Surgical Biology Flashcards
Kalmukov VS 2022 - Ex vivo evaluation of a novel cell salvage device to recover canine erythrocytes
What did the authors recommend?
Authors recommend soaking blood soaked swabs and suctioning through cell saver as adjunct to direct suction to maximise RBC recovery
Gustin VCOT 2022 - Characterization of Acute Traumatic Coagulopathy in Cats and Association with Clinicopathological Parameters at Presentation
What was the incidence of ATC in cats presenting with trauma?
What signs did they exhibit on rotational thromboelastrometry?
prolonged clotting time (intrinsic/extrinsic)
Herrero VCOT 2021 - Prevalence of acute traumatic coagulopathy in acutely traumatised dogs and associated with clinical and laboratory parameters at presentation
What was the incidence of ATC in dogs?
What was observed on thromboelastometry?
What other factors was it associated with?
33% (11/33)
Clotting time and clot formation time prolonged. Decreased clot strength observed
Acidosis, acute trauma triage score, time after trauma and hypo[K]
Herrero VCOT 2021 - Serial evaluation of haemostasis following acute trauma using rotational thromboelastometry in dogs
What factors changed from presentation to 24hrs post presentation?
What was the main finding?
Clotting times, clot formation and clot firmness were significantly altered at presentation vs 24 hours.
Dogs were hypo- or normocoagulable at presentation and became normo- or hypercoagulable over the first 24 hours.
Muri VCOT 2019 - Serial evaluation of haemostasis following acute trauma using rotational thromboelastometry in cats
What was the incidence of ATC?
What % became hypercoagulable within 24hrs?
15% - same as Gustin VCOT 2022
Sharma VS 2021 - Preoperative autologous blood donation and transfusion in dogs undergoing elective surgical oncology procedures with high risk of haemorrhage
What was the rate of transfusion related reactions?
Hinson VS 2020 - Influence of a cell salvage washing system and leukocyte reduction filtration on bacterial contamination of canine whole blood ex vivo
Cell salvage washing reduced bacterial numbers by what %?
Cell salvage washing and leukoreduction filtration reduced bacterial numbers by what?
Cell salvage washing and leukoreduction filtration could be applied to intraoperative autotransfusion in clinical animals, especially those treated for trauma or haemorrhage with concurrent bacterial contamination
Ginol-Pinar JFMS 2022 - Prospective evaluation of the Animal Trauma Triage Score and Modified Glasgow Coma Scale in 25 cats with high-rise syndrome
What was the mortality rate?
What was the best predictor of outcome and severity?
Morgera VS 2022 - Surgical site infection-inflammation in dogs draped with a single-layer Kraton elastic seal extremity drape for stifle surgery
What was the benefit of single-layer Kraton elastic seal extremity drape?
No difference between single layer Kraton drape and double layer drape
Lavallee VS 2020 - Influence of clipping on bacterial contamination of canine arthrocentesis sites before and after skin preparation
How did clipping and skin prep affect the bacterial counts on the skin?
Aseptic skin prep reduced bacteria counts in clipped and unclipped sites
Clipping did not reduce bacterial skin counts
Stokes JAVA 2021 - Comparison of bacteriologic culture results for skin wound swabs and skin wound biopsy specimens
What % of swabs and deep tissue culture results were the same?
Which sampling type had a higher +ve rate?
In what % would the observers have treated the patient differently on the basis of the results of the 2 cultures?
Deep tissue biopsy
Mankin JAVMA 2020 - Randomized, controlled clinical trial to assess the effect of antimicrobial-impregnated suture on the incidence of surgical site infections in dogs and cats
What effect did antimicrobial coating have on SSI rates?
What other factors were associated with the incidence of SSI?
Incision >10cm, anaesthesia >240mins
Salvaggio VS 2020 - Effect of the topical Klox fluorescence biomodulation system on the healing of canine surgical wounds
What benefits were observed with the use of this system?
Improved re-epithelialisation, decreased dermal inflammation, improved matrix formation
Caraty JSAP 2019 - Comparison of the different supports used in veterinary medicine for pressure sore prevention
What are the highest risk areas for pressure sores?
Which dogs undergo the highest pressures?
Shoulder, greater trochanter, 13th rib
Low BCS dogs