Superficial muscles of the eyelids Flashcards
What is the meaning of Rima palpebrarum ?
Rima palpebrarum= eyelid opening
palpebrarum = עפעפיים
M. orbicularis oculi
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This muscle surrounds the Rima palpebrarum (eyelid opening).
Function: Closes the Rima palpebrarum
M. levator anguli oculi medialis
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This small, but well-developed muscle extends from the frontal bone into the medial half of the upper eyelid.
Function: Retracts the upper eyelid, especially the medial portion.
M. retractor anguli oculi lateralis
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This small, but well-developed muscle extends from the frontal bone into the medial half
of the upper eyelid.
Function: Retracts the upper eyelid, especially the medial portion.
M. malaris
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These small muscle bundles radiate into the lower eyelid from the cheek.
Function: Depresses lower eyelid