Neuro Journals Flashcards
Chen VS 2023 - Detailed anatomic description of the lateral, transzygomatic approach to the middle fossa and rostral brainstem and its use in three dogs
Which muscles are dissected off the zygomatic arch? What nerve is in close proximity?
What are the two surgical landmarks defined in the paper on the lateral aspect of the brain?
What was the most common minor complication?
Temporalis, masseter muscles. Auriculopalpebral branch of facial nerve
Upside down T - intersection of the lateral rhinal sulcus and pseudosylvian fissure
U - sylvian and caudal composite gyri
Ipsilateral facial nerve paralysis (transient)
Koch JFMS 2023 - Outcome and quality of life after intracranial meningioma surgery in cats
For how many days did owners report improvement?
Preoperative clinical signs resolved in what % of cats?
240 days
De Strobel JSAP 2019 - Cervical hyperaesthesia in dogs: an epidemiological retrospective study of 185 cases
What were the two most common causes of cervical hyperaesthesia?
Planchamp VS 2022 - Determination of cutoff values on computed tomography and magnetic resonance images for the diagnosis of atlantoaxial instability in small-breed dogs
What was the cut off values for the ventral compression index (in flexed >25 degrees and extended <25 degrees)?
How do you measure the VCI?
0.2 - flexed
0.16 - extended
White VS 2019 - Flexed radiographic angles for determination of atlantoaxial instability in dogs
What measurement was found to be diagnostic for AA in flexed radiographs?
What angle were the necks flexed to?
Atlas to axis angle (intersecting lines between roof of canal of C1 & C2) >10 degrees = 90% sensitivity and 90% specificity for AA instability.
51 degrees
Planchamp VCOT 2021 - Influence of the head neck position on imaging measurements used to assess the craniovertebral junction in small breed dogs: A cadaveric study
What was the main finding?
What was the recommended head-neck position?
All measurements varied with head and neck position
Kim JSAP 2020 - Atlantoaxial bands in small breed dogs: influence of external pressure by the endotracheal tube tie
What was the main finding?
Higher compression ratios were found with the tie placement regardless of neck position.
Toni JSAP 2020 - Atlanto-axial ventral stabilisation using 3D-printed patient-specific drill guides for placement of bicortical screws in dogs
What % of bicortical screws were fully contained with the pedicle and vertebral body?
What % had reversible periop adverse events?
Lee JSAP 2020 - Decompressive surgery for treatment of a dorsal compressive atlantoaxial band causing nonambulatory tetraparesis in three toy-breed dogs
What approach was performed for the decompressive surgery?
What surgery was performed?
Excision of the dorsal compressive AA band and durotomy
Beishuizen VS 2021 - Biomechanical effects of a titanium intervertebral cage as a stand-alone device, and in combination with locking plates in the canine caudal cervical spine
What biomechanical effects did the placement of the cage result in?
What is the implant called?
What biomechanical effect did the application of plates have?
Increased disc height index and restored total ROM to the level of the native cervical spine
Reduced the total ROM in flexion/extension and lateral bending
Mateo VS 2020 - Median manubriotomy for ventral access to the caudal cervical and cranial thoracic spine
What vertebral bodies were consistently visualised after this approach?
How was the median manubriotomy closure performed?
What major vessels will be visualised upon entrance to the thoracic inlet?
C6 - T2
Closure using circumferential ligatures/wire placed through both sides of the manubrium via pre-drilled transverse holes.
Common carotid a., right subclavian, internal thoracic, internal and external jugular, right and left brachiocephalic trunk
Reints Bok VS 2019 - Instrumented cervical fusion in nine dogs with caudal cervical spondylomyelopathy
What % of dogs pain and neuro scores improved?
What % of dogs had implant failure and which implant was affected?
What was the most common complication?
100%, 100%
44% (4/9)
Adjacent segment disease associated with implants engaging adjacent discs (78%)
Tuan VS 2019 - Ventral distraction-stabilisation in 5 continuous sites for the treatment of cervical spondylomyelopathy in a Great Dane
What implant was used?
Custom-designed Fitz intervertebral traction screws and polyaxial spinal system used.
Zindl VCOT 2021 - Kinematics of a Novel Canine Cervical Fusion System
Describe the features of this system.
Why major flaw was identified?
Locking pedicle screw-rod system and intervertebral spacer
High percentage of screws penetrated the spinal canal/intervertebral foramen - only 4/24 perfectly positioned.
Bonelli JAVMA 2019 - Neurologic and magnetic resonance imaging features of German Shepherd Dogs with cervical spondylomyelopathy
What ‘type’ or anatomical features of CSM did GSD exhibit?
Osseous proliferation of the articular processes and ligamentum flavum hypertrophy
Argent JSAP 2022 - Recurrence of signs consistent with cervical intervertebral disc extrusion in dogs
Recurrence was observed in what % of cases?
After surgery, which discs were most likely to be affected?
Adjacent disc
Ros JAVMA 2022 - Central cord syndrome: clinical features, etiological diagnosis, and outcome in 74 dogs
What is central cord syndrome?
Which segment of the spinal cord is most likely to be affected?
What % of cases had a favourable outcome?
What presenting sign was associated with a poor outcome?
Patients show more severe paresis in the thoracic limbs (TLs) than pelvic limbs (PLs) - TH look like they have LMN signs
C1 - 5
Kang VS 2023 - Accuracy of a 3-dimensionally printed custom endoscopy port for minimally invasive ventral slot decompression in dogs: A cadaveric study
What size ventral slot did the 3d guide allow for?
<1/2 vertebral width and <1/3 vertebral length
Kikuchi JAVMA 2023 - Vertebral fixation does not affect recovery or recurrence of cervical intervertebral disc herniation in small dogs (< 15 kg)
What factors were associated with a poorer recovery?
What factor was associated with an increased likelihood of recurrence?
Non-chondrodystrophic dogs, higher preop cervical myelopathy grade
Increasing age
Tichenor JAVMA 2023 - Characteristics and outcomes for 61 cats that underwent either surgery or stereotactic radiotherapy as treatment for intracranial meningioma (2005–2017)
What was main finding?
What tx group were more prone to peritreatment complications?
Surgical cats had a significant longer MST (1345d) than SRT cats (339d)
No difference in tumour regrowth
Shinn VS 2021 - Feasibility and accuracy of 3D printed patient-specific skull contoured brain biopsy guides
What was the recorded accuracy for the biopsy guide for needle placement?
within 4.5mm
Bruckner VS 2020 - Laparoscopic repositioning of an obstructed ventriculoperitoneal shunt catheter with laparoscopy-assisted partial omentectomy and omentopexy
What laparoscopy cases CANNOT have insufflation if a VPS catheter has been placed?
Laparoscopy can only be performed with insufflation if the VPS system contains a valve, otherwise can only perform without insufflation and avoiding Trendelenburg position.
Kent JFMS 2020 - A lateral approach to the feline cerebellar fossa: case report and identification of an external landmark for the tentorium ossium
What is the external landmark?
The external landmark is defined by a line where the caudal aspect of the convexity of the cranium transitions to a flat surface in the caudal aspect of the temporal fossa.
Kouno JFMS 2020 - Surgical treatment of rostrotentorial meningioma complicated by foraminal herniation in the cat
What was the overall tumour excision rate?
What was the mean survival time?
612 days
Martin JFMS 2019 - Comparison of medical and/or surgical management of 23 cats with intracranial empyema or abscessation
What was the difference in MST between medical and surgical cases?
No stat. difference - MST surgical 730d, medical 183d
Duncan JAVMA 2021 - Transorbital craniectomy for treatment of frontal lobe and olfactory bulb neoplasms in two dogs
Describe the approach
Left supraorbital skin incision, reflection of the frontalis and temporalis muscles laterally, orbital ligament transection and retraction of the globe w. a malleable retractor
What are the 3 longitudinal muscular systems?
Which ones extend from the cranium to the lumbar region and which one doesn’t?!
Transversospinalis, longissimus and iliocostalis
T and L
Iliocostalis arises at level of thoracic vertebrae
Tsai JFMS 2022 - Assessment of the cutaneous trunci muscle reflex in healthy cats: comparison of results acquired by clinicians and cat owners
What was the main finding of this paper and what are the clinical applications/repercussions?
Cutaneous trunci reflex was elicited more reliably by owners at home, indicating stress may impact the reflex.
Foss JFMS 2021 - Assessment of the cutaneous trunci reflex in neurologically healthy cats
What method of c.trunci assessment was more reliable?
Haemostatic forceps
Paushter JFMS 2020 - Assessment of the cutaneous trunci muscle reflex in neurologically abnormal cats
What % of normal cats did not exhibit a c.trunci?
Paper argues that c.trunci is not useful
Pappacella-Beugger VCOT 2024 - Spinal Neuronavigation for Lumbar Plate Fixation in Miniature Breed Dogs
What % of screws were placed appropriately?
What was the median entry deviation and exit deviation?
1.8mm, 1.6mm
Bresciani VS 2021 - Lumbosacral intervertebral disk extrusions in 13 dogs
What were the most common clinical signs associated with LS IVDE?
What % of dogs had an excellent outcome?
Acute/subacute onset of LS pain and nerve root signature
Neuro deficits in 54% (only!)
Lichtenhahn VS 2020 - Evaluation of L7-S1 nerve root pathology with low-field MRI in dogs with lumbosacral foraminal stenosis
What MRI finding was most reliable when looking for nerve root pathology?
Loss of foraminal fat signal (if present, 88% had nerve root pathology)
Beer VS 2020 - Influence of a customized three-dimensionally printed drill guide on the accuracy of pedicle screw placement in lumbosacral vertebrae: An ex vivo study
What was the main finding?
What was the rate of breaches of v.canal for guides vs freehand?
Breaches in the vertebral canal were less common when screws were placed with a guide (14%) than freehand (45%). ONLY SIGNIFICANT FOR L5
Muniz VS 2020 - Surgical outcomes of six bulldogs with spinal lumbosacral meningomyelocele or meningocele
What surgery was performed?
In what % of dogs did the neuro signs improve?
Dorsal laminectomy and dissection of the meningeal sac
33% (unchanged in 66%)
Toni VCOT 2021 - Accuracy of Placement of Pedicle Screws in the Lumbosacral Region of Dogs Using 3D-Printed Patient-Specific Drill Guides
What % of bicortical pedicle screws were fully contained inside the pedicle?
What was the major downside in using this guide?
Extensive approach required to place drill guide
Innes VCOT 2021 - Distraction Stabilization of Degenerative Lumbosacral Stenosis: Technique and Mid- to Long-Term Outcome in 30 Cases
What surgical technique was utilised?
What % had clinical improvement? What % had improved pain scores?
What was the catastrophic and major complication rate?
What was the mean foraminal width increased by long term?
Dorsal lumbosacral annulectomy. The joint capsule and articular cartilage were removed from the lumbosacral facet joints. Insertion of positive profile end-threaded half pins. in three locations on each side of the lumbosacral region: (1) across the lumbosacral facets,
while under distraction; (2) in L7 and (3) from S1 into the body of the ilium. DBM implanted. PMMA (w.gentamicin) used to secure pins.
86%, 100%
10%, 17% (10% needed repeat sx)
Pfund JSAP 2022 - Postoperative outcome of ambulatory dogs with intervertebral disc extrusion causing incontinence and/or tail dysfunction: 18 cases (2010-2020)
What % regained: urinary continence? faecal continence? tail function?
Gomes JFMS 2022 - Clinical features, treatment and outcome of discospondylitis in cats
What was the most common presenting clinical sign?
What disc space was most likely to be affected?
What % had good outcome with medical therapy?
Spinal hyperaesthesia
L7 - S1
Hyde VS 2023 - Clinical characteristics and outcome in 15 dogs treated with transsphenoidal hypophysectomy for nonfunctional sellar masses
What was the most common clinical signs for non-functional sellar masses?
What was the perioperative mortality?
Mentation changes
708 days
Kent JAVMA 2019 - Anatomic description and clinical relevance of the meningovertebral ligament in dogs
Where would the meningovertebral ligament be identified and where is it most prominent?
Ventral epidural space
Cervical spine
Kalmukov - JSAP 2023 - Internal fixation of canine coccygeal vertebral fractures: four cases (2018-2022)
What approach was used and how were these fractures internal fixated?
Outcome of fractures?
Lateral approach to vertebral body
1/1.5mm laterally applied plate
Good, all healed. Tail function good.
Irizarry VS 2022 - Evaluation of the intervertebral disk, vertebral body, and spinal cord for changes secondary to percutaneous laser disk ablation
What vertebral body changes were associated with laser disc ablation?
How was this procedure performed?
Mild discitis, cranial and caudal endplate lesions
Discs identified and marked using spinal needles & fluoroscopy - laser inserted into spinal needle (Ho:YAG) laser
Mariani VS 2021 - Accuracy of three-dimensionally printed animal-specific drill guides for implant placement in canine thoracic vertebrae: A cadaveric study
What was the accuracy rate?
What was the mean entry point deviation and mean angular deviation?
5.1 degrees
Schmitt VS 2021 - Computed tomography evaluation of proposed implant corridors in canine thoracic vertebrae
Which vertebrae had the widest vertebral corridor?
Which vertebrae had the least variability in implant corridors? And what approach was best to use?
Dorsal approach
Dongaonkar VS 2021 - Effect of irrigation technique on the vertebral canal temperature during thoracolumbar hemilaminectomy in dogs: An ex vivo study
Which irrigation technique was most effective?
Intermittent bolus was more effective than continuous irrigation
Woelfel VS 2021 - Outcomes and prognostic indicators in 59 paraplegic medium to large breed dogs with extensive epidural haemorrhage secondary to thoracolumbar disc extrusion
What was the rate of recovery of ambulation in deep pain positive or deep pain negative dogs w. extensive epidural haemorrhage?
What factors were associated with outcome?
What was the complication rate?
77% deep pain +ve
38% deep pain -ve
Clinical severity, number of vertebrae affected, ratio of vertebral sites decompressed to vertebrae with signal interruption
Nakamoto VS 2021 - Outcomes of dogs with progressive myelomalacia treated with hemilaminectomy or with extensive hemilaminectomy and durotomy
Which treatment was associated with a higher survival rate?
What was a prognostic factor identified?
Extensive hemi and durotomy (100% survival) - hemi alone (61% survival)
Ratio of length of SC hyperintensity to L2 - higher in dogs that died
Elford VS 2020 - Accuracy of placement of pedicle screws in the thoracolumbar spine of dogs with spinal deformities with three-dimensionally printed patient-specific drill guides
What % of pedicle screws had optimum placement?
What did the authors do to facilitate placement of the 3d guide?
3% had partial penetration of the medial pedicle wall (IIa)
Dorsal process of the cranial vertebrae removed
Takahashi VS 2020 - Effect of durotomy in dogs with thoracolumbar disc herniation and without deep pain perception in the hind limbs
What was the effect of performing a durotomy?
What % of dogs regained ambulation after durotomy + hemi vs hemi alone?
Improved rate of ambulation and no dogs died from progressive myelomalacia
65% with durotomy and 38% w. hemi alone
Jeffery VS 2020 - Extended durotomy to treat severe spinal cord injury after acute thoracolumbar disc herniation in dogs
What % of dogs recovered to walk unaided?
What % of dogs recovered faecal and urinary continence?
What detrimental effects of durotomy did the authors report?
62% (16/26 dogs)
58% (15/26 dogs)
Guevar VS 2020 - Minimally invasive microsurgical decompression of an intervertebral disc protrusion in a dog
Briefly describe the approach and outcome
Right lateral approach. K wire placed in spinous process, subsequent dilators placed. Operating microscope used to perform foraminotomy, partial discectomy and lateral minicorpectomy.
SC decompression achieved
Schmierer VS 2020 - Randomized controlled trial of pregabalin for analgesia after surgical treatment of intervertebral disc disease in dogs
What was the finding of this paper?
Pregabalin 4mg/kg TID reduced pain levels in the treatment group compared with opioids alone.
Gilman VCOT 2023 - Thoracolumbar Spinal Stabilization with Three Dimensional-Printed Drill Guides and Pre-Contoured Polyaxial Bone Plates
What plate was utilised and what is the max screw angulation possible?
What % of screws had ideal placement with the 3D drill guide?
PAX plate, 10 degrees
Kristiansen VCOT 2022 - Hydrated nucleus pulposus extrusion in dogs: Thoracolumbar compared to cervical cases
What was the difference in outcome between cervical vs TL disease, and conservative vs surgical?
Samer VCOT 2021 - Accuracy and Safety of Image-Guided Freehand Pin Placement in Canine Cadaveric Vertebrae
What was the finding of this paper?
All corridors judged safe despite up to 7.6 degree deviation from planned
Hall VCOT 2021 - Approach to and Practice of Disc Fenestration in the Management of Intervertebral Disc Extrusions in Dogs: A Questionnaire Survey
What was the most common complication reported?
Conte VCOT 2021 - Thoracic Vertebral Canal Stenosis Associated with Vertebral Arch Anomalies in Small Brachycephalic Screw-Tail Dog Breeds
What vertebral space was most common stenotic site in dogs WITH neuro deficits?
T4-5 (Conte retired from playing in ‘04)
Marine VCOT 2021 - Transthoracic vertebral distraction and stabilisation in 10 dogs with congenital thoracic vertebral malformations
What system was used for traction and vertebral fixation? Where were the traction screws placed?
What permanent distraction technique was utilised?
What % of dogs had long term Neuro improvement?
Casper Cervical distractor system. In the 1st normal vertebra cranial and caudal
Monocortical screws with PMMA around screw heads
Upchurch VCOT 2020 - Effect of duration and onset of clinical signs on short-term outcome of dogs with Hansen Type I thoracolumbar intervertebral disc extrusion
What was the main variable associated with outcome?
What % had more disc material after fenestration?
Preop neuro grade was associated with outcome.
Duration of clinical signs prior to surgery and rate of onset of signs did not correlate with return of pain sensation, urinary continence or ambulation.
Harris VCOT 2020 - Introduction of Disc Material into the Vertebral Canal by Fenestration of Thoracolumbar Discs Following Decompressive Surgery
What % of dogs had new disc material in the vertebral canal post-fenestration?
Vicens Zanoguera JSAP 2023 - Does surgical timing affect the rapidity of recovery in deep pain-entire non-ambulatory dogs with thoracolumbar intervertebral disk extrusion?
What factors were associated with rapidity of recovery?
Neurological Frankel grade
Duration of surgery
Jones JSAP 2022 - Surgical techniques used in the management of intra-arachnoid diverticula in dogs across four referral centres and their immediate outcome
What were the most common surgical procedures performed?
What surgical technique was associated with the best short term outcome?
What surgical technique had the highest likelihood of being non-ambulatory in the immediate post-op period?
What % of non-ambulatory dogs had improved by the end of the study (which was how long)?
Durectomy 49%, marsupialisation/durotomy/ectomy 19%, durotomy 12%, 11% shunt placement/durotomy, stabilisation/durotomy 9%
All equal
Intra-arachnoid shunt/durotomy
84% wk3-5
Fiorentino JSAP 2021 - Clinical, magnetic resonance imaging and histologic findings of canine thoracolumbar discal pseudocyst
How does this condition present?
What are the MR findings?
Acute/subacute onset of TL myelopathy
Iso/hypointense on T1W & hyperintense on T2W with variable contrast-enhancing wall - round/oval shaped epidural mass lesion communicating with disc
All dogs had immediate improvement in neurological signs.
Kerr JSAP 2021 - Late onset recurrence of clinical signs after surgery for intervertebral disc extrusion in French bulldogs
What % of F.Bulldogs have recurrence of signs? What is the mean time of recurrence?
9 months 21 days
Mojarradi JSAP 2021 - Safety of early postoperative hydrotherapy in dogs undergoing thoracolumbar hemilaminectomy
How early did they initiate hydrotherapy?
What % of complications could have been attributed to early hydrotherapy? (what were they?)
8% (SSI and further extrusion of the originally operated intervertebral disc)
Bravo JSAP 2019 - Effect of 5% transdermal lidocaine patches on postoperative analgesia in dogs undergoing hemilaminectomy
What was the main finding?
The number of doses of methadone administered were not different between dogs with or without lidocaine patches.
Fowler JFMS 2022 - Outcome of thoracolumbar surgical feline intervertebral disc disease
What was the most common presenting sign?
What was the most commonly affected site?
What % of cats had a good outcome by 2 weeks post-operatively?
How did presenting grade affect prognosis?
Difficulty walking
Presenting grade of IVDD did not affect the clinical outcome
Gillespie JFMS 2020 - Thoracic vertebral canal stenosis in cats: clinical features, diagnostic imaging findings, treatment and outcome
How did cats with thoracic vertebral canal stenosis present?
What breed and signalment of cats were over-represented?
T3-L3 myelopathy, chronic progressive, painful, ambulatory
British shorthairs, male neutered
Spence JAVMA 2021 - Comparison of magnetic resonance imaging findings in relation to body weight in dogs with thoracolumbar disease
How did BW affect the prevalence of TL diseases?
Dogs >15kg were 11.9x more likely to have neoplasia and 7.4x more likely to have FCE
Tirrito JAVMA 2020 - Agreement of surgeon’s perception of the effectiveness of spinal cord decompression with findings on postoperative magnetic resonance imaging for dogs surgically treated for intervertebral disk extrusion
What factors were associated with unsatisfactory SC decompression?
Satisfactory decompression was associated with …
severity of preoperative neuro grade, pre-op compression, TL vs cervical IVDE, and ventral circumferential distribution of material
a greater likelihood of successful outcome
Guevara VS 2024 - Ex vivo comparison of pin placement with patient-specific drill guides or freehand technique in canine cadaveric spines
What % of 3DPG implants were considered to have an acceptable placement?
% for FH?
Violini VS 2024 - Clinical outcomes of 20 brachycephalic dogs with thoracolumbar spinal deformities causing neurological signs treated with spinal stabilization using 3D-printed patient-specific drill guides
What % of scews had optimal screw placement?
What % of dogs had static neuro signs at long term follow up?
85% (10% had improved neuro signs)
Sabol VCOT 2024 - Implantation Corridors in Canine Thoracic Vertebrae: A Morphometric Study in Dogs of Varying Sizes
What was the main conclusion from this study?
What structures did this study observe <1mm from the implantation corridors?
Implantation corridor widths were often very narrow, particularly in the midthoracic region, and allowable deviation angles were frequently small.
Trachea, Azygous vein, Aorta, Lung, Subclavian artery
Nicolas VCOT 2023 - Scapular Osteotomy for Lateral Access to a T1-2 Foraminal Disc Extrusion, Treated by Mini-Hemilaminectomy in a dog
How was the scapular osteotomy stabilised post-operatively?
The scapular osteotomy was stabilized with two 2.4-mm locking compression plates
Compagnone VCOT 2023 - Thoracolumbar Intervertebral Disk Extrusion in Dogs: Do Onset of Clinical Signs, Time of Surgery, and Neurological Grade Matter?
What was the main finding from this study?
Dogs presented with severe neurological status and/or rapid onset of
clinical signs were operated on more promptly, but their outcomes were also poorer.
There was no significant evidence for a better outcome when surgery was not delayed.
Aikawa JAVMA 2023 - Decompressive laminectomy with vertebral stabilization allows neurologic improvement of most Pekingese dogs with thoracolumbar vertebral instability
What surgical stabilisation was utilised?
Pins and PMMA
Nash JAVMA 2023 - Tube cystostomy is effective for urinary outflow management in dogs with intervertebral disk extrusion and ischemic myelopathy cranial to the L3 spinal cord segment: 61 dogs (2018–2022)
What was the median number of days from placement to removal?
Rate of minor and major complications?
What were the main complications observed?
19 days
25% minor, 8% major
Inadvertent removal, peristomal urine leakage
Woeffel VS 2022 - Subaxial cervical articular process subluxation and dislocation: Cervical locked facet injuries in dogs
Describe the appearance of this abnormality on imaging
What was the outcome for the affected dogs?
Which cervical vertebrae were more likely to be affected?
What treatments were attempted?
presence of dorsal displacement of a cranial articular process “reverse hamburger bun sign”
All dogs became ambulatory regardless if surgical/conservative tx
Caudal cervical vertebrae
Surgical (ventral/dorsal approaches) stabilisation, external coaptation or rest
Guevar VS 2021 - Accuracy and safety of three-dimensionally printed animal-specific drill guides for thoracolumbar vertebral column instrumentation in dogs: Bilateral and unilateral designs
What was the difference in the accuracy of entry points and angle deviations between drill guide designs?
NONE (in normal vertebrae)
Both guides were described as highly safe
Garcia VS 2021 - Outcomes of nine cats with urinary retention after sacrocaudal luxation managed with long-term urinary diversion
What % of cats with absent tail tone and tail base sensation at presentation recovered normal micturition, and what was the mean number of days?
How were the cats managed?
All cats in study had absent tail tone and tail base sensation, and ALL recovered micturition
30 days.
Long-term cystostomy tube placed and bladder emptied BID
Beer VS 2021 - Biomechanical comparison of ex vivo lumbar vertebral fracture luxations stabilised with tension band or polymethylmethacrylate in cats
How did stability of TB and PMMA fixation compare?
What was the mode of failure of TB stabilisation?
TB had stability comparable to screw and PMMA fixation in flexion. In extension, ROM of screw constructs were half of TB… indicating less mechanical stability
Mode of failure of tension band stabilisation was related to the limited dorsal bone stock.
Bitterli VCOT 2022 - Minimal Invasive Fluoroscopic Percutaneous Lateral Stabilization of Thoracolumbar Spinal Fractures and Luxations Using Unilateral Uniplanar External Skeletal Fixators in Dogs and Cats
What were the most common complications observed?
What % of cases showed neuro status improvement?
Erythema, exudation, pin loosening
86% (12/14)