Muscles of the lips and cheeks Flashcards
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all these muscles are supplied by the facial nerve.
M. levator nasolabialis
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This thin, wide muscle extends from the Dorsum nasi to the upper lip and wing of the nostril; it passes over the M. levator labii superioris.
Function: Retracts the upper lip and dilates the nostril.
M. levator labii superioris
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Arising caudo-ventral to the For. infraorbitalis, this flat muscle extends to the wing of the nostril and adjacent upper lip.
Function: Retracts the most rostral part of the upper lip and dilates the nostril.
M. caninus
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This muscle arises immediately rostral to the preceding muscle and lies immediately ventral to it. It extends to the upper lip.
Function: Retracts the most rostral part of the upper lip
M. zygomaticus
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This long, strap-like muscle extends from the rostral angle of the scutiform cartilage to the angle of the mouth.
Function: Retracts the angle of the mouth and protracts the scutiform cartilage.
M. orbicularis oris
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his muscle is circularly disposed around the oral opening and forms the bulk of both lips. The muscle in the upper lip also attaches to the lateral nostril.
Function: Closes the oral opening and compresses the lips. Bilateral contraction depresses the entire nose (as when sniffing).
M. buccinator
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This strong, broad muscle forms the bulk of the cheek. It arises from the ventro-lateral edge of the maxilla and inserts on the dorso-lateral edge of the mandible.
Function: Tenses the cheek and helps to keep the food bolus in the mouth. Contraction presses the bolus from the Vestibulum oris (space between teeth and lips) into the oral cavity proper; it also prevents food from accumulating in the vestibule.