Superficial Face and Scalp Flashcards
5 layers of the scalp (superficial to deep)
Skin Dense CT Aponeurosis Loose CT Pericranium
What is a gaping vs. non-gaping wound?
Gaping - cut thru the aponeurosis.
Non-gaping - aponeurosis intact
Which layer is most prone to infection?
Loose CT layer
Orientation: lateral view
Parotid gland/duct Branches of the facial n. Ms. of facial expression Ms. of mastication Facial a. and v.
Ms. of facial expression
Frontalis (occipitofrontalis) m. Orbicularis oculi m. Levator labii superioris m. Zygomaticus m. Risorius m. Orbicularis orbis Platysma m. Buccinator m.
Ms. of masticaiton are innervated by?
CN V –> V3 (mandibular n.)
Ms. of mastication
Temporalis m.
Masseter m.
Medial pterygoid m.
Lateral pterygoid m.
Which nerve innervates ms. of facial expression?
Facial n.
What are the motor branches of CN VII?
Temporal Zygomatic Buccal Mandibular Cervical
Sensory root of CN VII does what?
Taste to anterior 2/3 of tongue via chorda tympani n.
PSNS fibers to lacrimal gland, submandibular gland and salivary glands. Tear production.
Bell’s palsy
Paralysis of ms. of facial expression on one side of the face.
Which nerves do cutaneous sensation to the face?
Ophthalmic n. (V1)
Maxillary n. (V2)
Mandibular n. (V3)
Branches of ophthalmic n. that do cutaneous sensation (2)
Outline the area they innervate:
Supratrochlear n.
Supraoptic n.
Top of head, forehead, around eyes to tip of nose.
Branch of maxillary n. that does cutaneous innervation to the face?
Outline the area it innervates:
Infraorbital n.
Narrow at the temples to tip of nose to the upper lip.
Branches of the mandibular n. that provide cutaneous innervation to the face (2)
Outline the area they innervate:
Mental n. (inferior alveolar n.)
Buccal n.
Temples to ear and from lower lip to chin and jaw.
Herpes zoster (shingles) follows which dermatomes?
Dermatomes of CN V
BVs of the face (5)
Facial a/v
Superficial temporal a/v
Supraorbital a/v
Supratrochlear a/v
Sensory innervation of parotid gland
PSNS innervation of parotid gland
Great auricular n.
CN IX via posterior auricular n.
As. of the scalp (5)
Supratrochlear a. Supraorbital a. Superficial temporal a. Posterior auricular a. Occipital a.
Where does lymph from the head drain?
Where are the only locations of LNs in the head?
Superficial ring at junction of head/neck.
Near parotid/buccal region.
Superficial lymphatic vessels accompany:
Deep lymphatic vessels accompany:
Lymph from lateral face, scalp and eyelids drain into:
Then into:
Superficial parotid LNs –> deep cervical LNs.
Lymph from upper lip and lateral lip drains into:
Submandibular LNs
Lymph from chin and central lower lip drains into:
Submental LNs