M. sternohyoideus discription , origin and insertion?
This muscle lies ventrally on the trachea. The muscle originates on the Manubrium sterni and inserts on the Basihyoideum.
M. sternohyoideus function?
Function: Retraction of the hyoid apparatus and tongue at the end of the swallowing,reurning them to their resting positions.
M. thyrohyoideus discription, origin and insertion?
This short, flat muscle originates from the lamina of the thyroid cartilage of the larynx.
Its fibers are directed rostro-ventrally and it inserts on the caudal surface of the thyrohyoideum.
M. thyrohyoideus function?
Function: Draws the hyoid apparatus caudally and/or the larynx rostrally.
M. mylohyoideus discription, origin and insertion?
This thin, flat muscle arises from the Linea mylohyoidea on the lingual surface of the Corpus mandibulae. The two muscles meet and fuse in the midline forming a fibrous raphe. The most caudal fibers insert on the Basihyoideum. The two muscles form an intermandibular sling for the tongue.
M. mylohyoideus function?
Function: Lifts the body and root of the tongue and draws the hyoid apparatus rostrally during swallowing.
M. geniohyoideus discription, origin and insertion?
Arising from the Pars incisive of the mandible, the two muscles lie adjacent to each other on either side of the median plane. They lie ventral to the M. genioglossus and dorsal to the mylohyoid muscles. They insert on the rostral surface of the Basihyoideum.
M. geniohyoideus function?
Function: Draws the hyoid apparatus rostrally during swallowing.