Ortho - 'other' Flashcards
Billas VS 2022 - Incidence of and risk factors for surgical site infection following canine limb amputation
What was the SSI rate?
What factors increased the risk of SSI?
What indications for amputation increased the risk of SSI?
Use of bipolar device (c.f. electrosurgery or sharp dissection)
Bacterial infection or trauma
Galliano VS 2022 - Subcutaneous vascular access port implantation in the axillary or femoral/external iliac vein at the time of full limb amputation in dogs
To what muscles were the SVAP secured?
What was the difference in the short term outcomes between the groups?
Trapezius fascia, gluteal fascia
No difference in short-term outcome was detected between implantation sites for subcutaneous vascular access ports
Magidenko JAVMA 2022 - Analysis of patient outcome and owner satisfaction with double limb amputations: 14 dogs and four cats
What was the complication rate? and the major complication rate?
5/18 complications (30%)
3/18 major (17.5%)
Radke VS 2022 - Evidence-based evaluation of owner-reported outcome measures for canine orthopaedic care – a COSMIN evaluation of 6 instruments
Which 3 instruments of owner reported outcome measures showed evidence of sufficient content validity?
Newman VS 2021 - Susceptibility of canine chondrocytes and synoviocytes to antibiotic cytotoxicity in vitro
What was the outcome?
Which antibiotics were safer?
Viability of chondrocytes and synoviocytes decreased with increasing antibiotic concentrations.
Lower toxicity of vancomycin & ampicillin.
Kleine VS 2020 - Resistin concentrations in serum and stifle synovial fluid from normal and cruciate deficient dogs with osteoarthritis
How did resistin concentrations differ in dogs with and without OA?
They didn’t differ
Kleine VS 2019 - Correlation of serum and synovial leptin concentrations with body condition scores in healthy and osteoarthritic dogs
How did the serum and synovial fluid leptin correlate with BCS?
How did it differ with LOAD scores and radiographic severity of OA?
Serum & synovial fluid leptin correlated with BCS.
Synovial fluid leptin was weakly associated with LOAD scores
Not associated with radiographic severity of OA.
Pavarotti VCOT 2020 - Evaluation of a single intra-articular injection of autologous adipose tissue for the treatment of osteoarthritis: a prospective clinical study in dogs
What were the major side effects observed?
What was the outcome of the adipose injection?
No major side effects
Lameness and CBPI lower @ all time points after injection and gradual improvement of kinetic data
Ravicini JSAP 2023 - Description and outcome of dogs with primary immune-mediated polyarthritis: 73 cases (2012-2017)
What % responded to therapy?
What % relapsed?
What % had complete cure (withdrawal of meds)?
What % were well managed long term?
53% (multiple relapses in 17 dogs)
Cunnigham JFMS 2022 - Evaluation of a nutritional supplement for the alleviation of pain associated with feline degenerative joint disease: a prospective, randomised, stratified, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial
What were the ingredients of the nutritional supplement?
What effect did it have?
Glucosamine and chondroitin
No difference to placebo
Ariffin JFMS 2021 - Protease activated receptor 2 and matriptase expression in the joints of cats with and without osteoarthritis
How did the levels of PAR2 differ between OA joints and non-OA joints?
PAR2 was detected in all articular cartilage & synovial samples but confined to only a few superficial chondrocytes in normal samples.
Maniaki JFMS 2021 - Associations between early neutering, obesity, outdoor access, trauma and feline degenerative joint disease
What increased the risk of OA?
What decreased the risk of OA?
Obesity, outdoor access and hx of trauma
Neutering <6m old reduces risk
Shipley JFMS 2021 - Owner evaluation of quality of life and mobility in osteoarthritic cats treated with amantadine or placebo
What was the conclusion of this study?
Activity counts were lower with amantadine but clinical metrology owner-assessed outcome showed improvement on amantidine vs placebo.
Enomoto JFMS 2020 - Development of a checklist for the detection of degenerative joint disease-associated pain in cats
What sensitivity and specificity for DJD was achieved?
What were the questions?
100%, 100%
See pic
Miller JAVMA 2023 - Retrospective analysis describes safety of therapeutic joint injections in dogs
What was the rate of major complications?
1/505 - 0.002%
Howes JFMS 2019 - Skull pathology in 10 cats with patellar fracture and dental anomaly syndrome
What were the radiographic findings observed?
What was the histo consistent with?
How was it managed?
Findings included marked bony and periosteal proliferation, hypodontia, root resorption, root malformation & unerupted permanent teeth
Radiological appearance similar to neoplasia but histo consistent with osteomyelitis
Surgical extraction of unerupted teeth & debridement of necrotic bone
Soukup JAVMA 2020 - The canine furcation cyst, a newly defined odontogenic cyst in dogs: 20 cases (2013–2017)
Where does this cyst normally form?
What is the main clinical sign?
How was it treated?
Odontogenic cyst that usually occurs at furcation of maxillary PM4.
Main clinical sign: fluctuant swelling of buccal gingiva & mucosa overlying cyst.
Surgical tx = cyst wall enucleation & curettage.
Moran JFMS 2024 - Surgical excision of P3 fragments in 86 declawed cats: case series (2013–2023)
What hx/clinical signs were observed?
What was the most common complication following surgery?
What was the outcome of surgery?
Historical reports from owners and shelter staff included house-soiling, biting behaviour, repelling behaviour, barbering, lameness, chronic digit infection and nail regrowth.
Pathology visible on examination included digital subcutaneous swelling, ecchymosis, malaligned digital pads, ulcerations, exudate, tendon contracture, nail regrowth and callusing.
Mild lameness at 14d post-op
No cats lame, all behaviours resolved
Wagemeister VCOT 2022 - Compensatory Changes in Ground Reaction Forces in Small and Large Breed Dogs with Unilateral Hindlimb Lameness in Comparison to Healthy Dogs
What compensatory changes were observed?
What type of dogs were more likely to be affected?
Unilateral hindlimb lameness leads to cranial & lateral shift of body mass centre.
Redistribution to the forelimbs plays a more important role in affected large dogs.
ALvarez VCOT 2020 - The effect of calibration method on repeatability and reproducibility of pressure mat data in a canine population
What calibration protocol was advised?
Both calibration protocols (step and phantom calibration protocols) were highly repeatable & reproducible
Pettit VCOT 2020 - Evaluation of Ground Reaction Forces and Limb Symmetry Indices Using Ground Reaction Forces Collected with One or Two Plates in Dogs Exhibiting a Stifle Lameness
What number of force plates were observed to be ‘better’?
Total time and number of trials needed to collect valid data was minimised using 2 force plates… but NO difference in GRF/SI values collected between 1 & 2 plates.
Vitt VCOT 2020 - Incidence of normal versus support trot in the healthy adult German Shepherd Dog
What is a support trot?
What % of healthy dogs were observed to support trot intermittently?
How many dogs ‘solely’ used support trot?
A support trot has been described where the contralateral fore and hindlimb paw strikes, but instead of being followed by a suspension phase, the dog leaves a paw in contact with the ground until the opposite contralateral limbs touch the ground
2.5% (1/40)
Markley JAVMA 2021 - Internet-based survey of the frequency and types of orthopaedic conditions and injuries experienced by dogs competing in agility
What are the most commonly affected breed of dog?
What are the most common injury locations?
Border collies
Shoulder and Iliopsoas muscle
Filho VCOT 2024 - Gait Analysis of Amputee Dogs Using a Pressure- Sensitive Walkway
What the difference between high and low amputation?
When looking specifically at the forelimb or the hindlimb, what was seen?
Overall there was no significant difference between high and low amputation
Forelimb - The amputation level of one forelimb did not influence the %BW distribution.
Hindlimb - %BW higher for the contralateral limb in dogs submitted to high amputation.
McFadsean FFMS 2024 - Use of a novel three-dimensional anatomical plating system for treatment of caudal mandibular fractures in cats: 13 cases (2019–2023)
What was the outcome of the usage of this plate?
What was the most common post-op complication?
All had anatomical reduction and functional atraumatic occlusion. All fractures healed
One case of implant exposure and removal @10m
Ziemann JFMS 2023 - Malocclusion in cats associated with mandibular soft tissue trauma: a retrospective case-control study
What types of cats were most likely to have malocclusion?
What 2 factors were identified that contribute to trauma?
Distance between canine crown tips and teeth angulation
Sartore JFMS 2024 - Osteochondrodysplasia and the c.1024G>T variant of TRPV4 gene in Scottish Fold cats: genetic and radiographic evaluation
What % of SFCs without osteochondrodysplasia had this variant of gene?
What are the radiographic changes observed with osteochondrodysplasia?
On radiography, distorted metaphyses of metatarsal and metacarpal bones are evident. This results in the decreased length and abnormal shape of bones and distal limbs. Shorter caudal vertebrae, widened endplates and gross plantar exostoses of tarsal and metatarsal bones are clinically and radiographically evident
Salmelin VCOT 2023 - Comparison of Trauma in Dogs due to Direct Motor Vehicle Collision or Fall from Open Pick-up Truck Bed during Transportation (2002-2020)
Which of the injuries has a greater survival to discharge?
Injuries from falling of a pick-up truck bed
Robertson JSAP 2023 - Presenting signs and clinical outcome in dogs with metaphyseal osteopathy: 39 cases (2009–2018)
What were the most common breeds and signalment?
What were the most common clinical signs?
What % of dogs relapsed after treatment?
What disease was MO associated with? What % of dogs developed this disease?
Border collie, Weimeraner, Labrador
Male dogs over-represented
Pyrexia, lethargy, pain and non-ambulatory status
8/25 (32%)
Immune-mediated disease - 16% developed it
Jones JAVMA 2020 - Radiographic features of histologically benign bone infarcts and bone infarcts associated with neoplasia in dogs
What features did 100% of the malignant lesions have?
What % of benign infarcts had aggressive features?
Aggressive medullary lysis
70% had aggressive medullary lysis, 21% had aggressive periosteal proliferation (c.f. 50% malignant)
Liska JAVMA 2020 - Idiopathic arteriopathy-induced focal osteonecrosis of the femoral head in a young dog
What radiographic features were observed?
Atypical radiolucency & disproportionately large femoral medullary canal.
Griffin JAVMA 2023 - Modified hemipelvectomy techniques in dogs and cats appear well tolerated with good functional outcomes
What modification of the hemipelvectomy technique were the complications associated with?
What modifications saw post-op mobility concerns?
What the indication for surgery?
What was the MST of the population?
Partial sacrectomy/vertebrectomy (4/11 - 36%)
Partial sacrectomy/vertebrectomy (4/11 - 36%)
Neoplasia in all dogs
Schaaf VS 2020 - Anconeus muscle injury in a juvenile greyhound
What was observed on clinical exam?
What diagnostics were performed and what was observed?
What was the treatment?
What was the outcome?
Mild forelimb lameness - pain on palpation of proximolateral ulna and w. max elbow flexion
US showed disorganised muscle fibres. CT showed thin rim of periosteal new bone on caudodistal humerus.
Meloxicam and rest
Resolution of lameness
Miraldo JSAP 2020 - Multiple idiopathic fibrotic myopathies, including the tensor fascia lata muscle, in a cat
What treatment was performed and what was the outcome?
Surgical resection of fibrotic portion of affected muscles resulted in immediate but not long-term resolution.
Petazzoni JAVMA 2022 - Outcome of rest with or without bandaging for treatment of carpal flexural contracture deformities in puppies: 47 puppies and 75 joints (2000-2018)
What % of dogs regained full carpal extension? Did bandaging affect the outcome?
For those that recovered, what was the mean time to recovery?
What was the main effect of bandaging?
What type of bandage was used?
All dogs regained full carpal extension - 100%. Bandaging did not effect outcome
Mean time to recovery 3 weeks.
For dogs with moderate-severe flexion & obvious carpal procurvatum (grade 3 - see pic), bandaging reduced the time to recovery. For less severely affected dogs, no difference with/without bandaging.
Modified RJ
Wilson JAVMA 2023 - Fibrotic myopathy and contracture of the caudal thigh musculature: a prospective study of 41 dogs (2019–2022)
What breeds/signalment are most likely to be affected?
Inherited familial risk for fibrotic myopathy in the GSD was supported by pedigree analysis. Males over-represented
Gaskin JFMS 2023 - Flexor tenectomy: salvage surgery following feline onychectomy
What was the pathophysiology of the presenting clinical signs (inappropriate behaviours/pain/response to analgesia)?
What was the outcome?
Hyperflexion of the proximal interphalangeal joint
All cat’s gaits and pain levels improved - some did stand flat-footed
Dornbusch VS 2020 - Percutaneous microwave ablation of solitary presumptive pulmonary metastases in two dogs with appendicular osteosarcoma
What was the observed complication with microwave ablation of the pulmonary mets?
Kalamaras VS 2020 - Impact of microwave ablation treatment on the biomechanical properties of the distal radius in the dog: A cadaveric study
What was the biomechanical impact of microwave ablation tx?
Oramas VS 2020 - Iliectomy with limb preservation for a dog with ilial osteosarcoma: Surgical description and case report
Describe the procedure
What post-op complication was observed and how was it managed?
See pic. Key things are: protecting the sciatic nerve and the intra-pelvic canal tissues
Closure assisted with use of longissimus dorsi flap (attaches to cranial aspect of ilium)
Fracture of the contralateral ischium - conservatively
Salyer VS 2020 - Evaluation of microwave ablation for local treatment of dogs with distal radial osteosarcoma: A pilot study
What % of tumour was necrotic?
What peri-op/intra-op complications were observed?
Kvale VCOT 2022 - Limb-sparing surgery in two cats using a femoral endoprosthesis with an integrated total knee replacement implant
What complication was observed in the 1st case?
How did the 2nd implant differ to a ‘normal’ TKR?
Aseptic loosening - replaced w. 2nd gen and lateral plate
See pic
Reising JSAP 2022 - Solitary osseous plasmacytomas in dogs: 13 cases (2004-2019)
What are the two focal forms of myeloid-related disorders seen in canines?
Where was the most common location of the SOP?
What was the MST?
How were they treated?
Extramedullary plasmacytoma and solitary osseous plasmacytoma
Radiotherapy +/- surgery +/- chemo
Nakano JAVMA 2022 - Outcome of appendicular or scapular osteosarcoma treated by limb amputation in cats: 67 cases (1997-2018)
What was the rate of mets?
Which location was more likely to have mets?
Local recurrence was observed in?
Marconato JAVMA 2021 - Timing of adjuvant chemotherapy after limb amputation and effect on outcome in dogs with appendicular osteosarcoma without distant metastases
What chemo therapies were used?
What was the main conclusion of the paper?
Initiation of chemo within 5d of amputation associated with significant survival benefit for dogs with appendicular OSA without distant metastases.
Santamaria JAVMA 2019 - Adverse events and outcomes in dogs with appendicular osteosarcoma treated with limb amputation and a single subcutaneous infusion of carboplatin+D79
What was the most common chemo related complication?
What was the MST?
GI issues - 7% required hospitalisation
MST 196d
What is the MST for primary OSA in dogs:
- palliative medical tx
- radiotherapy alone
- surgery alone
- surgery and chemo
Ruiz JSAP 2021 - Temporomandibular joint injections in dogs with temporomandibular joint pain: 11 cases (2015-2019)
What was injected?
What diseases were treated?
How long did the analgesia last?
Betamethasone and ropivicaine injections
TMJ dysplasia and OA
Average 461d (25-1579d)
Vallefuoco JSAP 2021 - Titanium mesh osteosynthesis for the treatment of severely comminuted maxillofacial fractures in four dogs
What was the outcome?
Titanium mesh osteosynthesis can achieve sufficient rigidity and lead to uncomplicated healing of severely comminuted maxillofacial fractures. This internal fixation method can be considered a valuable option to treat maxillofacial fractures in particular in cases of large bone defect and midface reconstruction
Villamizar JFMS 2021 - Comparison of unilateral rostral, middle and caudal segmental mandibulectomies as an alternative treatment for unilateral temporomandibular joint ankylosis in cats: an ex vivo study
What mandibulectomy showed the highest postoperative vertical range of mandibular motion? What muscles required dissection to perform the mandibulectomy?
What vessel runs within the mandible?
What length of bone was required to provide adequate movement?
Caudal segmental mandibulectomy (90%). Masseter and digastricus
Inferior alveolar a.
> 1.2cm
Knight JFMS 2019 - Feline head trauma: a CT analysis of skull fractures and their management in 75 cats
What % had TMJ involvement?
What injuries were associated with higher rate of complications? And what were those complications?
56% (usually unilateral)
Internal upper jaw fracture (palate/pterygoid bone) - mal-occlusion and implant failure
Agnoli JSAP 2023 - A retrospective study on bone metastasis in dogs with advanced-stage solid cancer
Which are the most common PRIMARY tumour locations?
What are the most common histo diagnoses?
What % had multiple bone involvement?
What was the MST after bone was involved?
What factor was associated with shorter survival and skeletal related death?
Mammary gland, spleen, tonsil
Carcinoma, HSA
Lack of ant-tumoural therapy
Charlesworth JSAP 2024 - Effect of hospitalisation on the rate of surgical site infection in dogs with Penrose drains
How did hospitalisation affect the rate of complications for dogs w. Penrose drains?
Was similar rates for outpatients vs inpatients.
Dogs discharged home with the drain in situ <24 hours post-op - complication (39.0%) and infection (16.2%)
dogs kept hospitalised for drain care (42.9%, 18.4%)
dogs kept hospitalised for >24 hours but discharged with the drain in situ (50.0%, 22.2%).