STS Journals Skin and Recon Flashcards
Gaudio JSAP 2024 - Short-term otucome and complications following cutaneous reconstruction using cranial superficial epigastric axial pattern flaps in dogs: six cases (2008-2022)
What is the rate of post-op complications?
What % of cases had an excellent outcome?
Canever VS 2021 - Evaluation of the superior and inferior labial musculomucosal flaps in cats: An angiographic study and case series
What are the vessels associated with the superior and inferior labial musculomucosal flaps?
For reconstruction of what region did the authors describe it’s use?
Superior and inferior labial arteries
Palatal defects
Andries VS 2020 - Identification of cutaneous arteries of the perineal and caudal thigh region: A cadaveric study in 12 cats
What 3 vessels did the authors identify?
Describe the location of the recommended flaps and the position of their base
“3 vessels: dorsal perineal, ventral perineal artery and cutaneous branch of popliteal artery. Dorsal perineal artery had a large cutaneous angiosome on the caudal thigh, consistent in most cats. Base of dorsal perineal peninsular flap at ischiorectal fossa - 3cm x 5cm long.
The ventral perineal artery and cutaneous branch of the popliteal artery had consistent but smaller cutaneous angiosomes. Base of v.perineal flap caudal ischium. Base of cutaneous branch of popliteal artery flap over popliteal fat pad. “
Nakahara VS 2020 - Hard palate defect repair by using haired angularis oris axial pattern flaps in dogs
How far rostral could the haired angularis oris axial pattern flap extend?
Rostral as maxillary canine tooth
Forster JSAP 2022 - Outcome of caudal superficial epigastric axial pattern flaps in dogs and cats
What % had complications: dog, cat?
Dehiscence rate: dog, cat?
Necrosis rate: dog, cat?
67%, 53%
31%, 26%
29%, 16%
Villidieu JSAP 2022 - Outcome of superficial brachial axial pattern flaps used to close skin defects in dogs
What % had post-op complications?
What were the most common complications (and their rate)?
What % of flaps required revision sx or open wound management?
What rate of flaps had complete flap necrosis?
Partial dehiscence (44%), partial flap necrosis (38%), seroma (31%)
31% open wound management, 19% needed revision surgery (total of 50%)
de la Puerta JSAP 2021 - Superficial temporal axial pattern flap for facial reconstruction of skin defects in dogs and cats
What % had complete graft survival?
What % had post-op complications?
Emmerson JSAP 2019 - Genicular artery axial pattern flap for reconstruction of skin defects in 22 dogs
What was the reported average flap survival?
What was the minor and major complication rate?
36%, 14%
Proot JSAP 2019 - Is the caudal auricular axial pattern flap robust? A multi-centre cohort study of 16 dogs and 12 cats
What % of dogs and cats had wound dehiscence and flap necrosis?
Revision surgery was performed in what % of dogs and cats?
63% 42%
50% 25%
Crowley JSAP 2020 - Seed skin grafts for reconstruction of distal limb defects in 15 dogs
What complication was noted in 2/15 dogs?
Epidermal inclusion cyst
Bonaventura JAVMA 2021 - Comparison of outcomes for single-session and delayed full-thickness applications of meshed skin grafts used to close skin defects after excision of tumors on the distal aspects of the limbs in dogs
How did skin graft success, graft survival , outcome and complication rate differ between the groups?
What was the reported minor complication rate?
NO DIFFERENCE FOR ANY VARIABLE other than time to complete healing (longer in staged)
Hildebrandt VS 2023 - Buccal transposition flap for closure of maxillary lip defects in 5 dogs
What vessels supply this flap?
What complications were observed?
Angularis oris artery and superior labial artery
Oronasal fistula, partial flap dehiscence
Massari VS 2019 - Lip-to-nose flap for reconstruction of the nasal planum after curative intent excision of squamous cell carcinoma in cats: Description of technique and outcome in seven cases
What % of cases had partial thickness necrosis?
Repellin VS 2021 - The effects of a proprietary Manuka honey and essential oil hydrogel on the healing of acute full-thickness wounds in dogs
What was the major finding of this study?
No difference in wound contraction and histological scores - no evidence for use
Hamil VS 2020 - Pretreatment aerobic bacterial swab cultures to predict infection in acute open traumatic wounds: a prospective clinical study of 64 dogs
What was the main finding of this study?
“Results of pre-treatment wound cultures were not predictive of bacterial species subsequently recovered from infected wounds.
Bacterial burden in pre-treatment wounds not predictive of infection.”
Tinsley 2023 - Animal Trauma Triage Score, Modified Glasgow Coma Scale, age, and weight were associated with outcome in feline bite wounds (1,065 cases): a VetCOT registry study
How was survival impacted by surgical intervention?
Odds of dying decreased by 84% in cats that underwent surgery (c.f. cats that did not)
Naghi JAVMA 2023 - Acellular fish skin may be used to facilitate wound healing following wide surgical tumor excision in dogs: a prospective case series
What was the median number of FSG applications and how often were they changed?
5, 8 days
Lopez VS 2020 - Effect of subcutaneous closure technique on incisional complications and postoperative pain in cats undergoing midline celiotomy: A randomized, blinded, controlled trial
Which subcutaneous closure technique reduced the relative risk of seroma formation?
Quilted suture technique
Maxwell VS 2020 - Pharmacokinetics of platinum and safety evaluation of carboplatin-impregnated calcium sulfate hemihydrate beads after implantation in healthy cats
What unwanted effect did the carboplatin-impregnated calcium sulfate beads have? And what % were affected?
66% had mild hypercalcaemia
Chalfon JSAP 2022 - Lymphadenectomy improves outcome in dogs with resected Kiupel high-grade cutaneous mast cell tumours and overtly metastatic regional lymph nodes
What factor was associated with higher risk of local recurrence?
Tumour size
Kim JSAP 2022 - Skin masses in dogs under one year of age
What % of skin masses were neoplastic?
What % were benign?
What were the five most common skin masses?
Histiocytoma (86%), papilloma, dermoid cyst, follicular cyst and MCT
Angelou JSAP 2020 - Complete surgical excision versus Penrose drainage for the treatment of elbow hygroma in 19 dogs
Which of the two techniques was more effective and had less complications?
Surgical excision
Excess skin was not excised, it had contracted by the time of follow up
Guilliano JSAP 2020 - Idiopathic sterile pyogranuloma in three domestic cats
What treatment was used?
Steroids, no surgery required
de Melo JFMS 2021 - Effectiveness of ovariohysterectomy on feline mammary fibroepithelial hyperplasia treatment
What % of cats had total remission following surgery?
What previous treatment was associated with a poorer outcome (higher mortality and longer time to remission)? When was it advised to be administered by the authors in this study?
Injectable progestin, give if persistent mammary growth 3 weeks post-OVH
Bloch JFMS 2020 - Treatment of feline injection-site sarcoma with surgery and iridium-192 brachytherapy: retrospective evaluation of 22 cats
What % had major complications associated with post-op brachytherapy?
What was the MST? 1 yr survival rate?
4/22 (18%)
MST 1242d, 1yr tumour free rate 63%
Evans JAVMA 2021 - Treatment of feline injection-site sarcoma with surgery and iridium-192 brachytherapy: retrospective evaluation of 22 cats
What was the overall complication rate?
What factors increased risk of complications?
High body weight, bilateral mastectomy and post-op AB
Murphy JAVMA 2023 - Incidentally diagnosed mammary gland tumors are less likely to be malignant than nonincidental mammary gland tumors
What % of incidental vs non-incidental MGTs were benign?
What factor was associated with a tumour being more likely to be malignant?
93%, 70%
Larger tumour size
Feng JAVMA 2023 - Conventionally fractionated radiation therapy is associated with long-term survival in dogs with infiltrative lipomas
What was the median overall survival after completing radiotherapy?
4.8 years
Cherzan VS 2023 - Factors affecting prognosis in canine subcutaneous mast cell tumors: 45 cases
What was the major factor which impacted prognosis?
Lymph node metastasis - decreased DFI and MST
MST with LN mets was 551 days v 1722 without mets
Karbe VS 2021 - Evaluation of scar revision after inadequate primary excision of cutaneous mast cell tumors in 85 dogs (2000–2013)
What % of resected scars had residual MCT cells?
What % of dogs had local recurrence?
4% - Margin status and presence of MCT in resected scar were not associated with local recurrence or disease progression.
Lapsley VS 2021 - Influence of locoregional lymph node aspiration cytology vs sentinel lymph node mapping and biopsy on disease stage assignment in dogs with integumentary mast cell tumors
In what % of cases did the sentinel LN differ anatomically from the locoregional LN?
Ferrari VS 2020 - Biopsy of sentinel lymph nodes after injection of methylene blue and lymphoscintigraphic guidance in 30 dogs with mast cell tumors
In what % of cases did the sentinel LN not correspond to regional LNs?
Rigas JSAP 2020 - Mast cell tumours in dogs less than 12 months of age: a multi-institutional retrospective study
What % had metastasis to local lymph nodes?
How does the prognosis differ to adult dogs?
All alive and disease free at median 1115d, prognosis appears better than in adults
Chu JAVMA 2020 - Comparison of lateral surgical margins of up to two centimeters with margins of three centimeters for achieving tumor-free histologic margins following excision of grade I or II cutaneous mast cell tumors in dogs
How did the lateral surgical margins affect the proportion of tumour-free histologic margins?
No difference between <2cm and 3cm margins
Haine VS 2021 - Incomplete histological margins following planned narrow excision of canine appendicular soft tissue sarcomas and mast cell tumours, using the residual tumour classification scheme
What finding was observed when assessing incomplete margins for MCT and STS with 6-10mm lateral measured surgical margins?
Incomplete margins less likely for MCT with 6-10mm lateral measured surgical margins, but not for STS
Milovancev VS 2020 - Long-term outcomes of dogs undergoing surgical resection of mast cell tumors and soft tissue sarcomas: A prospective 2-year-long study
What was the recurrence and metastasis rate of low grade MCT and STS?
MCT - recurrence 4%, met 6%
STS - recurrence 0%, met 0%
Zajc JFMS 2022 - Non-injection-site soft tissue sarcoma in cats: outcome following adjuvant radiotherapy
What % of cats had tumour recurrence after adjuvant radiotherapy?
Villedieu JAVMA 2021 - Prevalence of pulmonary nodules suggestive of metastasis at presentation in dogs with cutaneous or subcutaneous soft tissue sarcoma
What is the incidence of pulmonary nodules in Grade 1,2 and 3 STS?
Pulmonary nodules are more likely to be present at initial exam in dogs that have…?
6%, 6%, 38%
Grade 3 STS or STS >3 months
Crownshaw JAVMA 2020 - Evaluation of variables associated with outcomes in 41 dogs with incompletely excised high-grade soft tissue sarcomas treated with definitive-intent radiation therapy with or without chemotherapy
What was the median survival time?
What % developed metastasis? Local recurrence?
24% mets, 20% local recurrence
Gagnon JAVMA 2020 - Stereotactic body radiation therapy for treatment of soft tissue sarcomas in 35 dogs
What % of dogs had a complete or partial response?
What was the MST?
What factors were identified to be positive prognostic factors for survival?
36% had partial or complete response
MST 713d
Low grade STS and extremity locations
Ericksen JAVMA 2023 - Single high-dose radiation therapy and liquid fiducial markers can be used in dogs with incompletely resected soft tissue sarcomas
What % of dogs developed acute or delayed radiation toxicity effects?
What was the % of tumor recurrence? Time to recurrence?
80.5%, 36.1%
24.3%, 272 days
Logothetou VS 2024 - Complications and influence of cutaneous closure technique on subdermal plexus flaps in 97 dogs (2006–2022)
What was overall complication rate reported? How did the cutaneous closure technique affect the complication rate?
What factors were associated with a lower incidence of complications?
What factors were associated with a higher incidence of complications?
53.6%, skin staples vs skin sutures - not statistically different
Location on the head and use of an advancement flap
Increased BW
Kokkinos VS 2023 - A modified full-thickness labial/buccal rotational flap reconstruction technique following bilateral rostral maxillectomy and nasal planectomy for resection of maxillary tumors: Technique and results in two dogs
Describe the technique
What was the outcome?
See pic
Owners were satisfied with functional and cosmetic outcome. Regular trimming of the whiskers was reported by the owners as some irritation (sneezing)was seen when left long