Neck Myology Flashcards
Boundaries of the Posterior Triangle
SCM m.
Trapezius m.
Boundaries of the Occipital Triangle
SCM m.
Trapezius m.
Omohyoid m.
Boundaries of the Omoclavicular/Supraclavicular Triangle
SCM m.
Omohyoid m.
Contents of Occipital Triangle (3)
External jugular v.
Posterior branches of the cervical plexus
Transverse cervical a.
Contents of the Omoclavicular/Supraclavicular Triangle (2)
3rd part of the Subclavian a.
Suprascapular a.
Innervation of Trapezius m.
Spinal accessory n. (CN XI)
Innervation of Sternocleidomastoid m.
Spinal accessory n. (CN XI)
Innervation of Levator Scapulae m.
Dorsal scapular n.
Congenital Torticollis
Congenital disorder from a fibrous tumor that forms in the SCM m. and causes the face to turn and the face to look away from the affected side.
A hematoma can arise and impinge CN XI.
Spasmodic Torticollis
An adult onset involving abnormal tonicity of SCM m. and Trapezius m.
Anterior scalene m. innervation
Middle scalene m. innervation
Posterior scalene m. innervation
Borders of the Anterior Triangle
Median line of the neck
SCM m.
Muscular content of the Anterior Triangle (7)
Mylohyoid m. Geniohyoid m. Digastric m. Stylohyoid m. Sternothyroid m. Thyrohyoid m. Superior belly of Omohyoid m.
What separates the Submental Triangle and the Submandibular Triangle?
Anterior belly of digastric m.
Contents of Submental Triangle (3)
Submental a.
Submental LNs
Submental small veins
Contents of Submandibular triangle (4)
Submandibular gland
Hypoglassal n.
N. to Mylohyoid m.
Parts of Facial n.
What separates the Muscular triangle and the Carotid triangle?
Superior belly of Omohyoid m.
Contents of the Muscular triangle (2)
Thyroid gland
Parathyroid glands
Contents of the Carotid triangle (10)
Common carotid a. Internal jugular v. Vagus n. Hypoglossal n. Spinal accessory n. Superior root of Ansa Cervicalis Thyroid gland Larynx Pharynx Branches of cervical plexus
Innervation of Mylohyoid m.
Mylohyoid n.
Innervation of Geniohyoid m.
C1 via Hypoglossal n.
Innervation of Digastric m. (anterior and posterior bellies)
Ant.: Mylohyoid n.
Post.: Facial n.
Innervation of Stylohyoid m.
Facial n.
Innervation of Sternohyoid m.
Ansa Cervicalis
Innervation of Sternothyroid m.
Ansa Cervicalis
Innervation of Thyrohyoid m.
C1 via Hypoglossal n.
Innervation of Omohyoid m.
Ansa Cervicalis
Innervation of Platysma m.
Cervical branch of Facial n.
Innervation of Pharyngeal muscles
Pharyngeal branch of Vagus n.
Pharyngeal plexus
Branches of Recurrent Laryngeal n.
Innervation of Stylopharyngeus m.
Glossapharyngeal n. (CN IX)
Innervation of Laryngeal muscles
Recurrent Laryngeal n.
Innervation of Longus Colli m.
Innervation of Longus capitis m.
Innervation of Rectus Capitis m. and Rectus Capitis Lateralis m.
Zone 1 of Penetrating Neck Injuries
Clavicle to cricoid cartilage.
Great vessels, trachea, esophagus, lung apices, c-spine, SC.
Zone 2 of Penetrating Neck Injuries
Cricoid cartilage to angle of mandible.
Carotid and vertebral as., jugular vs., pharynx, larynx, trachea, esophagus, c-spine, SC.
Zone 3 of Penetrating Neck Injuries
Angle of mandible to base of skull.
Salivary glands, parotid glands, esophagus, trachea, vertebrae, carotid as., jugular vs., SC.