STS Journals - Respiratory and Thorax Flashcards
Franklin VS 2024 - Comparison of the effectiveness of three different rhinoplasty techniques to correct stenotic nostrils using silicone models: A case study
What rhinoplasty techniques were compared?
Which technique had the greatest increase in cross sectional area? What was the %?
Vertical wedge achieved up to alar fold, modified horizontal wedge up to halfway between nares and alar fold, alavestibuloplasty up to caudal nasal vestibule
Alavestibuloplasty - 74%
Pavlectic JAVMA 2023 - Successful correction of stenotic nares using combined Alar Fold Lift-Up and Sulcus Pull-Down Techniques in brachycephalic cats: 8 cases (2017–2022)
Describe these techniques
What was the outcome of this technique?
See pic
Effective in improving nasal breathing in all affected cats
Andrews JAVMA 2023 - Dorsal rhinotomy in a dog with a chondro-osseous respiratory epithelial adenomatoid hamartoma: a case report
How did this disease appear on CT?
Cyst-like nasal masses with severely destructive bilateral rhinitis with extensive polyostotic bony lysis
Clarke VS 2021 - Severity of nasopharyngeal collapse before and after corrective upper airway surgery in brachycephalic dogs
How did corrective upper airway surgery affect the nasopharyngeal collapse?
Surgery (alaplasty, staphylectomy, sacculectomy, tonsillectomy) did not improve the reduction in dorsoventral diameter of the nasopharynx during respiration.
Dickerson VS 2020 - Dorsal offset rhinoplasty for treatment of stenotic nares in 34 brachycephalic dogs
Describe the technique
What was the major complication rate?
See pic
0% although 1 dog did have collapse of both nares within 4 years
Berns JFMS 2020 - Single pedicle advancement flap for treatment of feline stenotic nares: technique and results in five cases
Describe the technique
What was the outcome?
See pic
All cats had resolution of stertor and no episodes of resp distress (no complications)
Ferrera-Jorder JFMS 2023 - Description of outcome and adverse events in 21 cats with locally advanced nasal planum squamous cell carcinoma treated with electrochemotherapy
What is the MST for surgery (as per Tobias)?
Describe the nature of this tumour
What was the MST achieved by ECT?
What was correlated with survival?
12 months
Locally invasive (mets to local lymph nodes)
453 days (15 months)
Voltage was correlated with surgery
Ciepluch VS 2023 - Sternohyoideus-sternothyroideus muscle flap to reconstruct oronasal fistulas due to maxillary cancer in four dogs
Describe the technique
How far could this flap extend?
What was the rate of complications?
Flaps were harvested by transecting the ipsilateral sternothyroideus and sternohyoideus muscles from their origin at the manubrium and costal cartilage. The muscles were rotated around the base of the cranial thyroid artery and tunneled subcutaneously in the neck and through an incision in the caudodorsal aspect of the oral cavity. The muscle flap was sutured to the edges of the oronasal fistula.
As far rostral as the level of the 1st premolar without tension
100% - all dogs had partial dehiscence of the flap but all signs improved post-op
Gleason VS 2021 - Biomechanical properties of canine staphylectomies closed with barbed or smooth suture
What was the biomechanical difference between staphylectomies closed with barbed or smooth suture?
No difference in biomechanical properties between 2-0 Quill Monoderm barbed suture and 3-0 monocryl.
Doyle VCOT 2019 - Evaluation of the superior labial musculomucosal flap in dogs: An angiographic study and case report
Where is the superior labial artery?
How is the superior labial MM flap been used in this case report?
To reconstruct a large cleft palate
Holloway JSAP 2022 - Split staphylectomy to address soft palate thickness in brachycephalic dogs: 75 cases (2016-2018)
Describe this technique
What was the complication rate?
Midline incision in soft palate, palate muscle excised, excess tissue either side of midline excised & simple continuous closure of oral & nasopharyngeal mucosa completes reverse-U incision.
Sun JSAP 2022 - Evaluation of temporary palatopexy to manage brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome in dogs in respiratory distress
Describe the technique
see pic
Seriot JSAP 2019 - Extended palatoplasty as surgical treatment for nasopharyngeal stenosis in six cats
Describe the technique
Caudal soft palate rostral to stenosis & stenotic region excised after initial reverse-U incision rostral to tonsils.
Pavletic JAVMA 2023 - Surgical closure of cleft palate defects in dogs using a modification of the traditional von Langenbeck technique: 12 cases (2015–2022)
What was the modification?
What was the outcome?
The use of a layer of vertical mattress sutures to evert flap margins allowing for direct contact of collagen surface and then a layer of simple interrupted
Very minor rostral dehiscence with no clinical consequence
Peralta JAVMA 2018 - Outcomes of surgical repair of congenital palatal defects in dogs
Name the 3 most frequently used palatal defect repair techniques
What % had functional success?
What was the most common complication? How common was it? What was associated with the development of this complication?
What dogs were more likely to have an unsuccessful repair?
Overlapping flap, Von Langenbeck technique, bipedicle flap
Oronasal fistula formation in 50% - more common in dogs >8m of age at initial repair (usually try to do around 3-4m)
Dogs <1kg at initial surgery
Jones VS 2024 - Comparison of mortality of brachycephalic dogs undergoing partial staphylectomy using conventional incisional, carbon dioxide laser, or bipolar vessel sealing device
Which technique was associated with a higher mortality?
What other factors were associated with mortality?
Concurrent stage 2/3 LCollapse
Miller VS 2024 - Complications and outcome following staphylectomy and folded flap palatoplasty in dogs with brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome
What was the differences in outcome and complications observed between the techniques?
Although FFP took longer, no other clinically significant differences were appreciated between S and FFP procedures.
Williams VS 2024 - Evaluation of the addition of adrenaline in a bilateral maxillary nerve block to reduce hemorrhage in dogs undergoing sharp staphylectomy for brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome. A prospective, randomized study
What was observed?
What adverse effects of adrenaline were noted?
Significantly lower haemorrhage with adrenaline in bilateral maxillary nerve block than lidocaine alone.
No adverse effects of adrenaline noted.
Fracka VS 2024 - Risk factors for complicated perioperative recovery in dogs undergoing staphylectomy or folded flap palatoplasty: Seventy-six cases (2018–2022)
What risk factors were identified?
Increasing age, long GA, staphylectomy, laryngeal collapse 3
Camarasa JSAP 2023 - Owner-assisted recovery and early discharge after surgical treatment in dogs with brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome
How did the post-op complications differ between standard recovery and recovery with owners?
Post-op complications higher in standard recovery (28%) than recovery with owners (2%)
Filipas JSAP 2024 - A retrospective observational cohort study on the postoperative respiratory complications and their risk factors in brachycephalic dogs undergoing BOAS surgery: 199 cases (2019- 2021)
What risk factors for tracheostomy were identified?
Risk factors for tracheostomy were preop/postop a.pneumonia and increasing BOAS grade
Castejon-Gonzalez JAVMA 2023 - Use of a barrier membrane to repair congenital hard palate defects and to close oronasal fistulae remaining after cleft palate repair: seven dogs (2019–2022)
What was the barrier membrane used?
How was the cleft palate closed?
What was the outcome?
Autologous auricular cartilage or fascia lata
VL technique or 2 pedicle flaps
Complete success
Gilman JSAP 2023 - A comparison of harmonic and traditional sharp staphylectomy techniques in 15 brachycephalic dogs
What was the difference between the two techniques?
Harmonic associated with less haemorrhage and shorter average surgical time.
No difference in total surgical time, nights in hospital or BOAS grade. No clear difference in tissues on histopathology.
Thermal necrosis compares favourably to previous reports
Drudi VS 2022 - Comparison of immediate and short-term outcomes of cricoarytenoid and thyroarytenoid lateralization in dogs with idiopathic laryngeal paralysis
How did the two techniques compare with respect to the rima glottidis enlargement?
CA - increase in rima glottidis by 200%
TA: increase by 150% (reduced to 125% by d15 PO)
McNamara VS 2022 - Description and evaluation of a novel transoral endoscopic arytenopexy in canine cadavers
Describe the technique
What was the outcome?
Suture placed in the tip of the epliglottis to facilitate exposure. Muscosa on the lateral aspect of the left arytenoid was sutured to the adjacent pharyngeal wall. No cartilage was included. Used barbed suture
Increased rima glottis area but maintained epliglottic coverage
Sakai VS 2021 - Influence of doxapram and intermittent 10% carbon dioxide inspiration on cardiovascular and laryngeal functions in anaesthetised dogs
Why is doxapram used?
What are the SE of Doxapram?
What was the outcome?
To increase the arytenoid movement to aid in diagnosing LarPar.
Hypertension and tachycardia (increases myocardial O2 demand)
All tx (CO2 and Doxapram) increased glottic gap area. CO2 is potentially a safer technique to improve airway exam (c.f. Doxapram)
DeGroot VS 2020 - Examination of laryngeal function of healthy dogs by using sedation protocols with dexmedetomidine
What sedation protocol resulted in a false positive diagnoses of LarPar?
What sedation protocols are recommended by the authors?
For which sedation protocol did Doxapram have the greatest effect?
Propofol ONLY
Dexmed alone or in combo with butorphanol or hydromorphone
Dexmed. No difference in laryngeal motion after administration of doxapram, except when only dexmed used.
The use of doxapram hydrochloride is recommended during laryngeal function examinations when results are in question because its use resulted in wider abduction of the arytenoid cartilages for all four protocols, facilitating the detection of arytenoid abduction.
Mullins VS 2019 - Intraoperative and major postoperative complications and survival of dogs undergoing surgical management of epiglottic retroversion: 50 dogs (2003-2017)
Which three procedures are compared?
Which has the highest failure rate and complication rates?
What was the rate of major complications and the m.common major complication?
Epiglottopexy, partial epiglottectomy and subtotal epiglottectomy
49% - epiglottopexy failure
Dixon JSAP 2022 - Infiltrative laryngeal disease in dogs
What was the most common aetiology?
What was the prognosis for the dogs that survived to discharge?
Inflammatory disease (c.f. Neoplastic)
For dogs that survived to discharge, outcome was fair although relapse was common.
Ogden JSAP 2019 - Effects of preoperative cisapride on postoperative aspiration pneumonia in dogs with laryngeal paralysis
How did the rate of a.pneumonia differ between the tx groups?
How was the cisapride administered?
1/50 cisapride group (2%)
6/52 no cisapride (12%)
As a preop cisapride CRI
Moser JFMS 2022 - Partial laryngectomy for the management of laryngeal masses in six cats
Describe the approach to the partial laryngectomy
How was the defect closed?
What was the most common post-op complication?
What was the most common histo diagnosis?
Ventral midline approach, incision through thyroid cartilage, stay sutures placed and used to retract thyroid cartilage.
Use of a sternohyoideus muscle flap
Resp distress (no other post-op complications)
Boanno JFMS 2023 - Evaluation of two unilateral laryngoplasty techniques and their effect on arytenoid cartilage abduction in cats
What were the two techniques?
How did they compare?
Single tensioned suture w. or w.out disarticulation of CA
No difference between groups. Both groups resulted in abduction of L arytenoid
Shubert JAVMA 2023 - Outcome following elective unilateral arytenoid lateralization performed in an outpatient manner is comparable to hospitalization for dogs with laryngeal paralysis
What was the overall (inpatient and outpatient) complication rates?
What was the overall mortality (inpatient and outpatient) complication rates?
What was the main conclusion?
23% (35%, 13%)
7% (5%, 4%)
No sig difference between overall rate of complications and mortality rates between the inpatient and outpatient groups
Kanemoto JFMS 2023 - Retrospective study of feline tracheal mass lesions
What were the most common clinical signs?
What part of the trachea was most commonly affected?
What were the most common ddx?
Dyspnoea/distress, wheezing/coughing/gagging, voice changes
Lymphoma (MST 214d), Adenocarcinoma, SCC
Janssen VS 2024 - Long-term outcome of permanent tracheostomy management in two brachycephalic dogs using a commercial and a three-dimensional-printed silicone stent
What was the reason behind placement of the stent?
What complication was associated with use of the commercial stent?
Concern regarding stenosis
Skin ulceration
Brismi VS 2022 - Influence of age on resistance to distraction after tracheal anastomoses in dogs: An ex vivo study
How did the TA differ with juvenile dogs?
TAnastomoses failed at lower forces but sustained more elongation in immature dogs - authors suggest use of tension relieving sutures/techniques
Suematsu VS 2019 - Long-term outcomes of 54 dogs with tracheal collapse treated with a continuous extraluminal tracheal prosthesis
What was the % survival to discharge?
What post-op complications were seen?
In what % did the cough resolve?
98% (86% survival at 3 years)
Lar.par., DIC recurrent tracheal collapse
Congiusta JAVMA 2021 - Comparison of short-, intermediate-, and long-term results between dogs with tracheal collapse that underwent multimodal medical management alone and those that underwent tracheal endoluminal stent placement
What was the MST for severely affected dogs managed with: medical tx and endoluminal stent?
Medically managed 12d
Stent 1338d (comparable to extraluminal rings)
De Lorenzi JAVMA 2024 - Dumon silicone stents can improve respiratory function in dogs with grade IV tracheal collapse: 12 cases (2019–2023)
What was the MST?
Complication rate? What were some of the complications seen?
25% died spontaneously
Complications in 75% of cases - included granulation tissue, cough, stent migration and stent deformation
Walters JAVMA 2021 - Diagnosis of a tracheal tear by use of an oxygen analyzer in a dog with cervical trauma
How was the O2 analyser utilised?
When breathing 100% O2, analyser showed higher O2 concentration at cervical wound vs normal room air.
Gibson VS 2024 - Evaluation of mediastinoscopy for cranial mediastinal and tracheobronchial lymphadenectomy in canine cadavers
Describe the port location
What pressure insufflation was utilised?
Which were the easiest L.Nodes to access with this approach?
What post-surgical complication was observed?
The manubrium was palpated and the space ventral to the trachea and dorsal to the sternum identified. A linear longitudinal incision on midline (3–5 cm) was made within this space, and the skin, subcutaneous tissues, and cervical musculature divided to the level of the thoracic inlet with sharp dissection.
2-4mmHg insufflation
Left tracheobronchial LN (7/7), then R (4/7), then sternal LNs (3/7), then cranial mediastinal (1/7)
Post-procedure pleural gas in 4/7 on CT
Rossanese VS 2020 - Long-term survival after treatment of idiopathic lung lobe torsion in 80 cases
What breeds are most prone to lung lobe torsion?
What % are primary and secondary? What is associated with a longer survival?
Post-op complications?
Survival to discharge?
Pugs and Sighthound
Primary torsion in 77%, secondary 21%. Primary torsion
Nylund VS 2019 - Evaluation of a resorbable self-locking ligation device for performing peripheral lung biopsies in a caprine cadaveric model
What was the max pressure the LigaTie worked?
What pressure do the TA 3.5mm staples function to?
5/6 LigaTie sites sustained 40cm H2O
Bello JSAP 2022 - Pulmonary carcinoma associated with cystic airspaces in two dogs
What was the previous histopath diagnosis?
Previous diagnosis solitary emphysematous bulla, transformed with progressive increase of solid component & reduction of air component.
Howes JSAP 2020 - Long-term clinical outcomes following surgery for spontaneous pneumothorax caused by pulmonary blebs and bullae in dogs – a multicentre (AVSTS Research Cooperative) retrospective study
What the 2 and 5 year long term survival %?
What was the recurrence rate after 25d?
What signalment are more likely to have recurrence?
88% 2 yr, 83% 5yr
Giant breeds
Tindale JFMS 2022 - Clinical characteristics and long-term outcome of lung lobe torsions in cats: a review of 10 cases (2000–2021)
What was the most common presenting clinical sign
Which lung lobes were most commonly affected?
What % were secondary?
What was the immediate post-op mortality rate?
Dyspnoea, tachypnoea
R cranial, L cranial and R middle (equally)
7/10 (70%)
40% (4/10)
McPhetridge JAVMA 2022 - Distribution of histopathologic types of primary pulmonary neoplasia in dogs and outcome of affected dogs: 340 cases (2010–2019)
What are the most common primary neoplastic processes?
What are the MST?
Adenocarcinoma (87%), Sarcoma (histiocytic sarcoma m.common) (7.5%), adenoma (3%)
Adenocarcinoma 399d
Histiocytic sarcoma 300d
Neuroendocrine tumour 498d
McPhetridge JAVMA 2022 - Distribution of histopathologic types of primary pulmonary neoplasia in dogs and outcome of affected dogs: 340 cases (2010–2019)
What is the most common type of sarcoma?
How did adjuvant chemotherapy affect the MST for adenocarcinomas?
Histiocytic sarcoma
Adjuvant chemo did not alter MST
Parry JAVMA 2023 - Cavitary pulmonary lesion wall thickness, presence of additional nodules, and intralesional contrast enhancement are associated with malignancy in dogs and cats
What wall thickness cut off is used to determine whether mass is more likely malignant?
> 40 mm
Downey VS 2023 - Evaluation of long-term outcome after lung lobectomy for canine non-neoplastic pulmonary consolidation via thoracoscopic (TL) or thoracoscopic-assisted (TAL) surgery in 12 dogs
What was the conversion rate?
What was the complication rate?
4/9 of thorascopic sx 44% - due to adhesions or poor visualisation
Complications in 7/12 dogs (58%): self limiting haemorrhage (3), self resolving pneumo (2), dehiscence (1), dyspneoa & death (1)
Park JAVMA 2024 - Thoracoscopic resection of lung masses is associated with excellent survival to discharge and good long-term outcomes
What was the conversion rate?
What factors were associated with a greater risk of conversion?
What % got clear margins?
What factor was associated with a decreased post-op survival?
Tumour size >5cm and lymphadenopathy
Tracheobronchial lymphadenopathy
Mather VS 2023 - Anatomical considerations for the surgical approach to the canine accessory lung lobe
What approach does the author recommend is the best approach for lung lobectomy?
Right 6th intercostal (m.sternotomy is also feasible)
Gleason VS 2023 - Ala vestibuloplasty improves cardiopulmonary and activity-related parameters in brachycephalic cats
What complications were associated with surgery?
Mayhew VS 2023 - Effect of conventional multilevel brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome surgery on clinical and videofluoroscopic evidence of hiatal herniation and gastroesophageal reflux in dogs
What was the conclusion of this study?
Owners perceived an improvement but it was not confirmed with video fluoroscopy
Conte VS 2020 - Computed tomographic comparison of oesophageal hiatal size in brachycephalic and non-brachycephalic breed dogs
What was the difference between hiatal size in brachy and non-brachy dogs?
Brachycephalic dogs had a larger cross-sectional surface area
Fenner VS 2020 - Postoperative regurgitation in dogs after upper airway surgery to treat brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome: 258 cases (2013-2017)
What increased the risk of post-op regurgitation?
Having a hx of regurg and younger dogs
Vangreinsven JSAP 2021 - Diagnosis and treatment of gastro- oesophageal junction abnormalities in dogs with brachycephalic syndrome
What manoeuvre was described by the authors to help identify abnormal G-O movement?
What did the authors recommend with respect to management of affected dogs?
An obstruction manoeuvre during endoscopic assessment
Addition of omeprazole pre & post-op improved GI clinical signs in more dogs than in the non-treated group.
Jones VS 2020 - The impact of tongue dimension on air volume in brachycephalic dogs
How did macroglossia in brachy dogs affect URT air volume?
A relative macroglossia was detected in brachycephalic dogs along with reduced air volume (reduced by 60%) in the upper airway.
Franklin VS 2021 - Nebulisation of epinephrine to reduce the severity of brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome in dogs
What did nebulisation with epinephrine result in?
Reduction of BOAS index across all breeds before and after surgery
Camarasa JSAP 2023 - Owner-assisted recovery and early discharge after surgical treatment in dogs with brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome
What was observed?
The incidence of postoperative complications was higher in dogs that received standard recovery (28%) compared to dogs recovered with the owners (2%)
Stordalen JSAP 2020 - Outcome of temporary tracheostomy tube-placement following surgery for brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome in 42 dogs
What was the rate of TT placement after BOAS surgery?
What was the rate of major and minor complications?
What were the most common complications seen?
83% major, 71% minor
Tube blockage, cough and tube dislodgement
Costa JAVMA 2020 - Postoperative regurgitation and respiratory complications in brachycephalic dogs undergoing airway surgery before and after implementation of a standardised perianaesthetic protocol
What protocol was utilised?
How did it affect the regurgitation and respiratory complications?
Pre-op: Famotidine, metoclop
Post-op: recovery in ICU and reduced opiods
Reduced regurg from 35% to 9%
No difference in post-op pneumonia or dyspnoea
Carabalona JAVMA 2022 - Complications, prognostic factors, and long-term outcomes for dogs with brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome that underwent H-pharyngoplasty and ala-vestibuloplasty: 423 cases (2011-2017)
What was the overall mortality rate?
What % had improvement in resp signs?
What % had GI signs?
Doyle JAVMA 2020 - Anaesthetic risk during subsequent anaesthetic events in brachycephalic dogs that have undergone corrective airway surgery: 45 cases (2007-2019)
Previous BOAS surgery decreased the risk of post-GA complications by what %?
How did the length of an anaesthetic impact the odds of having an intra or post-anaesthetic complication?
11% - intra-op
12% - post-op
Frykfors von Hekkel VS 2020 - Thoracic dog bite wounds in dogs: A retrospective study of 123 cases (2003-2016)
What dogs were more likely to undergo surgery?
What was the mortality rate? What was the main cause of death?
What increased the risk of of mortality?
Pseudo-flail chest, rib fracture or pneumothorax
15%, Sepsis/SIRS
Pleural effusion and +ve bacterial culture
Klainbart JFMS 2022 - Dog bite wounds in cats: a retrospective study of 72 cases
What variables were associated with non-survival?
What was the survival to discharge %?
How were the majority of the cats managed?
Higher animal trauma triage score and greater severity of injury
Bloods - lower TP + albumin and higher ALT
50% conservative managed
Frykfors von Hekkel JFMS 2020 - Thoracic dog bite wounds in cats: a retrospective study of 22 cases (2005–2015)
What was the most common radiological finding?
What was associated with the need for thoracic exploration?
What was the mortality rate?
Presence of >3 radiographic lesions
Mansbridge JFMS 2024 - Physical examination and CT to assess thoracic injury in 137 cats presented to UK referral hospitals after trauma
What were the most common thoracic CT findings?
What % of cats had no PE findings but HAD CT findings?
Atelectasis, pulmonary contusions and pneumothorax
Price VS 2024 - Evaluation of thoracic duct ligation and unilateral subphrenic pericardiectomy via a left fourth intercostal approach in normal canine cadavers
What % of ex-vivo procedures were successful at this level?
What % of clinical cases had single thoracic duct at 4th ICS?
9/10 (90%)
10/13 (77%)
Rengert VS 2021 - Morphology of the cisterna chyli in nine dogs with idiopathic chylothorax and in six healthy dogs assessed by computed tomographic lymphangiography
What anatomical difference was observed in the cisterna chyli in affected dogs (c.f. unaffected dogs)?
Which side (right or left) had more lymphatic branching?
Dogs with idiopathic chylothorax had cisterna chyli with smaller and more numerous branches
RIGHT (55%) (left (32%))
Kanai VS 2020 - Efficacy of en bloc thoracic duct ligation in combination with pericardiectomy by video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for canine idiopathic chylothorax
What was the difference in en-bloc TDL w. conventional TDL (both thoracoscopically)?
Long term remission was higher with en-bloc TDL c.f. clipping indivudal branches
Mayhew JAVMA 2023 - Resolution, recurrence, and chyle redistribution after thoracic duct ligation with or without pericardiectomy in dogs with naturally occurring idiopathic chylothorax
What was post-op survival rate?
What was the resolution rate for TDL alone and TDL + pericardiectomy?
What recommendation does the author make?
TDL - 94% and 88% for TDL + pericardiectomy
In the absence of constrictive pericardial pathology the additional benefit of pericardiectomy for tx of Idiopathic chylothorax is questionable
Shriwise VS 2021 - Lymphaticovenous anastomosis of the caudal thoracic duct to an intercostal vein: A canine cadaver study
What instrument was utilised to facilitate the anastomosis?
In what % of dogs was this successful?
In which vein did the lymphatics drain into?
Microvascular anastomotic coupler
8/8 (100%)
Azygous vein
Reeves VS 2020 - Treatment of idiopathic chylothorax in dogs and cats: A systematic review
Which procedure had the lowest resolution rate?
Which procedure had the highest resolution rate?
Which procedure had the lowest and highest associated mortality?
TDL alone 31% (dogs) 41% (cats)
TDL with subphrenic pericardiectomy (74% dogs, 73% cats)
Lowest - TDL w. CCAblation (0% - dogs), TDL w. SP (13% - cats)
Dickinson VS 2024 - Outcome of video-assisted thoracoscopic treatment of idiopathic chylothorax in 15 cats
What was the rate of conversion?
What was the most common complication?
What was the mortality rate?
13% for TDL and 9% for pericardiectomy
Persistence of pleural effusion (33%)
Kim VS 2020 - Computed tomographic lymphangiography of the thoracic duct by subcutaneous iohexol injection into the metatarsal region
What was the min. volume of Iohexol was required?
How soon do you expect to see the thoracic duct contrast enhanced?
From 3-7 minutes
Rivenburg VS 2023 - Biomechanical comparison of canine median sternotomy closure using suture tape and orthopedic wire cerclage
What was the biomechanical difference between the 2 closure materials?
No difference for displacement, yield, max load, or implant failure. Tape less stiff than wire.
Pilot VS 2022 - Comparison of median sternotomy closure-related complication rates using orthopedic wire or suture in dogs: A multi-institutional observational treatment effect analysis
Was orthopaedic wire or suture more secure?
Which factor was associated with an increased risk for closure related complications?
Both were equal
Increasing dog size
Hennet JFMS 2022 - Closure-related complications after median sternotomy in cats: 26 cases (2010–2020)
What material was used to perform sternotomy closure?
What was the rate of sternal closure-related complications?
PDS in all cats
Jack VS 2019 - Feasibility of open-chest cardiopulmonary resuscitation through a transdiaphragmatic approach in dogs
What was the finding?
No difference in time to start cardiac compressions between trans diaphragmatic and lateral thoracotomy
Gibson VS 2019 - Utility of bronchoscopy combined with surgery in the treatment and outcomes of dogs with intrathoracic disease secondary to plant awn migration
Which modality was more successful in retrieving FB?
What was the agreement between CT and bronchoscopy?
What was the mortality rate?
Surgery (70%) - bronchoscopy (37%)
Garcia-Pertierra JSAP 2022 - Surgical management of intrathoracic wooden skewers migrating from the stomach and duodenum in dogs: 11 cases (2014–2020)
In what % did the CT identify the wooden skewer?
What was the rate of complications?
Survival to discharge %?
Scott VS 2023 - Complications and outcomes of thoracoscopic-assisted lung lobectomy in dogs
What was the conversion rate? What were the reasons for conversion?
What was the minimum weight authors suggest using TAL?
55% (6/11) - adhesions, difficulty manipulating lesion, acute O2 desaturation
> 3kg
Flageollet JSAP 2023 - Bronchoscopic findings in dogs with bronchial vegetal foreign bodies: 84 cases (2010- 2020)
What was the main complication observed?
What was the successful removal rate?
Mild bleeding upon removal (77%)
Purzycka JSAP 2020 - Histiocytic sarcoma in miniature schnauzers: 30 cases
What % of cases had lung/mediastinal involvement?
What was the MST?
What chemo was utilised?
What stain can be used for histiocytic sarcoma?
MST 117d
Staining with anti-CD18
Dickson JAVMA 2021 - Surgical management and outcome of dogs with primary spontaneous pneumothorax: 110 cases (2009–2019)
Which lungs were more like to be affected?
What was the % recurrence? And when would recurrence usually occur?
What risk factors were identified?
Left cranial and Right cranial
13% (at a median of 9d), <30d post-op
No risk factors were identified
Eiras-Diaz JSAP 2021 - CT findings, management and short-term outcome of dogs with pyothorax: 101 cases (2010 - 2019)
What was the overall mortality rate?
Which findings on CT were most frequently identified?
What % had a FB identified?
What was the % survival for surgical cases (vs medical cases)?
Pleural thickening 84%
8% - all cases in which FB was identified had surgery
90% for surgery, 72% medical
Kramer JSAP 2021 - Short and long-term outcome in cats diagnosed with pyothorax: 47 cases (2009-2018)
What % required thoracotomy after failing medical management?
Long term survival?
Nutt VS 2021 - Influence of muscle-sparing lateral thoracotomy on postoperative pain and lameness: A randomized clinical trial
What was the clinical finding?
Postoperative pain & thoracic limb lameness reduced by retracting rather than transecting latissimus dorsi muscle.