before he issued his formal notice. When he first notified me I let advised the client of the potential delay, but asked the contractor to provide a formal and quantified delay notice.
Key Issue 2
You are not a qualified solicitor, why did you look at case law?
The issue of a concurrent delay is not addressed within the JCT MW. It is my responsibility to make a fair and reasonable assessment but the provisions were not allowing me to do so. The use of case law allowed me to apply a method of application that has precedence in the construction industry.
Key Issue 2
Should you not have sort the opinion of a solicitor as it could be argued that the contract was at large?
Once the meters had been installed the contractor had agreed for remaining works to be completed in a week, this was confirmed in writing. The extension of time was issued to reflect that period. Therefore, the client would have been able to claim liquidated damages after that one week period.
Key Issue 2
What would be the position if you had interpretation of the case law was incorrect?
If the contractor disagreed with my assessment with the use of case law, they would be able to take the contract to dispute. This would then follow an alternative dispute method process, likely through conciliation and mediation, then if required adjudication.
What would you do differently next time?
In relation to option 1 - I would have ensured that all areas of the property were exposed when completing the schedule of work. If I had done so I would have been aware of the compartmentation issues in the shared loft space, this could have been included in the schedule and the risk to budget and programme could have been avoided.
In relation to option 2 - I would have ensured that I was proactive in ensuring the meters were in the process of being installed. This could have avoided the issue of delay
How did you act ethically?
During the procurement stage of the project, placed me under significant pressure to procure the contract through their existing maintenance contract to expedite the construction process. I was aware that this would be in breach of their insurance policy. One of the clear elements of my brief at appointment was to ensure all works were covered by the the insurance policy. I maintained my integrity and went advised against my clients wishes to procure through the mainteance contract.
What were your main achievements?
Comprehensive specification - as this project invovled the compelte strip out of the property. My comprenhsive specificatin provided clear scope of works for the contractor to compelte works to, with the provisional sums ensuring a I did not exceed.
Contractual knowledge - The concurrent delay issue presented a complicated contractual issue. By thorough study of the provisions and case law I was able to administer the project in the best way for my client and the project.
Key Issue 1
Did you not consider the potential security risk of installing a fire curtain on within the shared loft space.
I completed an inspection of the shared loft space area and there was no acces from the adjacent flat into it.
Key Issue 1
Did you not considet the use of a masonry wall instead of a stud or fire curtain?
Yes, the installaiton of a masonry compartment wall was considered. However, in the past when I had inspected firecompartmentation works within roof spaces construced by blockwork, the quality of workmanshup had often been poor and gaps had been found. There were also penetrations that needed to be managed through the compartment, which would have required other firestopping installations i.e. intumescent batt. By using a specilist fire curtain system, it allowed for all items to be addressed within one system and presnted a specialised system that was fit for purpose.
Why are buildings Listed?
Everything built before 1700 is listed
Most between 1700 and 1840
If SOC classed it to be of special architectural or historic interst it will be included in a list of such buildings
If the property was in a conservation area, how would the project been affected?
If the property was in a conservation area I will have needed to check the permitted development regulations of the conservation area on the LPA website.
Why did you use the RICS Short Form and not a more detailed appoitnment document?
The RICS short form was sufficient for our appointment
It agreed liability, cap on liability, scope of services and fee. I do not believe another form was necessary.
What information is required to complete the RICS Short Form of Consultatnt’s Appointment?
Scope of services
Insurance provisions
Cap on liability
Fee agreed
Length of time applicable
What are the RIBA plan of works stages?
0- Strategic Definition
1- Preperation and breifing
2- Concept Design
3-Spatial Co-ordination
4-Technical design
7- Use
How did you agree the scope of work with the client?
The scope of works was initially communicate dwith the client via email and followed up with a site visit. The scope was agreed to be works of resintatement to ensure the requirements of the insurance policy were met.
Why did the works invovled in this project require building control approval?
The works involved the installation of new services and alterations to fire safety, access and thermal performance.
Which building regulations were applicable to this project?
Part A - The structural of the roof, spec developed by structural engineer
Part B - Compartmentation in roof void 60mins, protected hallway as escape was more than 9m from back corner, FD30s doors
Part E - Party wall, 42 DB air bourne and 60db impact
Part F - Introducing 60l/s of ventilation through extract
Part G - Self certified new boiler
Part L - Thermal insulation improvements
Part P - Electrical safety
How did you achieve building regulations approval?
I subitted a building notice application to the local planning authority before construction work began. It included a plan of the property and notes on how regulations would be achieved.
What are the methods of applying for building regulations approval?
1- Building Notice
2- Full applicatino
What are the risks assocaited with using the building notice application method?
Works may not be approved after they have begun and could result in remedial costs for the client.
Who were the stakeholders for this project?
Loss adjusters
How did you manage communication with all stakeholders?
Montly meetings were held with all stakeholders.
Weekly SIR’s were issued to the client and LA’s.
Formal CI forms were issued to manage varitaionts.
What is a critical path on a programme?
Continuous flow dependent activites, that runs from the start to the end of the project. Any delay/change to these activies will affect delivery programme.
What items did you identify to be on the critical path of the project?
Structural repair of roof members
Installation of dormer windows
In hindsight the installation of the meters
Why had the bathroom not been removed during the development of the specification for this project?
The client had not explained clearly the strip out fo the flat was ongoing. In hindsight I should have been absoltely clear with the scope of works before developing the specification.
What does building regulations part B require for compartment lines, with particular reference to this project?
Junction within a roof should meet underside of roof covering. Be continued across any eaves. 60min fire resistance in building of 18m
How did you ensure the contractors studwork parition proposal would comply with Building Regs Part B?
They propsoed a timber stud wall with Gyproc fireline.British Gypsum have the white book for checking product details/ desiging systems, two layers of fireline plasterboard achieved the 60 minute requirement. I was also able to check product data sheets.
How did you add variations into the project?
Variations were added under claused 3.6 in the contract, prices were procured before instruction. When costs were confirmed works were instructed formally in writing.
How did you determine that the firestopping related to the party wall were not required?
The curtain product already installed appeared to have smoke damage but its level of integrity was unclear. I asked the manufacturer to inspect he curtain to determine whether it required replacement or repair.
What advise did you give to the client on the potentail delay associated with not instructing the stud partition immediately?
The reason for delay provided by the contractor was that it would prevent the ceiling from being installed and therefore delay the project. However, I advised that this would only prevent a section of the ceiling above the hall and not prevent other works/progresss from being made.
Why did the variations of this project need to be approved by the loss adjuster?
A clear objective of the brief for this project was to ensure all costs were covered by the insruance policy. In order to maintain that objective, I allowed the loss adjuster to confirm variations were covered by the policy before proceeding.
Why were the materials and labour for the fire curtain more likley to have a longer lead in time?
Labour and materials were more specialised.
What is the defintion of practical completion?
There is no formal defintion. Generally it means were all works are complete or there are minor works still require dthat would only distrub the occupier minimally.
What is the defintion of concurrent delay?
The term concurrent delay means a situation where a constructino project is delayed by two events at the same time. One being an event the employer takes responsibility for and one where the contractor takes responsibility.
How could you have managed the project to avoid the delay related to the manufacture of windows?
The windows were unique imitation sash windows. The contractor was aware of their construction and agreed to the construction period in their tender and should have been aware of lead in times for materials.
What was the contractual procedure you followed when the completion date was not met?
I issued a certificate of non-compeltion on the date of completion included in the contract parituclars.
What contracts do have provisions for concurrent delays?
JCT and NEC do not have clauses related to concurent delays.
FDIC does have subclauses that can be agreed when developing contract documentation.
Generally, contracts need specially ammended clauses.
What provision does the JCT MW have for loss and expense claim?
No explicit provision for loss and expense. Clause 3.6.3 includes details of valuing all works fair and reasomably taking into account loss and expense incurred by contractor.
What are liquidated damages and what was the rate for St Francis House?
Liquidated damages are pre-determined damages agreed when contract is entered into that represent the loss the client is likely to incur if contractor fails to meet completion. ST Francis £250 per week.
How were you able to assess the contractors EOT claim accurately?
I had recorded weekly site inspection reports with photos so I was able to determine when all works were completed by the contractor.
If the client could have claimed LD’s, how would this have been done?
Liquidated damages can be claiemd by issuing a pay less notice to the works. The reductino in the final account will need to include a calculatino explainign the claim.
What were the requirements of the insurance policy in terms of the procurement of the project?
The project was required to go out to a competitive tender of at least 3 contractors.
How did you present to the loss adjusters that the varitions quotations represented true market value?
I requested that the loss adjusters provide 2 costs for each variation.
What is the defintion of Mansard Roof?
A pitched rooof structure that has two slopes per side, with the lower slope having a steeper angle than the top.
What was the construction of the cavity wall?
Brickwork (65mm)
Cavity (75mm)
Insulation (50mm)
Blockwork (65mm)
What is the size of brick?
What is the size of a block?
How did you determine the 13 week contract period?
I had been involved in other projects of a similar nature and size. The current industry climate was that there were shortages of materials and labour, which had roughly equated to two additional weeks.
Did you take design liability for the fire curtain?
Yes, I gave a performance specification to the contractor and requested products for apporval. This was inline with my organisations PII.