Neck part 2 Flashcards
What are the borders of the anterior cervical region
median line of neck
anterior border of scm
inferior border of the mandible
jugular notch
what are the subdivision of the anterior region
1 submental
2 submandibular
3 carotid
4 muscular
how are the subdivsion created in the anterior region
by the digastric m and the omohyoid m.
what is in the submental triangle of the anterior region
HDMA ( cord )
- hyoid b.
- digastric m
- mylohyoid m
what creates the anterior jugular vein
these would be the superficial vv.
- *submental v.
- *inferior hyoid v.
- *inferior labail v.
- this drains into the EVJ or the SC
What is in the submandibular triangle of the anterior region
- inferior border of mandible and the bellies of digstric m.
SHPPPM Submandibular gland Hypoglassal n cn xii part of the facial a part of the facial v part fo the submental a mylohyoid n
what is in the carotid triangle of the anterior region
superiro belly of omohyoid, posterio belly of digastric and scm
sHat cccc
Superior root of anasa cervicalis Hyopglossial cn XII Accessory n cn XI Thyoid gland Common carotid = ex and in Carotid sinus and body Cervical plexus Carotid sheath- vagus n. IJV, sns fibers, lympy
what is a carotid sinus
dilation of internal carotid at it origion and acts a baroreceptor
what si the carotid body
chemoreceptor at the bifurcation that detects changes in arterial blood
what is in the muscular triangle of the anterior region
superior belly of omohyoid, anterior border of scm, median plane of neck
Tapi Thyroid Ansa cervicalis Parathyroid infrahyoids
what is the arteries of the anterior region
where does the common carotid break apart
this happens around c4 level
what is in the external carotid a
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Superior thyroid Ascending pharyngeal Lingual facial Occipital Posterior auricular Maxillary Superficial temporal
what are the veins of the anterior region
what creates the IJV
the sigmond sinus and the posterior petrosal sinus
what contributes to the IJV
Facial Lingual Occipital ( sometimes) pharyngeal superior thyroid middle thyroid
what are the nerves of the anterior region
transverse cervical c2-3
hypoglossal n CN XII
branches of glossopharyngeal n CN IX
branches of the vagus CN X
Where is the transverse cervical c2-3 found
aroudn anterolateral neck
where is the hypoglossal n CN XII found
in the tongue
where is the glossopharyngeal n CN IX found
exits through jugular foramen
and is a mixed nerve with many fx
what are the muslces of the neck
platysma traps scm hyoid prevertebral m
what is the root of the neck
the junction between thorax and the neck
what is another name for the root of the neck
thoracocervical region
- 1st rib
- manubrium
- T1 v. body
what are the arteries of the root of the neck
the ABC’s
- brachiocephalic trunk on right side
- subclavain artery on left side
Loook in the book
What are the viens of the root of the neck
- subclavian
what are the nerves of the root of the neck
- vagus
- phrenic
- sympathetic trunks
How does the vagus n enter the thorax in the root of the neck
from the right side it enter the thorax anterior to the 1st part of the subclavian a
from the left it enters the thorax between left common caroitd and left subclavian
what is the recurrent laryngeal n and how does it enter the thorax in the root of the neck
this is the branch of the vagus that goes to the larynx to supply motor and sensory
Right- loops aroudn sublavian T1-T2 level
Left- loops around arch of aorta T4-T5 level
how does the phrenic n enter the thorax of the root of the neck
anterior to anterior scalenes and enters thorax between subclavian aa and vv
What is in the sympathetic trunk from the root of the neck
there is superior, middle and inferior ganglia in the cervical region
S- head, neck, heart
M- neck, heart
I- neck, heart, arm
Ganglia of spinal nerves
via gray rami communicantes
ganglia of thoracic visera
via cardiopulmonary splanchnic nerves
ganglia of head and viscera of the neck
via cephalic arterial branches
What does the thoracic duct do
collect most of the lymph in the body except what is collected by the right lymphatic duct
- it will drain into the left sublavian v and the left inernal jugular v
what is the right lymphatic duct
this contains
the right arm
and the right side of the
chest, neck and head and lower left lobe of the lungs
is there lymph in the spinal cord?
there is a new study the found fx lymph vessel lining the dural sinuses. they look like the lymp and connect to the deep cervical lymph nodes
What feeds into the Facial V
Angular v
What branch is the Accessory phrenic n from
it is from the branch of subclavius nerve
IT passes downward to the phrenic nerve down from the C5 spinal n. from the subclavius nerve through the subclavian v. to join the phrenic n.
What does the ascedning pharyngeal a supply
pharynx, meninges, prevertebral mm, middle ear
What does the ascedning pharyngeala branch off from
Pharyngeal brs.
Inferior tympanic a.
Posterior meningeal a.
What does the facial a supply
lower part of the palatine tonsil, submandibular glands, facial muscles and fascia
what does the facial a branch off from
Ascending Palatine a. Tonsillar br. Submental a. Superior labial a. Inferior labial a. Lateral Nasal a. Angular a.
what does the lingual a supply to
tongue, suprahyoid muscles, palatine tonsil
what does the lingual a branch off from
Suprahyoid br.
Dorsal Lingual brs.
Deep Lingual a.
Sublingual a.
what does the maxillary a supply to
deep face, infratemporal fossa, tympanic cavity, muscles of mastication
what does the maxillary a branch off from
Deep auricular a Anterior tympanic a. Middle meningeal a. Inferior alveolar a. Masseteric a. Posterior deep temporal a. Anterior deep temporal a. Buccal a. Posterior superior alveolar a. Infraorbital a. Pterygoid canal a. Descending palatine a. Sphenopalatine a.
what does the occipital a supply to
lateral neck, posterior neck, posterior scalp
what does the occipital a branch off from
Sternocleidomastoid brs. Auricular br. Mastoid br Descending br Occipital brs
what does the posterior auricular a supply too
part of the external ear, scalp and deeper structures posterior to the ear
what does the posterior auricular a branch off from
Auricular br.
Occipital br.
Stylomastoid br.
what does the superficial temporal a suppy too
scalp of the lateral ride o the head; lateral face; temporalis m.
what does the superficial temporal a branch off from
Transverse facial a. Anterior auricular brs Zygomaticoorbital a. Middle temporal a. Frontal br. Parietal br.
what does the superior thyroid a supply to
throid gland, upper part of the larynx, infrahyoid mm, SCM m.
what does the superior thyroid a branch off from
Infrahyoid br. Sternocleidomastoid br. Superior laryngeal a. Criothyroid br. Glandular brs.