Summer School Final Flashcards
all behavior is learned therefore it can be unlearned through extrinction
basis of behavior therapy
behavioral therapy has this kind of relationship with the client
a coach with an athelete
EMDR stands for
Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing
this type of therapy combines exposure with cognitive restructuring
to rid one of undesirable urges, c ravings and desires
aversive conditioning
aversive conditioning can be used with this type of issue
stimulus- response reinforcement
operant conditioning
Skinner used this type of conditioning
operant conditioning
this isn’t the same as punishment
negative reinforcement
hitting snooze on the alarm to get rid of the annoying sound is an example of
negative reinforcement
this type of reinforcement was used in brainwashing, cults, controlling ppl, timeouts for kids
negative reinforement
with-holding positive reinforcement, not giving any attention by ignoring the behavior
addition of something of value after one does the desired behavior
positive reinforcement
this is the most effective reinforcement
positive reinforcement
aversive stimulus is added after undesired behavior
this isn’t an effective reinforcement
this type of training is used for interpersonal probs
asserstion training
his model is multimodal, basic ID & technical eclectism
this includes, affect (emotions), cognitions, sensations,behavior, images,drugs exercise a little bit of everything
basic ID
clients become less sensitive to anxiety arousing situation
systematic desensitization
this type of therapy is considered exposure therapy
systematic desensitization
this type of conditioning refers to what happens prior to learning that creates a response through pairing
classical conditioning
Pavlov’s dog is an example of
classical conditioning
this type of training involves the individual’s ability to interact effectively with others in various social situations, to help clients develop/achieve skills in interpersonal competence
social skills training
insight in behavioral therapy
isn’t necessary
client’s role in behavior therapy needs to be
REBT stands for
rational emotive behavior therapy
this type of therapy stresses thinking, judging, deciding, analyzing and doing
this type of therapy believes that cognitions, emotions, and behaviors interact and have reciprocal cause and effect relationship
relationship between therapist/client with REBT
teacher and learner, integrative
emotional disturbance is caused by self defeating beliefs and blame
the therapist for REBT is
directive, disputes and questions, gives hw
types of irrational thoughts
self destruction, avoidance of thought, procrastination, repeated mistakes, superstitions, perfectionism, self blame
this type of frameworks helps to understand the client’s feelings, thoughts, events and behavior
ABC framework
What does ABCDEF stand for?
A- activating event B- belief C- emotional/behavioral consequence D- disputing intervention E- effect F- new feelings
2 main goals for REBT
- achieve unconditional self acceptance
- achieve unconditional other acceptance
What does a REBT therapist do?
cognitive restructuring in the client
this is a technique of cognitive therapy that teaches ppl how to improve themselves by replacing irrational beliefs with rational beliefs
cognitive restructuring
he developed REBT theory
Albert Ellis
he developed cognitive therapy
he developed cognitive behavior modification
phases of cog. behavior modification
1) self observation
2) start new thinking/behavior
3) learning new skills
negative view of self, future and life
when you make a conclusion w/o support, making stuff up
arbitrary inferences
when you make conclusion off of 1 detail,
ex: looking at a body part you don’t like, “I got a B, even though I normally get A’s”
selective abstraction
beliefs about something off of 1 event and applying it to everything
when you relate events to yourself, it’s not all about you
when you call yourself names based on something you did/didn’t do
ex: I’m stupid, I got a C
when your thinking is black and white
ex: he loves me or he doesn’t love me
dichotomous thinking
founder of reality therapy
collaborating with client to test the validity of their cognitions
collaborative empiricism
role of reality therapist
- mentor/optimum parent
- tough, no excuses
- can self disclose
- anything goes, humor, fun
- strong involvement (thoughts)
WDEP stands for
- wants
- direction/doing
- evaluation
- planning/actions
SAMIC stands for
- simple
- attainable
- measurable
- immediate
- committed to be continuous, controlled by planner
role of humor in reality therapy
5 genetically encoded needs in reality therapy
- survival
- love/belonging
- power/achievement
- freedom/independence
- fun
view of behavior in reality therapy
- purposeful
- best attempt to get what we want to satisfy needs
- acting,feeling, thinking, physiology
Who is the client in family therapy?
The family
Mapping of family history
Psychological separation in intellect and emotion
This model includes
- patterns across generations
- emotional fusion/cutoff
- differentiation of the self
Multigenerational family therapy
He asked open ended questions, was collaborative with clients
He was more like a teacher, didactice
role of reality therapist
to get ppl’s needs met responsibly
role of humor in reality therapy
why do problematic behaviors occur according to family therapists?
b/c families aren’t homeostatic
enmeshed means
no privacy
He was multigenerational
Murrie Bowen
he focused on perception and birth order
she focused on self esteem
he focused on intuition and was atheoretical
he focused on boundaries and subsystems
she focused on overcoming paradoxical directives and resistance
her theory was human validation
Virginia Satir
his theory was experiential
his theory was structural
Her theory was strategic
she focused on reframing
this has support and privacy between generations
clear boundary
no privacy
diffuse boundary
no support or belonging
rigid boundary
when you help set a plan for client to evaluate themselves
self modification
neutral stimulus and unconditioned stimulus are paired together
classical conditioning
stimulus response reinforcement
operant conditioning
this is used for classical conditioning and relaxation process
systematic desensitization
BASIC ID stands for
B -behavior A- affect S- sensation I- imagery C- cognition
I- interpersonal
D- drugs/biological
when you pair something gross with an unwanted behavior
aversive conditioning
adding a negative after unwanted behavior
adding positive for good behavior
positive reinforcement
taking away freedom after unwanted behavior
response cost
removing ALL positive reinforcements
fxns of REBT therapists
phioisophical structuring