Health and safety Flashcards
Give me some examples of the general requirements of the H&S at Work etc. Act that directly apply to you.
employers have towards employees and members of the public
employees have to themselves and to each other
certain self-employed have towards themselves and others
Give me some examples of the general requirements of the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015.
sensibly plan the work so the risks involved are managed from start to finish
have the right people for the right job at the right time
cooperate and coordinate your work with others
have the right information about the risks and how they are being managed
communicate this information effectively to those who need to know
consult and engage with workers about the risks and how they are being managed
Outline some of the key duty-holders under the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015.
Commercial clients
Domestic clients
Principal designer
Principal conrtactors
Give me some examples of the general requirements of the working at height regulations which apply to the work you undertake/manage
Before working at height you must work through these simple steps:
■ avoid work at height where it is reasonably practicable to do so;
■ where work at height cannot be avoided, prevent falls using either an existing
place of work that is already safe or the right type of equipment;
■ minimise the distance and consequences of a fall, by using the right type of
equipment where the risk cannot be eliminated.
What areas does the RICS Guidance Note on Surveying Safely cover?
Risk management
Places of work
Personal responsibilities
Safe person concept
What is PPE?
Personal protective equipment
What PPE might you normally take when visiting a building site?
Hi Vis
Steel toe cap boots
Full coverage clothing
Hard hat
What is the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order?
It means that any person who has some level of control in premises must take reasonable steps to reduce the risk from fire and make sure people can safely escape if there is a fire.
Who are the duty holders under the RRO?
“any person (including the responsible person) who is or may be lawfully on the premises”
“any person in the immediate vicinity of the premises who is at risk from a fire on the premises”.
Who are the duty holders under the Control of Asbestos Regulations?
The dutyholder is the owner of the non-domestic premises or the person or organisation that has clear responsibility for the maintenance or repair of non-domestic premises, for example through an explicit agreement such as a tenancy agreement or contract.
With reference to an example, explain what was included in your risk assessment before a site visit or inspection.
In hillcrest before I completed the site inspection report I completed a review of the asbestos documentation to determine if there was any risk. The reports outlined there was no risk.
Where would you have expected to see the scaff tag?
Fixed to the scaffold / hop ups / towers
What information might you have expected to see on the scaff tag?
Date and time of last inspection
Name of person who inspected
Number to call for queries
How frequently would you expect a scaffold to be inspected?
every 7 days
What happened after you had identified the scaff tag was missing?
I reported it to the site manager
I reported it in writing and instructed everyone off until it had been inspected
Who is the HSE and what do they do?
Health and Safety Executive. They are Britain’s independent regulator for workplace health and safety. It prevents work-related death, injury and ill health.
What is a Risk/Hazard?
A Hazard is something that has the potential to cause harm.
A Risk is the chance of something happening which could be a percentage.
How is risk managed on site?
Review the risk assessment, follow the rules of the contractor enforced by the site manager such as PPE and working at height. If I have concerns, I will raise this with the site manager.
What is Surveying safely guide about?
How to assess hazards and risks as well as the concept of managing the risk. It covers general activities associated with places of work, occupational health and safety, what to do when visiting jobs, fire safety, residential surveys and procurement of contractors.
What is the safe working concept?
Each individual assumes individual responsibility for themselves and that of others
What is the significance of the Health and Safety at work act?
It provides the legal framework to promote, stimulate and encourage high standards of h&s. It protects employees and the public from work activities.
What are PPE Regulations 1992?
States that where risks cannot be controlled by other means, PPE should be correctly identified and used. Employers must provide appropriate PPE to their staff and places a duty on employees to use PPE appropriately.
What are the Working at Height Regulations?
The main principle is to avoid working at height where possible by using extended tools rather than ladders. The purpose is to prevent death and injury caused by falling and the rules apply to all employers.
What are workplace regulations 1992?
Covers a range of basic health and safety and welfare issues that apply to most workplaces – excludes construction work/sites. It puts requirements for ventilation, temperature, lighting, workstations etc.
What are the key principles of Control of Asbestos Regs?
Applies to employers and employees working in asbestos related situations. Places a duty on employers to provide adequate PPE, protect employees from exposure and provide procedures in the event of exposure. It places a duty on employees to follow the rules and procedures and report incidents to the relevant authorities.
What is licenced work?
Where exposure to asbestos is not low and where the control limit exceeds 0.1 fibres/cm3/hour. When work will take more than one hour in a two hour period over 7 days.
What is unlicensed work?
Must be sporadic and low intensity and not exceed 0.6 fibres/cm3 per 10 minutes. Short non continuous maintenance with non-friable material. Removal where ACM’s are in reasonable condition, where ACM is in good condition and being sealed
How do you identify Asbestos?
By knowing the age of a property, you can determine the likelihood of asbestos being used. I am not an asbestos surveyor to definitively comment on its location and would advise for a management/r&d survey to be carried out.
What is the joint fire code?
Refers to fire prevention on construction sites. It covers activities from design to construction and places simple precautions to maintain safe practices.
What would you expect to see in a Fire Safety Method Statement?
Description of works being carried out and by whom, location of emergency exits and the routes, what detection systems are used, what extinguishing methods are proposed and how these are used.
How did you carry out a Risk Assessment ?
I reviewed the documents online and available in the project file to identify what works had been carried out to the unit to make an educated assumption on the likelihood of asbestos being used. This lead me to advise the client that an R&D survey should be carried out to confirm any asbestos.
What did you do with the information?
I provided the survey results to the client and contractor so that a competent contractor could be appointed to remove the asbestos materials where we were unable to encapsulate it.
What are the hierarchy of risk control?
Elimination, Substitution, Engineering Controls, Administrative Control, PPE
What were you looking for in the RAMS for the scaffolding?
Construction (design and management regulations) 2015.
Client duties:
ensure that competent duty holders are appointed and that all duty holders carry out their roles and are competent to do so. Ensure that welfare facilities are provided.
inform the client of their duties. Plan, manage and monitor h&s in pre-construction, prepare pre-construction health and safety info, produce the health and safety file and update it, liaise with the relevant duty holders, check the relevant duty holders are competent.
PC: Prepare construction phase plan, ensure that that they update info on health and safety file and provide relevant documents, provide adequate PPE and welfare facilities. Arrange for site induction and manage the general health and safety during the construction phase.
What is COSHH?
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
What is RIDDOR?
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
When would you report an incident under RIDDOR?
Death, specific injuries, over 7 day incapacitation, non fatal accidents to public.
What documents safeguard h&s over the lifespan of a project?
Pre construction phase plan, health and safety file, construction phase plan, RAMS
Are you aware of any RICS documents on H&S?
Surveying safely and health and safety for residential property managers.
What makes you competent to comment on the safety of the scaffolding?
Im not but I was able to review the MS and flag issues that had not been considered and I raised it with the project leader who raised the concerns with the contractor.
What are the most relevant changes to the Control of Asbestos Regulations?
From 2012 - some non-licensed work needst to be notfied
- Brief written records of non-licensed notifiable work is required
2015 - All workers completing notifable non-licesned work must be under doctors supervision
What is included in a constrution phase plan?
- A description of the project usch as key dates and details of key members of the project team
- The management of the work including:
1) Health and deafty aims for the project
2) The site rules
3) Arrangements to ensure cooperation between prjoect team members and coordination of their
4) Arrangeent for involving workser
5) Site induction
6) Welfare facilities
7) Fire and emergency procedures