STS Journals - Abdomen Flashcards
Cronin JSAP 2021 - A novel internal abdominal oblique muscle flap to close a major abdominal wall defect
What blood vessels supply the internal abdominal oblique?
Briefly describe the technique
What other options are available for major abdominal defects?
Deep circumflex iliac artery, the intercostal arteries and lateral branches of the deep caudal epigastric artery
A flap using the caudal internal abdominal oblique muscle with the base dorsally was elevated and rotated 90 degrees to fill the dorsal defect.
Mesh, xenografts (porcine small intestinal submucosa), external abdominal oblique, latissimus dorsi, rectus abdominis and cranial sartorius
Morgan VS 2020 - Outcome after surgical and conservative treatments of canine peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia: A multi-institutional study of 128 dogs
Which dogs were more likely to have surgery?
What was the survival to discharge rate of the surgically treated dogs?
What was the rate of recurrence in the surgically treated population?
Intraop and post op complication rate?
Younger, sexually intact dogs who had clinical signs (more likely to have other congenital abnormalities)
Intraop 22% post-op 41%
MST ST 8.2y, CT 5y
Rossanese JSAP 2019 - Congenital pleuroperitoneal hernia presenting as gastrothorax in five cavalier King Charles spaniel dogs
What were the presenting clinical signs?
What part of the diaphragm was affected in all cases?
Tension gastrothorax - acute onset dyspnoea and resp. distress
Left crus of the diaphragm
Seibert JAVMA 2021 - Relationship between congenital peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia or congenital central diaphragmatic hernia and ductal plate malformations in dogs and cats
What are ductal plate malformations?
What recommendation was given by the authors?
Concurrent congenital fibropolycystic liver or kidney
malformations. Ductal plate malformations represent embryonic
abnormalities secondary to dysfunction of the primary cilia that result in defective tubulogenesis and affect the formation of bile ducts. Results in cholestasis.
Non-herniated liver tissue should be biopsied during surgical correction of PPDH/CCDH
Blondel VS 2021 - Comparison of imaging techniques to detect migrating foreign bodies. Relevance of preoperative and intraoperative ultrasonography for diagnosis and surgical removal
What was the sensitivity of US vs CT/MRI?
What was associated with the use of intraoperative ultrasound?
US - 88%
CT/MRI 57%
Intra-op ultrasound resulted in higher success for FB retrieval (89% vs 59% without)
Jacques JSAP 2022 - Clinical, computed tomographic, surgical findings and outcome in dogs with sublumbar abscessation: 16 cases (2013-2019)
In what % of cases was foreign material found?
What was the recurrence rate?
7/16 - 44%
2/15 - 13%
Lopez-Jiminez JSAP 2022 - Use of computed tomography sinography for evaluation of draining tracts in 27 dogs and one cat
How was sinography performed?
In what % of cases did the sinography show more extensive tracts, and what % did sinography affect case management?
Did use of CT sinography improve chances of finding FB on imaging?
With urinary catheter with iohexol
6/28 - 21% - showed more extensive tracts
3/28 - 11% - affected case management
No - 31% FB detected on post-IV contrast CT vs 23% on CT sinography
Anderson JSAP 2021 - Outcome following surgery to treat septic peritonitis in 95 cats in the United Kingdom
What was the most common cause?
What was the overall survival rate?
What was associated with non-survival?
What was associated with survival?
GI perf
Intraoperative hypotension
Survival >1d post-op
Bellamy JFMA 2023 - Feline ventral abdominal wall angiosarcoma: haemangiosarcoma or lymphangiosarcoma? Clinical and pathological characteristics in 9 cases
What types of tumours are angiosarcomas?
Describe their nature?
How were they diagnosed?
Rare malignant mesenchymal neoplasms of endothelial cell origin (predilection to ventral abdo wall)
Locally aggressive
Histopath with IHC required to differentiate between haemangiosarcoma and lymphangiosarcoma
Haemangiosarcoma was 166 days (range 137–381)
Lymphangiosarcoma was 197 days (range 67–208)
Cinti VS 2023 - Laparoscopic extra-abdominal transfascial suturing technique for diaphragmatic rupture repair in a cat
What type of diaphragm rupture was observed?
Where were the ports placed?
What pressure was used? What is the max pressure advised in the thorax?
When were the sutures removed?
Acute circumferential
The first 5 mm cannula (n.1) was introduced on the midline 3 cm caudal to the umbilicus. The other 2 cannulae were placed on either side of the midline for triangulation
3mmHg (max is 5mmHg - but authors felt there was no difference)
Minor irritation from sutures
3 weeks
Griffeuille JAVMA 2021 - Comparison of computed tomography and surgical findings and investigation of their associations with outcomes for dogs with sublumbar abscesses
What % of CTs identified migrating vegetal FB?
What was the rate of abscess recurrence?
What factor was associated with abscess recurrence?
25% @ median of 6 months
Presence of discospondylitis
Cudney JAVMA 2021 - Diagnostic utility of abdominal ultrasonography for evaluation of dogs with nontraumatic hemoabdomen: 94 cases (2014–2017)
What was the accuracy of US in NTH?
What organs did AUS have the lowest sensitivity?
31% mesentery, 0% peritoneal diffuse modular mets
Snipes JAVMA 2023 - Acute kidney injury is common in dogs with septic peritonitis and is associated with increased mortality
What % of dogs had aki?
What clinical signs increase the risk of presenting with AKI?
Tachypnoea, hypotension, increased BCS
Kerby VS 2023 - Epiploic foramen entrapment in a dog
What are the landmarks for the epiploic foramen?
What viscera became entrapped?
Caudal to the caudate liver lobe
Cranial to the celiac artery
Dorsal to the portal vein and hepatic artery
Ventral to the caudal vena cava
Rossanese JAVMA 2023 - Prevalence of malignancy and factors affecting outcome of cats undergoing splenectomy
What % had splenic neoplasia?
What was the most common tumour types?
What features were associated with a poorer prognosis?
MCT (42%), haemangiosarcoma (40%), lymphoma (6%) and histiocytic sarcoma (6%)
Presence of metastatic disease and anaemia