Lnn. cervicales superficiales
There are usually two nodes present; occasionally there is a single node or there can be three or more. They lie cranio-dorsal to the shoulder joint, between and covered by the M. cleidocephalicus Pars cervicalis, M. omotransversarius and M. trapezium. They are palpable in the living animal and are routinely evaluated; clinicians refer to them as the “prescapular” lymph
Drainage area of Lnn. cervicales superficiales?
Drainage area: The skin of the caudal head and ear, skin and superficial muscles of the lateral
neck and cranial thoracic wall, shoulder and entire thoracic limb, except parts of the medial
surface. Efferents drain into the Tr. trachealis.
Ln. axillaris
This node is usually single but is occasionally double. It lies on the medial surface of the
distal part of the M. teres major.
Drainage area of Ln. axillaris?
Drainage area: Thoracic wall, the thoracic and cranial abdominal mammae, and the deep
structures of the thoracic limb. Efferents drain into the Duct. thoracicus, Tr. trachealis, V.
jugularis externa, or into all three.
Ln. axillaris accessorius
This small lymph node lies in the angle between the M. latissimus dorsi and M. pectoralis
Drainage area of Ln. axillaris accessorius
Drainage area: As for the Ln. axillaris; efferents drain to the axillary node.