As a result of thoracic limb’s limited function (i.e. support, flexion and extension), the mobility of the shoulder joint has been reduced; although morphologically a spheroid joint, it functions as a Ginglymus. The joint’s primary role is as a shock absorber; extension of the limb is a secondary role. The muscles of the shoulder joint take origin laterally and medially on the scapula and insert on the proximal humerus.
M. deltoideus
This flat muscle lies directly under the skin, extending from the spine of the scapula to the deltoid tuberosity of the humerus. The muscle is divided into scapular and acromial parts (a clavicular part was appropriated by the M. cleidocephalicus during evolution and now forms the
M. cleidobrachialis).
M. deltoideus origin?
Pars scapularis: By means of a broad aponeurosis from the spine of the scapula
and the underlying M. infraspinatus. The origin from the surface of the
infraspinous muscle gives the erroneous impression that the infraspinatus and the
scapular part of the deltoid are one muscle.
Pars acromialis: The Proc. hamatus of the Acromion (scapular spine).
M. deltoideus insertion?
Tuberositas deltoidea of the humerus.
M. deltoideus function?
Flexion of the shoulder joint.
M. teres minor
This small, fusiform muscle is covered by the M. deltoideus.
M. teres minor origin insertion and function?
Origin: Tub. infraglenoidale and distal caudal margin of the scapula.
Insertion: Tuberositas teres minor on the Linea m. tricipitis of the humerus.
Function: Flexion of the shoulder joint.
M. infraspinatus
This strong muscle is largely covered by the scapular part of the M. deltoideus and its
M. infraspinatus origin?
Fossa infraspinata of the scapula
M. infraspinatus insertion?
Facies m. infraspinati of the humerus. The Bursa subtendinea m. infraspinati, lies beneath the tendon where it passes over the Tub. majus. Inflammation of the bursa is painful and the animal will stand with the affected limb abducted at the shoulder to relieve the tension on the tendon
M. infraspinatus function?
Flexion or extension of the shoulder joint; abduction and outward rotation of the humerus. The tendon of insertion stabilizes the shoulder joint by acting as a lateral collateral ligament.
M. supraspinatus
This powerful muscle occupies the supraspinous fossa. It bulges beyond the scapula’s distal
cranial margin and neck, and can be seen from the Facies costalis. The very strong tendon of
insertion also acts as a lateral collateral ligament of the shoulder joint.
M. supraspinatus origin insertion and function?
Origin: Fossa supraspinata of the scapula.
Insertion: Tub. majus of the humerus.
Function: Extension and stabilization of the shoulder joint
M. coracobrachialis
The tendon of origin of this short thick muscle is unusually long.
M. coracobrachialis origin?
Proc. coracoideus of the scapula. The tendon runs over the medial surface of the shoulder joint where it is surrounded by a synovial sheath