Surface anatomy Week 3 Flashcards
how can you find the medial and lateral epicondyle to the humerus
these are the large bumps on by your elbow
what is the ulnar groove
this is the notch for the radial n. and it is on the medial epicondyle ( also called the funny bone )
what are some things found on the humerus
medial side= brachial artery just under the biceps
distal= spiral groove for the radial n
how do you know you have the ulna
it will not change with pronation or supination at proximal end
how to find the olecranon prcoess
this is the point of elbow and is the most bony part
how do you palpate the shaft of ulna
you start from OP and work your way down to the hand
how do you find the ulnar head
this is the round bony part on your medial side of your wrist ( and is proximal to the ulnar styloid)
what is the styloid process of ulna
point end of ulna and make sup the medial boundary of wrist joint
how do you konw you have the radius
this will rotate so the relative postion will change with pronation and supination
how do you find the radial head
this articulates w/ captulum of humerus and held by annular ligament to ulna
- this would be the raidoulnar joint
- palpate by usinga pinch grip then rotate arm distal to elbow joint
what is the styloid process of radius
distal point of raduis on thumb side and makes up lateral bounder of wrist joint
how do you palpate dorsal tubercles of the radisu
this acts as a point/ pully for EPL and is in like wiht 2nd and 3rd mc
– you can feel for these medailly from the radial styloid process
what is in the proximal row of the carpal bones
thumb → pinky
scaphoid, lunate, triqueturm, pisiform
what is in the distal row of the carpal bones
thumb → pinky
trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate
acronym for the bones
so long to pinky here come the thumb
what is the scaphoid
sits in the base of anatomic snuff box
- articulates wiht radius
what is the most commony fractures carpal bone
what s the most commonly dislocated carpal bone
what is the lunate
distal to dorals tubercles and when you felx your wrsit it should pop up then when you extend it disappers
what is the triquetrum
shaped like a triangel with 3 sides
– hard to paplate – under pisiform
what is the pisifomr
pea shaped and on top of the triquetum
- you can feel this
- under the pinky and it sticks up
what is the trapezium
1st on distal row this i fits the thumb and there is a groove for flexor tendons with thumb it create saddle joint and can feel shape btwe MC( thumb) and CB ( zium)